May 24, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Budget Committee Meeting #2
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Budget Committee Meeting #2 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Budget Chair Karen Sheley
Nine Budget Committee voting members: Danielle Walker, Jamie Dunphy, Abigail Steichen, Karen Sheley, Peter Anyanwu, Elizabeth Durant, Brenda Rivas, Eva-Jeanette Rawlins & Sonja McKenzie (board position #1 vacant)
Script: I will now call to order the Parkrose Budget Committee Meeting #2 at ________pm |
2. Land Acknowledgement
Budget Chair Karen Sheley (ask someone to read the Land Acknowledgement)
Truth and acknowledgment are critical to building mutual respect and connection across differences. Please take a moment to consider the many legacies of violence, displacement, migration, and settlement that bring us together here today. The Parkrose Board of Education begins this effort by acknowledging that we are gathering on the ancestral and unceded lands of the Chinook, Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Cowlitz, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla and many other tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River in the Portland area. We pay respect to their elders past and present. We acknowledge them as the past, current and future caretakers of this land.
3. Approve Agenda
Budget Chair Karen Sheley
Script: Do I hear a motion to approve the Agenda as written? (Pause)
A first to approve from________________ Is there a second? (Pause) Seconded by ________________ Do I hear any discussion? (Pause) Hearing no further (or no) discussion, all those in favor please signify by saying "I" (Pause for "I’s") #____ All those opposed say "Nay" (Pause for "Nays") #____ Any "abstentions" ? #____ The motion to approve the Agenda as written (state "passes" or "fails") by a vote of ___ to ____. (votes are recorded #I’s to #Nay’s, votes will be 9 to 0 unless there are any "nays" or abstentions) |
4. Public Comment Procedure
Budget Chair Karen Sheley (reads the following)
Virtual - If you wish to submit a public comment before, or during this Board Meeting, please fill out this electronic public comment form before "Public Comments" on the agenda:
In-person - Please fill out an Intent-to-Speak card and hand it to the Board Secretary prior to "Public Comments" on the agenda. |
5. In-person Public Comment
Budget Chair Karen Sheley
Script: Budget Committee Members, please note public comment is a time for us to hear from the public. In most cases, the Superintendent will respond to the comments during the meeting or if it requires a little time to research, he will follow up at our next budget meeting or via email. Audience members, public comments are limited to 3 minutes and may offer objective criticism of school operations and programs, but the Committee will not hear complaints concerning specific school personnel. For complaints against specific personnel, please follow the complaint policy KL found on the district webpage. Budget Secretary, do we have any requests for in-person public comment? (If yes, call the individual to the table & ask the Vice Chair to keep time... after the 3 minutes, pause for the Superintendent or any clarifying questions from the Committee... after that thank them for their comments. ((This is not a time for Committee Members to dialog with the public)) |
6. Budget Committee Questions & Answers
Budget Officer Sharie Lewis & Superintendent Lopes Serrao
(If either of them stop for questions, we recommend you call on members in a rotation around the table so everyone gets a chance to comment or ask one question - repeat around the table until there are no more questions/comments - and/or depending on time and your observation of the group, just ask if anyone has a question.. once everyone is given the chance to ask a question ask for any followup questions... making sure to also call on those who haven't been heard from in a while)
7. Budget Committee Discussion
Budget Chair Karen Sheley
Script: At this time we will open up for committee member & student school board member discussion. (Repeat your method for questions/comments.)
8. OSEA President Comments
Richard Doyle
Script: OSEA President Doyle, do you have 5 minutes worth of comments to share with us tonight? Vice Chair, please keep time for us.
5 minutes
9. PFA President Comments
Zachary Melzer
Script: PFA President Melzer, do you have 5 minutes worth of comments to share with us tonight? Vice Chair, please keep time for us.
