February 24, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Executive Session - 6:00pm
Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(d) labor
2. Call to Order - Business Meeting - 6:30pm to 9:00pm
3. Land Acknowledgement
Truth and acknowledgment are critical to building mutual respect and connection across differences. Please take a moment to consider the many legacies of violence, displacement, migration, and settlement that bring us together here today. The Parkrose Board of Education begins this effort by acknowledging that we are gathering on the ancestral and unceded lands of the Chinook, Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Cowlitz, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla and many other tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River in the Portland area. We pay respect to their elders past and present. We acknowledge them as the past, current and future caretakers of this land.
4. Approve Agenda
Student Representatives are welcome to make or second a motion, though they are not voting members of the Board.
5. Public Comment Procedure
If you wish to submit a public comment on-line before, or during this Board Meeting, please follow link to the electronic public comment form before "Reading of Public Comments" on the agenda: https://forms.gle/5sUjRZjxJikqmqVg9
For in-person public comment, please fill out an Intent-to-Speak card located on the table by the door and hand it to the Board Administrative Assistant. |
6. Recognitions
6.A. Classified Appreciation March 3rd-7th, 2025
The Parkrose School Board proudly recognizes Classified Appreciation Week from March 3rd to 7th, 2025, celebrating the invaluable contributions of our classified staff. These dedicated professionals play a vital role in keeping our schools running smoothly, supporting students, teachers, and families in countless ways. From ensuring safe transportation and nutritious meals to maintaining our facilities and providing essential administrative and academic support, their hard work and commitment are the backbone of our district. We extend our deepest gratitude for their dedication and the positive impact they make every day in the Parkrose community.
6.B. Women's History Month
The Parkrose School Board proudly recognizes March as Women’s History Month, a time to honor the achievements, resilience, and contributions of women throughout history and in our own community. From education to leadership, science to the arts, women have shaped our world in countless ways. We celebrate the women who inspire us—past, present, and future—and remain committed to fostering equity, inclusion, and opportunities for all.
7. Presentations
5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A
7.B. Mt. Hood Community College Bond
President Skari and Board Members: Annette Mattson and Andrew Speer
8. PFA Monthly Report
Zachary Melzer
5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A
9. OSEA Monthly Report
Gary Collins
5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A
10. In-person Public Comment
3 minute per person limit
11. Consent Agenda
Student Representatives are welcome to make or second a motion, though they are not voting members of the Board.
Consent agenda items are items of routine business that are voted on in a block. Board members may state brief clarifying questions or comments after a motion is seconded. For lengthy deliberation of an item, Board Members or Student Representatives may motion for an amended consent agenda removing an item from the list and consider it as a separate motion later under action items.
5 minutes
12. Department Reports (30 minutes total)
12.A. Teaching & Learning
12.A.1. Student Investment Account Annual Report
Andre Goodlow
12.A.2. Student Services
Antoinette Harrison
Presentation LINK
13. Board of Education
30 minutes
13.A. Student Representative Monthly ASB Report
13.B. OSBA Legislative Policy Committee
Brenda Rivas
13.C. Parkrose Educational Foundation Committee Liaison Report
Brenda Rivas
13.D. Legislative Updates
![]() Pictured above: PHS students in Salem February 20th.
13.E. Reminder - Multnomah County May 2025 Special Election
13.F. New Public Meeting Training requirement
Oregon law requires public meeting training for members of governing bodies overseeing budgets of at least $1 million. OSBA now offers that training, approved by the Oregon Government Ethics Commission and specifically tailored for school board members, administrators and administrative professionals. OSBA’s free webinar meets state requirements for the training once per term in office.
14. Superintendent
30 minutes
14.A. MESD Local Service Plan Menu
This is a menu the board must take action on every year. The School District Administrative team will make the final selections for Parkrose. See attachment under action items.
14.B. Annual InterDistrict Transfer Announcement (policy JECB)
See details under action items
14.C. Midpoint Data
15. Reading of Public Comments
16. Action Items
Student Representatives are welcome to make or second a motion, though they are not voting members of the Board.
16.A. Approve or Reject 2025-2026 MESD Local Service
16.B. Approve or Reject 2024-2025 InterDistrict Transfer Announcement
No limit for incoming students. Requests to transfer out of Parkrose are limited to 20 spots, Juniors & Seniors only that want to finish at the Oregon high school they are currently attending, we will not allow transfers for any of their younger siblings. We also do not allow transfers based on another district's unique programming.
17. Future Agenda Items
Future agenda item recommendations require discussion and board consensus. In proposing a new agenda item, please explain how the item 1) advances board goals; 2) impacts staff capacity or cost; and 3) is a priority based on our equity lens.
18. Correspondence or Announcements
18.A. Upcoming Board Meetings
Meetings begin at 6:30pm in the Parkrose School District Office Boardroom unless otherwise indicated.
Board Business Meeting, Monday, March 10, 2025 (no work session in March due to Spring break) Board Working Session, Monday, April 14, 2025 |
18.B. Upcoming Budget Committee Meetings
Meetings begin at 6:30pm in the Parkrose School District Office Boardroom
Training, Wednesday, April 16, 2025 1st Organizational Meeting, Wednesday, April 23, 2025 2nd Budget Meeting, Wednesday, May 7, 2025 3rd Budget Meeting (if needed), Wednesday, May 21st, 2025 Budget Hearing & Adoption, Monday, June 23, 2025 (committee attendance is not required) |
18.C. Upcoming Events
Parkrose Educational Foundation 20th Annual Dinner & Auction ~ Night at the Museum ~ April 26th ~ $75 per person or $145 per couple ~ Buy tickets at: www.ParkroseEdFdn.org ~ For more information or to donate an auction item, Email predfdn@gmail.com. |
19. Adjournment