October 28, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Executive Session - 6:15pm
Recess into Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(i) Superintendent Evaluation
2. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting - 6:30pm to 9:00pm
3. Approve Agenda (2 minutes)
4. Pledge of Allegiance (2 minutes)
5. Resignation
5.A. Mary Lu Baetkey
6. Presentations
6.A. ASB Report (5 minutes)
6.B. EL Legislative Report (5 minute presentation, 5 minute Q&A)
6.C. Feature Presentation - PHS (5 minute presentation, 5 minute Q&A)
7. Board Applicant Interviews
8. Board Appointments
9. PFA Monthly Report - Zachary Melzer (5 minutes)
10. OSEA Monthly Report - Richard Doyle (5 minutes)
11. Non-Agenda or Consent Item Citizen Comments (3 minutes each)
If you wish to make a comment before the Board please fill out a comment card.
12. Consent Agenda (5 minutes)
Items of routine business that require action but not necessarily discussion and can be voted on in a block. If a board member wants to discuss an item, it can be pulled off the consent agenda and considered under its own motion.
12.A. Personnel
12.A.1. New Hires
12.A.1.a. Christine Correa 1.0 Temporary 1st Grade Teacher, Prescott
12.A.1.b. Pamela Lyons 1.0 Temporary Kindergarten Grade Teacher, Prescott
12.A.1.c. Tara Straubinger 1.0 Temporary 4/5 Grade Blend Teacher, Shaver
12.A.1.d. Stephen Tokarski 1.0 Temporary 7/8 Grade Science Teacher, Middle School
12.A.2. Resignations
12.A.2.a. Sam Peters, 1st Grade Teacher, Prescott
12.B. Board Minutes
12.C. Business/Finance
12.C.1. Monthly Financial Report
12.D. Second Reading Board Policy
This is the Second and Final Reading of Policy on Consent. Upon Board Approval these will become Official District Policy.
12.D.1. AC - Nondiscrimination
12.D.1.a. AC-AR
12.D.2. EFAA-AR - Reimbursable Meals and Milk Programs
12.D.3. GBDA - Expression of Milk or Breast-feed in the Workplace
12.D.4. GCDA/GDDA - Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting
12.D.4.a. GCDA/GDDA-AR
12.D.5. IGAI - Human Sexuality, AIDS/HIV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Health Education
12.D.6. IGBBA - Talented and Gifted Students - Identification
12.D.6.a. IGBBA-AR
12.D.7. IGBBC - Talented and Gifted - Programs and Services
12.D.7.a. IGBBC-AR
12.D.8. IICC - Volunteers
12.D.9. IKF - Graduation Requirements
12.D.10. JECB - Admission of Nonresident Students
12.D.11. JED - Student Absences and Excuses
12.D.12. JFCF - Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Menacing, Cyberbullying, Teen Dating Violence, or Domestic Violence - Student
12.D.13. JFCJ - Weapons in the Schools
12.D.14. JGAB - Use of Restraint or Seclusion
12.D.14.a. JGAB-AR
12.D.15. JHFDA - Suspension of Student's Driving Privileges - DELETE
12.D.16. JHFDA-AR(1) & (2) Request for Suspended Driving Privileges & Notice of Withdrawal - DELETE
12.D.17. KL - Public Complaints
12.D.17.a. KL-AR (1)
12.D.17.b. KL-AR(2)
13. Board of Education (15 minutes)
13.A. Finalized Superintendent Evaluation
13.B. Regional Board Equity Team - Kirby & McKenzie
13.C. Oregon School Board Members of Color Caucus Update - McKenzie
13.D. Parkrose Educational Foundation Committee Liaison Report
13.E. Legislative Update
13.F. OSBA Fall Regional Dinner Meeting Recap
13.G. Board Member Visit with Auditors Recap
14. District Business
14.A. Superintendent Reports (10 minutes)
14.A.1. Committee Reports
Community Solutions & Equity
14.A.2. Update - Parkrose Legislative Tour Date
14.A.3. Campaign Consultants
14.B. Technology, Student Information & Assessment - Christine Blouke (5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
14.B.1. School/District Report Card
15. Agenda Item Citizen Comments (3 minutes each)
If you wish to make a comment before the Board please fill out a comment card.
16. Action Items (5 minutes)
17. Discussion/Future Agenda Items (8 minutes)
Please direct your Future Agenda Item suggestions to the Board for consideration
1-Operational(Superintendent) or Policy(BOE)? 2-Staff Capacity/Cost? 3-Advance our Goals? 4-Equity Lens? |
18. Correspondence/Announcements (2 minutes)
18.A. Correspondence
18.A.1. Letter from the District Attorney's Office
18.B. Upcoming Meetings
18.B.1. Special Session - Board Retreat, Monday, November 4, 2019 PSD Boardroom, 6:30-10:30pm
18.B.2. Board Working Session, Tuesday, November 12, 2019 PSD Boardroom, 6:30pm
18.B.3. Board Business Meeting, Monday, November 25, 2019 PSD Boardroom, 6:30pm
19. Adjournment