October 18, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Session
Agenda |
1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance 6:30 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
2. Approval of Agenda - BDDB/BDDC 6:32 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
3. Public Response / Staff Comments / Presentations 6:35 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
3.1. Recognition Guests and Public Comment on Agenda Items Only
3.2. Employees' Representative
3.3. Out of State Travel - CL (Jenny Mitchell)
3.4. Site Showcase, Scenic Middle School - CL
3.5. Financial Report - DIC (Spencer Davenport)
3.6. Report Cards - CL (Todd Bennett)
4. Consent Agenda 7:15 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
4.1. Approval of Minutes for October 4, 2016 - BDDG/BDDK
4.2. Confidential Records Access - JO/IGBAB
4.3. Board Policy Updates 2nd Reading/Adoption - BFG
5. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
6. New Business 7:20 pm
6.1. Evaluation of ESD Services (Samantha Steele)
7. Unfinished Business
8. Announcements 7:25 pm
8.1. The next Regular Board Session - Tuesday, November 1st, 6:30 pm at Crater Renaissance Academy
8.2. 2016 Fall Regional Meeting - Monday, October 24th - 6:00 pm dinner; 6:30 pm meeting - Inn at the Commons
8.3. The annual Sams Valley Mini Marathon will be Monday, October 31 at 9:00 am
8.4. 2016 OSBA Annual Convention - November 10-13 in Portland
8.5. Crater fall athletic update
8.6. RA ecology and zoology classes will take a combined field trip to Brookings on December 9th. Led by Matthew Paradela and Caroline Burdick, students will explore the Redwoods and tidal pools.
8.7. Jason Lukaszewicz has signed on to serve another 3 year term on the Budget Committee
9. Adjournment 7:25 pm