May 26, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Session
Agenda |
1. Approval of Agenda - BDDB/BDDC (Bret Moore) 6:32 pm
2. Public Response / Staff Comments / Presentations (Bret Moore) 6:35 pm
2.1. Recognition of Guests and Public Comment on Agenda Items Only
2.2. Employees' Representative
2.3. Financial Report - DIC (Spencer Davenport)
3. Consent Agenda 6:50 pm (Bret Moore)
3.1. Approval of Minutes for May 12th, 2015 - BDDG/BDDK
3.2. New Hires - GC & BBA
3.3. Out of State Travel (for information) - IICA
3.4. Approval of budget meeting minutes for May 5, 2015 - BDDG
3.5. Approval of budget meeting minutes for May 11, 2015 - BDDG
3.6. Leave Request - GC & BBA
4. Items Removed from Consent Agenda 6:55 pm (Bret Moore)
5. New Business 7:00 pm
5.1. District Wide Fundraiser - KMC (Jacquie Jacquette)
5.2. Board Policy Updates - First Reading - BFG (Samantha Steele)
5.3. Exchange Student Program request - JECBA (Samantha Steele)
5.4. Board Meeting Date Change - BD/BDA (Samantha Steele)
5.5. Legal Assistance Resolution - CBA (Samantha Steele)
6. Unfinished Business
7. Announcements 7:30 pm
7.1. The next Regular Board Session - Tuesday, June 9th at 6:30 pm at District Office
7.2. OSBA Summer Board Conference - July 17-19, 2015 - Riverhouse Convention Center - Bend, OR
7.3. Crater Graduation - Wednesday June 3rd - 8:00 p.m. Dutch Meyer Stadium
7.4. Budget Hearing - Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 6:15 p.m. - District Office
8. Adjournment 7:35 pm