5 minutes
10. Summary of Meeting
Budget Chair Karen Sheley
Script: Moving on to a summary of the meeting. (Briefly summarize this evening’s presentation/discussions, or ask/designate another committee member to do so)
11. Reading of Public Comments
Budget Chair Karen Sheley
Script: Moving on now to written Public Comment (all members should have been emailed a link to the google form responses) We will now read them into the public record, remembering to skip any mentions of Parkrose personnel. We will be sure to state the individuals name, their relationship to district and their comment for the public record.
12. Action Items
Budget Chair Karen Sheley
Thank you for those public comments. A few procedural notes: A majority of the constituted committee is required for passing an action item. Majority for a 10-member budget committee is 6. Therefore, if only 6 members are present, a unanimous vote of 6 is needed for passing any action items (policy DBEA). This Committee will need 6 "I" votes to pass an action item. (the vacancy of Board Member position 1 or any committee member absences will not change the 6 votes required to pass an item.) Additionally, please note: abstentions count as a nay vote. Committee members are welcome to refer to the District Equity Lens while considering your votes tonight. It was linked on the agenda and available in print on the front table. One last procedural note: Once we continue to action items, discussion is not allowed until a motion has been made and seconded. We may not have a discussion without a motion and a second, so speak up now if you have further questions/comments. (pause)
12.A. Accept or Reject Resolution Approving 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget in the aggregate amount of $70,874,187
Script: Do I hear a motion to Accept or Reject Resolution Approving 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget in the aggregate amount of $70,874,187? (Pause) A first to (state whether "accept" or "reject") from________________ Is there a second? Seconded by ________________ Do I hear any discussion? (Pause) Hearing no further (or no) discussion, all those in favor please signify by saying "I" (Pause for "I’s") #____ All those opposed say "Nay" (Pause for "Nays") #____ Any "abstentions" ? #____ The motion to (state whether "accept" or "reject") the Resolution Approving 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget in the aggregate amount of $70,874,187 (state "passes" or "fails") by a vote of ___ to ____. (votes are recorded #I’s to #Nay’s, votes will be 9 to 0 unless there are any "nays" or abstentions)
12.B. Accept or Reject Approving 2023-2024 Property Taxes, the levy taxes, at the rate of $4.8906 per $1,000 for the General Fund and $3,528,970 for 2019 Refunded Bond (replaced 2011A) & 2011B General Obligation Bond that includes both Principal and Interest
Script: Do I hear a motion to Accept or Reject Approving 2023-2024 Property Taxes, the levy taxes, at the rate of $4.8906 per $1,000 for the General Fund and $3,528,970 for 2019 Refunded Bond (replaced 2011A) & 2011B General Obligation Bond that includes both Principal and Interest? (Pause) A first to (state whether "accept" or "reject") from________________ Is there a second? Seconded by ________________ Do I hear any discussion? (Pause) Hearing no further (or no) discussion, all those in favor please signify by saying "I" (Pause for "I’s") #____ All those opposed say "Nay" (Pause for "Nays") #____ Any "abstentions" ? #____ The motion to (state whether "accept" or "reject") Approving 2023-2024 Property Taxes, the levy taxes, at the rate of $4.8906 per $1,000 for the General Fund and $3,528,970 for 2019 Refunded Bond (replaced 2011A) & 2011B General Obligation Bond that includes both Principal and Interest (state "passes" or "fails") by a vote of ___ to ____. (votes are recorded #I’s to #Nay’s, votes will be 9 to 0 unless there are any "nays" or abstentions)
13. Closing Announcements
Budget Chair Karen Sheley
Script: Does the Superintendent or the Budget Officer have any closing announcements?
14. Upcoming Budget Meetings
Budget Chair Karen Sheley
Script: (read aloud unless it's not relevant)
All Budget Meetings begin at 6:30pm in the Parkrose District Office boardroom. In-person attendance requested for Committee members*, virtual option available for the public: 5.31.23 Optional Third Meeting 6.26.23 Budget Hearing (Board adopts Committee approved budget) *we can make accommodations due to illness, please notify us asap |
15. Adjournment
Budget Chair Karen Sheley
Script: This meeting of the Parkrose Budget Committee is adjourned at _____________