November 19, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Session
Agenda |
We would like to welcome you to the Regular Session of the North Santiam School District’s Board of Directors. This is an open meeting of the Board and the public is allowed to be present to observe. On tonight’s agenda is a place for public participation. Anyone in attendance, that isn’t on the agenda and wishes to address the Board during this meeting must fill out a public participation card that is available at the door and give it to the Board Secretary, Mary Richards.
Any changes to the board packet after posting will be noted below:
Additional Attachments- Financials for October 2015 Licensed Report November 2015 |
I move the Board approve the agenda as presented (or modified). By: Second: Vote: |
The Board welcomes public comments on topics and concerns that affect the education of students. When stating an opinion before the Board, a statement of facts on which the opinion is based is particularly helpful. The Board is also interested in your comments for viable solutions and ways of involving others who would be affected by the offered solutions. Due to confidentiality and liability issues the Board cannot hear complaints against staff in an open session. A copy of the policy and procedures on how to file a complaint are available at the back of the room, at any school office, from the board secretary, or from the North Santiam School District web site. If there is anyone in attendance at this time, who has filled out a public participation card and wishes to address the Board, please step forward and state your name and address.
6.1. ASB Report: Rachel Krieger
7.1. Superintendent's Report: Andy Gardner, Superintendent
Andy will give the Board an oral report on the District.
7.2. Financial Report: Submitted by Jane Nofziger
The October financial report has been submitted by Jane Nofziger for the Board's review. Jane will not be attending the meeting this month, but Andy will be available to answer any questions.
7.3. City Council Liaisons: Laura Wipper
This item is on the agenda to allow representatives of area city councils in the District an opportunity to share information on upcoming city projects, grants, or community events that the school district or board members might participate in, or need information about.
Sublimity City Council, Jim Kingsbury- Stayton City Council, Jennifer Niegel- Lyons City Council, Steve Baldwin/Mike Wagner- |
7.4. Community Engagement Report: Tass Morrison
Tass will update the Board on the activities of the Community Engagement Committee.
8.1. Approval of Minutes: Mary Richards
Mary has prepared the minutes from the board meeting last month, which are attached in the board packet for the Board's review and approval. All past "approved" minutes have been posted to the BoardBook website.
October 15, 2015-Regular Session Minutes
8.2. Licensed Report: Teri Butler
The licensed report is attached for the Board's review.
• Resignations-Jeff Davis, Behavior Specialist at SHS
8.3. Policy Adoptions/Revisions: Mary Richards
JFC-Student Conduct and Discipline, JGD-Suspension, JGE-Expulsion, JG-Student Discipline
Senate Bill (SB) 553, passed in the 2015 Legislative session, added an age restriction and other conditions to when a district can impose an out-of-school suspension on a student, and further added that a district must “...take steps to prevent the recurrence of the behavior that led to the out-of-school suspension...”. A second piece of legislation, SB 556 (2015), added that truancy may not be used as a reason to impose expulsion on a student. Further, House Bill 2597 (2015) added that the notices required for noncompulsory attendance to the “parent, guardian or other person in a parental relationship,” must include a notice that the parent may request an evaluation of their student’s current individualized education program (IEP), or an evaluation to determine if their student needs an IEP. JFG-Student Searches The OSBA recommended policy revisions address the need to have reasonable suspicion or risk of immediate or serious harm before searches will be made and gives notice that students should have no expectation of privacy regarding lockers or other storage areas provided by the school or assigned to a particular student. |
8.4. Action on Consent Agenda:
I move the Board approve and accept items listed in the Consent Agenda including: item 8.1- the approval of the minutes from the October 15, 2015 Regular Session; item 8.2- the resignation of Jeff Davis; and item 8.3- the approval of policy revisions to JFC-Student Conduct and Discipline, JFG-Student Searches, JG-Student Discipline, JGE-Expulsion, and JGD-Suspension. By: Second: Vote: |
9.1. OSBA Elections: Laura Wipper
The Board needs to officially send in their vote to OSBA for the Legislative Policy Committee and the OSBA Board. Chris Brantley is the only candidate running for Position 12 on the Legislative Policy Committee and Kaye Jones is the only candidate running for Position 12 on the OSBA Board. Their nomination forms, questions, and resume are attached.
MOTION-VOTE FOR OSBA LEGISLATIVE POLICY COMMITTEE AND OSBA BOARD I move the Board cast their vote for Chris Brantley to fill Position 12 on the Legislative Policy Committee and Kaye Jones to fill Position 12 on the OSBA Board of Directors. By: Second: Vote: |
9.2. Policy-Review of Revisions: Mary Richards
The following are OSBA recommended revisions with one policy and AR with forms recommended by David Bolin.
