January 25, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Executive Session - 6:15pm
Recess into Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(d) labor
2. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting - 6:30pm to 9:00pm
3. Land Acknowledgement
Truth and acknowledgment are critical to building mutual respect and connection across differences. Please take a moment to consider the many legacies of violence, displacement, migration, and settlement that bring us together here today. The Parkrose Board of Education begins this effort by acknowledging that we are gathering on the ancestral and unceded lands of the Chinook, Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Cowlitz, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla and many other tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River in the Portland area. We pay respect to their elders past and present. We acknowledge them as the past, current and future caretakers of this land.
4. Approve Agenda
5. Virtual Public Comment Procedure
If you wish to submit a public comment during this Board Meeting please fill out this electronic public comment form before "Reading of Public Comments" on the agenda: https://forms.gle/5sUjRZjxJikqmqVg9
6. Recognitions (20 minutes)
6.A. Black History Month - February
6.C. School Board Recognition Month - January
7. Presentations (5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
7.A. ASB Report
Camilla Napaa
7.B. School Presentation - Sacramento
Principal Megan Filiault
7.C. District Goals Report Update
Donell Morgan - Elevate Oregon
8. OSEA Monthly Report - Richard Doyle (5 minutes)
9. PFA Monthly Report - Zachary Melzer (5 minutes)
10. Consent Agenda (5 minutes)
Items of routine business that require action but not necessarily discussion and can be voted on in a block. If a board member wants to discuss an item, it can be pulled off the consent agenda and considered under its own motion.
10.A. Business/Finance
10.A.1. Monthly Financial Report
11. Board of Education (15 minutes)
11.A. Regional Board Equity Team
11.B. OSBA Board of Directors & Color Caucus Update - McKenzie
11.C. Parkrose Educational Foundation Committee Liaison Report
Sara Kirby
11.D. Legislative Update
Parkrose Advocacy Day, February 5, 2021
LINK to draft Talking Points from Stacy Michaelson LINK to draft Schedule |
12. District Business
12.A. Superintendent Reports (40 minutes)
12.A.1. Ready Schools Safe Learners Guidance Update
12.A.1.a. Vaccinations
12.A.1.b. Listening Session Summary
12.A.2. Committee Reports
Equity & Wellness
Next Wellness meeting Jan 26th
12.A.3. First Reading Board Policy
This is a First Reading of board policy, sample policies from OSBA. You had an Introduction of these policies at a Working Session. The additions are highlighted in grey, deletions are stricken through. Please review and email your questions or concerns to the Superintendent before the 2nd Reading of Policy/Adoption at the next Business Meeting.
12.B. Technology, Student Information & Assessment - Christine Blouke (5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
12.B.1. Attendance Data
12.C. Human Resources - Mary Bradbury Jones (5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
12.C.1. Grown Your Own Update
12.D. Business & Operations - Sharie Lewis (5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
12.D.1. Local Option Levy Update
13. Reading of Public Comments
If you wish to make a comment before the Board please fill out a comment card.
14. Action Items (5 minutes)
14.A. Accept/Reject Oregon School Employees Association Chapter 44 (OSEA) 2020-2023 Agreement
14.B. Accept/Reject Travel Reimbursement Rates (.560 Cents Per Vehicle Mile/$66 Per Diem) in accordance with Board Policy DLC "Expense Reimbursement"
14.C. Accept/Reject Appropriating Board Funds for Vice Chair Ashley Brassea to attend NSBA 2021 Virtual Conference April 8-10, 2021
15. Discussion/Future Agenda Items (8 minutes)
Please direct your Future Agenda Item suggestions to the Board for consideration
1-Operational(Superintendent) or Policy(BOE)? 2-Staff Capacity/Cost? 3-Advance our Goals? 4-Equity Lens? |
16. Correspondence/Announcements (2 minutes)
16.A. Correspondence
16.B. Upcoming Meetings
16.B.1. Board Working Session, Monday, February 8, 2021
16.B.2. Board Business Meeting, Monday, February 22, 2021
16.C. Upcoming Budget Meetings
April 28, 2021 6:30 PM - Budget Training Meeting
May 5, 2021 6:30 PM -First Organizational Budget Committee Meeting May 19, 2021 6:30 PM -Second Budget Committee Meeting June 2, 2021 6:30 PM -Optional Third Meeting |
16.D. Upcoming Events
No School Monday, February 15th in observance of Presidents' Day |
17. Adjournment