February 24, 2020 at 5:00 PM - Work Session
Agenda |
[ ] Michael Griffith, Director .............. Pos. #1 - 2021
[ ] Larry Deibel, Director .................... Pos. #2 - 2021 [ ] Samantha Bagby, Director ..................... Pos. #3 - 2023 [ ] Judy Breeden, Vice-Chair............. Pos. #4 - 2023 [ ] Scott Burke, Chairperson............... Pos. #5 - 2021 |
3.A. Review of Key Performance Indicators
3.A.1. How did we select these indicators?
3.A.1.a. We are focusing of Semester 1 data
3.A.1.a.1. Behavior
3.A.1.a.2. Academics
3.A.1.a.3. Attendance
3.A.1.b. K-5 Indicators
3.A.1.c. 6-8 Indicators
3.A.1.d. 9-12 Indicators
3.B. Student Investment Account (SIA)
3.B.1. Due March 15 to April 15
3.C. SIA Priorities and Budget
3.C.1. Community, Staff and Student Engagement
3.C.1.a. Sheridan City Council
b. Sheridan Rotary Club c. Sheridan Revitalization Committee d. Parent and Student Surveys e. Staff Surveys f. Community Surveys g. Leadership and ELL Classes |
3.C.2. Identified Priorities
3.C.2.a. 90 Parent/Community Responses
3.C.2.a.1. 16% Have Students on IEP Plans
2. 3.3 Have Students on 504 Plans 3. 2.2% Have Students that are Homeless 4. Challenges a. Lack of parent involvement b. Bullying c. Behavior 5. Suggestions a. Students Helping Students b. Communication c. After School Program d. Reset Room e. Parent Training Night f. Calendar of Events g. Middle School Orientation h. Consistent Teaching Styles & Expectations i. Counseling j. Student Manager (SHS) k. Resource Officer l. AP Courses |
3.C.2.b. 43 Staff Responses
3.C.2.b.1. Challenges
a. Apathy b. Recruitment and Retention c. Schedule Conflicts d. Behavior e. Student Trauma f. Phones g. Students of color feeling targeted by staff h. Poverty i. Drugs j. Smoking k. Not enough time l. Class Size m. Teacher Pay n. Culture and Negativity 2. Suggestions a. Work in content teams b. Hire additional staff c. Alt Ed. Environment (MS) d. Counselor (MS) e. Intervention Classes f. Competitive wages g. Graduation Coach h. Resource Officer i. Vertical alignment j. More collaboration time k. Summer school (not just credit recovery) l. PD with teachers from other districts |
3.C.2.c. 472 Student Responses
3.C.2.c.1. Challenges
a. Racism b. Bully c. Behavior d. Rude teachers e. Motivation f. Drugs g. Anxiety h. Mean Students 2. Suggestions a. Rewards Deserving Students b. Interventions c. Anti-Bully Squad d. Space of Upset students e. More extra-curricular activities f. More supports g. Communication about available supports h. harder/more coding classes i. Home Economics j. More Electives k. More Science Classes |
3.C.3. Budget
3.C.3.a. Cutting approximately $300,000 from the general fund
3.C.3.a.1. $650,000
a. Tier 3 Classroom 1.0 FTE Classified $55,000 b. K-5 Student Manager $55,000 c. 6-8 Student Manager $55,000 d. Mental Health $100,000 e. Kindergarten Transition Camp $5,000 f. 6th Grade Transition Camp $5,000 g. 2.0 Certified FTE for K-1 Class Size Reduction $160,000 h. 3.0 FTE Additional Education Assistants to support reading interventions and behavior support (2.0 FCS and 1.0 SHS) $150,000 i. Contract with PD providers to guide our Equity team and provide professional development $5,000 j. Preschool support to supplement our Preschool Promise Program to allow more students to attend preschool $60,000 k. 1.0 FTE Additional Instructional support to support reading intervention and behavior support (1.0 FCS) $50,000 (If funds are available) |
3.C.4. Targets
3.C.4.a. State
a. Regular Attenders b. 3rd Grade ELA Proficient c. 9th Grade on Track to Graduate d. 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate e. 5-Year Cohort Completer Rate |
3.C.4.b. Local
a. 8th Grade STAR Mathematics b. Referral Counts by School c. Use of Tier 3 Classroom d. Number of Students Working with Yamhill County Mental Health e. English Letter Recognition on Kindergarten Assessment |