November 7, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. District Communications
3.A. Arts & Technology High School - Ashlyn Porter
3.B. West Linn High School - Tristan Waits
3.C. Wilsonville High School - Emily McKillip
4. Recognition and Awards
4.A. Reimagined Preschool in West Linn-Wilsonville - Dr. David Pryor, Assistant Superintendent
5. Reports
5.A. Board and Superintendent Reports
5.A.1. Board Member Reports
5.A.2. Assistant Superintendent Report - Dr. Aaron Downs
5.A.3. Superintendent Report - Dr. Kathy Ludwig
6. Consent Agenda - BOARD ACTION
6.A. Personnel Report - Kathe Monroe, H.R. Director
6.B. Board Meeting Minutes - Kelly Douglas, Board Secretary
6.C. WLEA One-Year Contract Extension
7. Communications and Comments from Audience
8. Board Business
8.A. General Administration
8.A.1. New Business
8.A.1.a. OSBA Business
8.A.1.a.1. OSBA Board of Director Elections - BOARD ACTION
8.A.1.a.2. OSBA Legislative Priorities and Policies Resolution - BOARD ACTION
8.A.1.b. Communicating Student Progress Committee Update- Dr. Barb Soisson
8.B. Business Office
8.B.1. Financial Report - Doug Middlestetter, Business Manager
8.B.2. Budget Committee Candidate Nomination and Selection - BOARD ACTION
8.C. Operations - Mr. Tim Woodley
8.C.1. Long Range Planning Committee Candidate Nomination and Selection - BOARD ACTION
8.C.2. Bond Oversight Committee 3rd Quarter Report - Mike Jones
9. Board Meeting and Important Dates
9.A. 11-10/13 OSBA 70th Annual Convention/Portland
9.B. 11-21 @ 5:00 p.m. Board Work Session
9.C. 12-5 @ 6:00 p.m. Regular Board Session
9.D. 1-9 @ 5:00 p.m. Board Work Session
9.E. 1-23 @ 6:00 p.m. Regular Board Session
10. Adjourn