June 10, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Session
Agenda |
1. Approval of Agenda - BDDB/BDDC (Cindy Tilley Case) 6:32 pm
2. Public Response / Staff Comments / Reports (Cindy Tilley Case) 6:35 pm
2.1. Recognition Guests and Public Comment on Agenda Items Only
2.2. Employees' Representative
2.3. Student Representative (1st meeting of month during school year excluding September)
2.4. CAHPS math and Bioswale update (Julie Howland)
3. Consent Agenda 6:50 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
3.1. Approval of Minutes for May 27th, 2014 - BDDG/BDDK
3.2. Resignation Request - GCPB/GDPB
3.3. Food Service Inspection Report - EF
3.4. May Enrollment Report - CL
3.5. Quarterly Safety Committee Report - EBAC
3.6. New Hires - GC & BBA
4. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
5. New Business 7:00 pm
5.1. Interdistrict Transfers - JECB (Mike Meunier)
5.2. Board Policy & AR Revision - Update (Mike Meunier)
5.3. School Summary Results TELL Oregon 2014 - CL (Samantha Steele)
5.4. SOBC Contract Ratification - BBA (Samantha Steele)
6. Unfinished Business 7:30 pm
6.1. Boundary Change - JC (Samantha Steele)
6.2. Proposed 2014-2015 School Calendar - 2nd Reading/Adoption - IC/ICA (Samantha Steele)
7. Announcements 7:40 pm
7.1. The next Regular Board Session - Tuesday, June 24th at 6:30 pm in the District Office board room
7.1.1. 5:00 p.m. Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(i) employee performance evaluation
7.2. OSBA Summer Board Conference - July 18-20, 2014 - Riverhouse Convention Center - Bend, OR
8. Adjournment 7:45 pm