August 24, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Kathy Ursprung, Chair
2. District Mission / Vision Statement
Mission Statement “Graduating all students to be college and career ready; challenging, inspiring, and empowering them to be healthy and productive citizens.” Vision Statement “North Wasco is a premier school district. We provide students a rigorous and relevant education with schools performing academically in the top 5% of the nation. Our students are inspired by a talented, innovative, and highly effective staff that values continuous professional growth. Our district graduates citizens who are ethical and motivated to achieve their limitless potential. North Wasco is fully embraced by the community, reflecting its health and well being.” |
3. Comments from the Audience about Non Agenda Items
Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations and programs but the board will not hear complaints concerning specific district personnel. The chair will direct the visitor to the appropriate means for board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals.
4. Consent Agenda
4.a. Out of State Travel Request - C Armstrong, R Anderson & N Nelson (AVID training)
4.b. Approve the School Board Meeting Minutes from July 6th, 2017
4.c. Personnel Report
5. Old Business Discussion / Action:
5.a. Update on District Facilities / Bond Process
6. New Business Discussion / Action:
6.a. Presentations / Reports:
6.a.1. Superintendent's Report
Candy Armstrong
6.a.2. Chief Financial Officer's Report
Randy Anderson
6.a.2.a. Financial Statements:
6.a.3. Board Attorney's Report
Jason Corey
7. Discussion / Action Items:
7.a. Action Item: Out of State Travel for N Nelson and J Nelson
Nick Nelson, Principal, The Dalles High School will be participating in the National High School Principal program in Washington, D.C. in September 2017 as part of the Oregon High School Principal award.
7.b. Action Item: 2nd Reading/Adoption of School Board Policies
7.b.1. Policy GBI - Gifts & Solicitations (No additional changes recommended)
As a result of school staff establishing internet-sourced crowdfunding to secure additional materials for their classrooms and students, school districts asked OSBA for policy and guidance in this area. The policy statement added to this policy and the addition of a new, optional administrative regulation (AR), are recommended by the OSBA policy department and the PACE pre-loss legal team.
7.b.2. Policy IKF - Graduation Requirements (No additional changes recommended)
The Oregon State Board of Education adopted changes to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-022-0617 - Essential Skills Assessment for English Language Learners. The change extends the removal of the English language proficient criterion for students pursuing graduation in 2017-2018; allowing a student to demonstrate proficiency in reading and writing Essential Skills in the student's language or origin, as long as the student meets the other criteria listed in OAR 581-022-0617.
7.b.3. Policy EBBB - Injury / Illness Reports (No additional changes recommended)
After a review with PACE Attorneys, education agencies are exempt from the requirements to provide this report to the Board, pursuant to their status as a 'low hazard industry' as defined by OSHA and SAIF. This policy is being updated to reflect that it is optional for injuries/illnesses to be reported to the Board.
7.c. Information Only:
7.c.1. Informational Only: KL/GBM-AR - Complaint Procedure
NWCSD Administrative Staff are recommending revised language for better clarification purposes.
7.c.2. Informational Only: IGBC-AR - Title IA/Parental and Family Involvement (required changes)
On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act. **Additionally, once the Oregon State Plan is approved by the US Dept of Education, there could be additional policy revisions.
7.c.3. Informational Only: KH-AR - Gifts or Donations to Schools
NWCSD Staff are recommending to revise this language for better clarification purposes.
7.c.4. Informational Only: Policy IGBI - Bilingual Education (minor revisions)
This policy has minor revisions and does not require board re-adoption. On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act.
7.c.5. Informational Only: Policy JFC - Student Conduct (minor revisions)
This policy has minor revisions and does not require board re-adoption. On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act.
7.c.6. Informational Only: Policy JHC - Student Health Services & Requirements (minor revisions)
This policy has minor revisions and does not require board re-adoption. On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act.
7.c.7. Informational Only: KAB - Parental Rights (minor revisions)
This policy has minor revisions and does not require board re-adoption. On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act.
7.c.8. Informational Only: KAB-AR - Parental Rights
On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act. **Additionally, once the Oregon State Plan is approved by the US Dept of Education, there could be additional policy revisions.
7.c.9. Informational Only: Policy LBE - Public Charter Schools (minor revisions)
This policy has minor revisions and does not require board re-adoption. On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act.
7.c.10. Informational Only: LBE-AR - Public Charter Schools
On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act. **Additionally, once the Oregon State Plan is approved by the US Dept of Education, there could be additional policy revisions.
7.c.11. Informational Only: GBI-AR - Internet-Sourced Crowdfunding Solicitation
Administrative staff revised language to reflect current district procedures.
7.c.12. Informational Only: KI/KJ - Commercial Activities (minor revision)
This policy has a minor revision to the numbering system due to adding a new policy (KI - Public Solicitation in Distrit Facilities) as required by the ESSA recent update. Revision is to remove KI from KI/KJ only (no other language changes have been made).
7.d. Handbooks for Board review: (no action required)
As per School Board Policy CHCA: All handbooks shall be available for review by the Board on an annual basis.
7.e. 1st Reading on School Board Policies (no action is required at this time)
7.e.1. Policy IGBC - Title IA / Parental and Family Involvement (required changes)
On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act. **Additionally, once the Oregon State Plan is approved by the US Dept of Education, there could be additional policy revisions.
7.e.2. Policy IGBAK - Special Education - Availability of State Application (required changes)
On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act. **Additionally, once the Oregon State Plan is approved by the US Dept of Education, there could be additional policy revisions.
7.e.3. Policy IGBAC - Special Education - Personnel (required changes)
On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act. **Additionally, once the Oregon State Plan is approved by the US Dept of Education, there could be additional policy revisions.
7.e.4. Policy JHFDA - Suspension of Driving Privileges (changes recommended)
NWCSD Admin Staff are recommending changes to reflect current district language.
7.e.5. Policy KL/GBM - Complaint Procedure (Recommended changes)
NWCSD Administrative Staff are requesting to revise policy language for better clarification purposes.
7.e.6. Policy JEA - Compulsory Attendance (required changes)
Pursuant to ORS 339.030, additional language has been added to policy JEA to identify another exemption from compulsory attendance for emancipated minors, or those minors who have made application to become emancipated. In addition, NWC Administrative Staff are recommending one revision to reflect current district language.
7.e.7. Policy EEA - Student Transportation Services (required changes)
On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act. **Additionally, once the Oregon State Plan is approved by the US Dept of Education, there could be additional policy revisions.
7.e.8. Policy IGBHE - Expanded Options Program (highly recommended changes)
On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act. **Additionally, once the Oregon State Plan is approved by the US Dept of Education, there could be additional policy revisions.
7.e.9. Policy KI - Public Solicitation in District Facilities (New Policy recommended)
On December 10th, 2015 the US Congress reauthorized the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1065 more commonly known now as the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). OSBA and the Oregon Dept of Education have reviewed and updated policies to reflect the new Act. **Additionally, once the Oregon State Plan is approved by the US Dept of Education, there could be additional policy revisions.
8. Adjourn the Regular School Board Meeting