June 27, 2017 at 5:00 PM - Regular School Board Session
Agenda |
1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance 5:00 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
2. Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(i) Employee Performance Evaluation 5:01 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
3. Approval of Agenda - BDDB/BDDC 6:30 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
4. Public Response / Staff Comments / Presentations 6:32 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
4.1. Recognition of Guests and Public Comment on Agenda Items Only
4.2. Employee's Representative
4.3. Food Service Report - CL (Anne Leavens)
4.4. Financial Report - DIC (Spencer Davenport)
4.5. Draft Letter to the State Superintendent & Board of Education - CBA (Samantha Steele)
5. Consent Agenda 6:50 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
5.1. Approval of Minutes for June 6, 2017 - BDDG/BDDK
5.2. Board Policy 2nd Reading/Adoption - BFG
5.3. Resignation Request - GCPB/GDPB
5.4. New Hires - GC/BBA
6. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda 6:55 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
7. New Business 6:55 pm
7.1. Proposed School Board Meeting Calendar - BD/BDA (Samantha Steele)
7.2. Appropriation Change Resolution (17-17) - DBK (Spencer Davenport)
7.3. Calendar Change - IC/ICA (Samantha Steele)
7.4. Superintendent's Evaluation & Contract Extension - CBG/CBC (Cindy Tilley Case)
7.5. SOBC/CPSD Collective Bargaining Agreement- BBA (Mike Meunier)
7.6. Emergency Declaration for Hanby Middle School - DJC
8. Unfinished Business
9. Announcements 7:30 pm
9.1. The next regular Board Session - Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 12:00 pm in the District Office Board Room
10. Adjournment 7:35 pm