GCDA/GDDA-Fingerprinting House Bill (HB) 2412 (2015) included a change that repealed Oregon Revised Statute 342.232, which means, a school district may not start the employment of a potential employee or contractor prior to receipt and disposition of the criminal records check and/or fingerprinting. The district may begin the service of a volunteer pending the return and disposition of a criminal records check. It also repealed ORS 342.227 which allowed Teacher Standards and Practices Commission to issue a temporary license or certificate to a teacher, etc. pending the return of a records check. JHCDA-Prescription Medications (Adoption) OSBA pretty much revamped this entire policy, so it is presented to you as a new adoption. A review of the Oregon Health Authority’s revised training protocol now suggests the additional training is “strongly encouraged.” The new House Bill (HB) 3149 (2015) allows a registered nurse who is employed by a public or private school to accept an order from a physician licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy in another state or territory of the U.S., if the order is related to the care or treatment of a student who has been enrolled at the school for not more than 90 days. New language also addresses prescription medication for before and after school programs held on district property as well as transportation to school and school sponsored events. KL-Public Complaints There have been some questions from the field that prompted OSBA to issue some further updates and clarifying changes in our related sample policies and administrative regulation for Public Complaints. Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-022-1941 says “...the district must establish a process for the prompt resolution of a complaint...” A complaint process must be established and be available in writing to a complainant, but is not required to be in policy. Therefore, OSBA designates the administrative regulation (KL-AR) as optional. The District currently has a form as part of their AR for this policy. When the district establishes a multiple step complaint process, it must include time periods and a designated person to receive the complaint for each step of the complaint process, and must include when a final decision will be reached. JECB-AR-Transfer Forms Clarifications on the new transfer laws have created the need to update the transfer forms once again. School Districts can no longer ask where a “resident” student plans to attend when their transfer has been approved or what their resident address is. The form also states the transfer can only be revoked due to poor attendance or behavior. Unless a student’s transfer is revoked, they do not have to request a transfer out of the District again, so that is also stated. A separate form must be filled out for students requesting to enroll in the District who are non-resident students. Their transfers may be reviewed yearly with continuation based on attendance and behavior history. Their transfer cannot be revoked based on class size once they have been approved. IKE-Grade Level Placement (Retention and Acceleration)-Recommended by David Bolin There have been some requests for retentions and accelerations of grade placement in the past and it is expected in the future. The District currently does not have policy or administrative rules to address these issues. David Bolin pulled policy, administrative rules and forms available from Jefferson, Albany, and Eugene in order to come up with an appropriate policy, administrative rules and forms for North Santiam School District. Other Information-Notification House Bill 2546 (2015): Legalizing Marijuana Measure 91 affects Oregon’s marijuana law and goes into effect on July 1, 2015. Since school districts, public charter schools, ESDs and community colleges receive federal funds they are required to adhere to federal law. Marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I controlled substance in federal law. Students, staff and all others are still prohibited from possessing, distributing or using marijuana, even for medicinal purposes, on any property designated as part of a district, school, ESD or community college, or at any of its activities. There are no anticipated changes to OSBA sample policy as a result of Measure 91. As a result of HB 2546, OSBA did add the definition of “inhalant delivery system,” which includes cannabinoid delivery systems, to policies GBK/JFCG/KGC (which the District has reviewed).
9.3. LRMFP Review: Facilities Director, Mike Miller
Mike Miller will review the LRFMP update as part of his presentation.
10.1. Upcoming Board Events & Activities:
Community wide events, high school athletics, and district-wide information can be found on the following websites: (new) December 3, 2015 at 8:00 am Community Engagement Committee Meeting December 17, 2015 at 7:00 pm (DO) Regular Session of the Board December 18, 2015 at 7:00 pm (between varsity games) Re-Dedication of the SHS Gymnasium as Don Carey Court |
10.2. Future Agenda Items:
A list of possible future agenda items is attached as part of the board packet. Board members may request that additional items be posted to this list.
10.3. Student Enrollment:
Student count as of November 13, 2015 is 2308. This is down slightly from October.
10.4. Field Trip Report:
Attached is a list of the field trips planned for the months of October/November as of November 13th.
11.1. OSBA Annual Conference:
Several members of the board attended the OSBA Annual Conference. These members will have a chance to share some of what they gained by attending.
11.2. SHS Boys Soccer: