June 29, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Recognition and Awards (none at this time)
4. District Communications (Student reports will resume in the Fall)
5. Reports
5.A. Highlights (none at this time)
5.B. Board and Superintendent Reports
6. Consent Agenda - Board Action
The consent agenda is intended to expedite routine decisions. Any Board member may remove an item from the consent agenda for further discussion. The Board chairman will replace the removed item to an appropriate place on the agenda, generally immediately after the Board action on the consent agenda.
6.A. Minutes Approval: Regular Board Mtg 6/8/09, Special Board Mtg 6/15/09
6.B. Personnel Report
7. Communications and Comments from Audience (relating to items on the agenda)
8. Board Business
8.A. Budget Hearing (open and close)
8.B. Business and Finance
8.B.1. Financial Report
8.B.2. Resolution 2009-16 - Adopting 2009-2010 Budget
8.B.3. Resolution 2009-17 - Authorizing Transfer of Funds
8.B.4. Resolution 2009-18 - Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes
8.C. General Administration
8.C.1. Three Rivers Charter School Contract Renewal
8.C.2. Superintendent Contract
8.D. Operations
8.D.1. Bond Update
8.D.2. Resolution 2009-19 - Parking Lot Improvements at Stafford PS
8.E. Curriculum and Instruction (no report at this time)
8.F. Human Resources (no report at this time)
8.G. Special Education (no report at this time)
8.H. Information Technology (no report at this time)
9. Board Policy
10. Open Comment Period
11. Recognition of Board Members - Tom Bruggere & David Goode
12. Swearing in of New Board Members
12.A. Election of Board Officers
12.B. 2009-2010 Board Meeting Calendar
13. Board Meeting Dates
13.A. July 7, 2009 - Board Meeting Conference Call - 12:00 p.m.
13.B. August 10, 2009 - Regular/Board Retreat
13.C. September 8, 2009 - Regular
14. Adjourn