October 22, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Executive Session - 6:15 p.m.
Recess into Executive Session under 192.660(2)(a) personnel
2. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting - 6:30pm to 9:00pm
3. Approve Agenda (5 minutes)
4. Pledge of Allegiance (5 minutes)
5. ASB Report (5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
6. Presentations/Recognitions
6.A. Presentations
6.A.1. Seismic Readiness - Dan Hess (5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
6.A.2. Parkrose Middle School Attendance Report (10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
6.A.3. Rossi Farms, MEChA & AYS Community Collaboration (10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
6.A.4. Rossi Development Presentation - Barry Manning (10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
7. OSEA Monthly Report - Richard Doyle (5 minutes)
8. PFA Monthly Report - Brett Davidson (5 minutes)
9. Consent Agenda (5 minutes)
Items of routine business that require action but not necessarily discussion and can be voted on in a block. If a board member wants to discuss an item, it can be pulled off the consent agenda and considered under its own motion.
9.A. Personnel
9.A.1. New Hires
9.A.1.a. Karen O'Neil 1.0 FTE Temporary Special Education Teacher, MS & HS
9.A.2. Retirements
9.A.2.a. Mike Tolon 1.0 FTE Music Specialist, Russell
9.A.3. Leave Request
9.A.3.a. Sarah Conklin
9.B. Free/Reduced Facility Requests
9.B.1. Jazz Express Big Band practices @ PHS
9.B.2. IRCO Chess 4 Success @ PMS
9.C. Extended Travel
9.C.1. Request for Julie Sams and Amber Johnson to attend Instructional Coaching for Positive Behavior Conference, November 14-16, 2018 in Sacramento California
9.D. Business/Finance
9.D.1. Monthly Financial Report
9.E. Second Reading Board Policy
This is the Second and Final Reading of Policy on Consent. Upon Board Approval these will become Official District Policy.
9.E.1. ECACB - Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) a.k.a. Drone
9.E.2. IGAC - Religion and Schools
9.E.2.a. IGAC-AR - Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs
9.E.3. IGAC - Teaching About Religion ~ DELETE
9.E.4. IGACA - Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs ~ DELETE
9.E.5. IGACA-AR Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs ~ DELETE
10. Non-Agenda Item Citizen Comments (3 minutes each)
If you wish to make a comment before the Board please fill out a comment card.
11. Board of Education (20 minutes)
11.A. Committee Liaison Reports
Equity & School Improvement, Educational Foundation, Wellness & Community Solutions
11.B. Legislative Update
11.C. Oregon School Board Members of Color Caucus Update
11.D. Legislative Tour Date
12. District Business
12.A. Superintendent Reports
12.B. Teaching & Learning - Lisa Collins (5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
12.B.1. Why Try Training Overview
12.C. Technology, Student Information & Assessment - Christine Blouke (5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
12.C.1. iReady Diagnostic
12.D. Student Services - Michelle Markle (5 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)
12.D.1. COSA Special Education Conference Review
13. Agenda Item Citizen Comments (3 minutes each)
If you wish to make a comment before the Board please fill out a comment card.
14. Action Items (5 minutes)
15. Discussion/Future Agenda Items (8 minutes)
1-Operational(Superintendent) or Policy(BOE)? 2-Staff Capacity/Cost? 3-Advance our Goals? 4-Equity Lens?
16. Correspondence/Announcements (2 minutes)
16.A. Upcoming Meetings
16.A.1. Board Working Session, Tuesday, November 13, 2018 PSD Boardroom, 6:30pm
bumped to a Tuesday due to Holiday
16.A.2. Board Business Meeting, Monday, November 26, 2018 PSD Boardroom, 6:30pm
16.B. Upcoming Events
16.B.1. Veteran's Day Observed, No School, November 12, 2018
16.B.2. Thanksgiving Break, No School, November 22nd-23rd, 2018
17. Adjournment