August 22, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Executive Session - 6:20 p.m.
Recess into Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(a) personnel
2. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Presentations/Recognitions
4.A. Presentations
4.A.1. China America Exchange Program - Lon & Adele Dailey (10 minutes)
4.A.2. Secondary Communication Plan - Principal Ouche & Sweeney (10 minutes)
5. Consent Agenda (5 minutes)
5.A. Personnel
5.A.1. New Hires
5.A.1.a. Zach Blott, 1.0 FTE Probationary, Math Teacher, Middle School
5.A.1.b. Sarah Burgess, 1.0 FTE Probationary, Spanish Teacher, High School
5.A.1.c. Elden Burns, .50 FTE Temporary, Math Teacher, High School
5.A.1.d. Christopher Cohen, 1.0 FTE Temporary, 3rd Grade Teacher, Sacramento
5.A.1.e. Paul Garritson, 1.0 FTE Probationary, 3rd Grade Teacher, Prescott
5.A.1.f. Rebecca Hedges, 1.0 FTE Probationary, 2nd Grade Teacher, Shaver
5.A.1.g. Michelle Kutter, 1.0 FTE Probationary, Math Teacher, High School
5.A.1.h. Kristian Larson, 1.0 FTE Probationary, 5th Grade Teacher, Prescott
5.A.1.i. Adrian Mashia, 1.0 FTE Probationary, 4/5th Grade Teacher, Shaver
5.A.1.j. Cassandra Mastne, .50 FTE Probationary, ELL Teacher, Shaver
5.A.1.k. Courtney Mutschler, 1.0 FTE Probationary, 1st Grade Teacher, Shaver
5.A.1.l. Tabitha Pearson, .50 FTE Probationary, Special Education Teacher, Shaver
5.A.1.m. Brenna Perkins, 1.0 FTE Probationary, Special Education Teacher, High School
5.A.1.n. Kim Radocy, 1.0 FTE Probationary, Title I Teacher, Prescott
5.A.1.o. Christa Read, 1.0 FTE Probationary Counselor, Shaver
5.A.1.p. Alana Salcido, 1.0 FTE Probationary, 2nd Grade Teacher, Russell
5.A.1.q. Elizabeth "Liddy" Schmidt, 1.0 FTE Probationary, 2nd Grade Teacher, Russell
5.A.1.r. Bradley Shaffer-Ortiz, 1.0 FTE Probationary, Kindergarten Teacher, Prescott
5.A.1.s. Mackenzie Spencer, 1.0 FTE Probationary, Special Education Teacher, Middle School
5.A.1.t. Patti Wyman, 1.0 FTE Probationary, Title I Teacher, Shaver
5.A.2. Resignations
5.A.2.a. Jeremy Mullings, 1.0 FTE, 6th Grade Math Teacher, Middle School
5.A.2.b. Karmin Williams, 1.0 FTE, PACE Teacher, High School
5.A.3. Leave Requests
5.A.3.a. Maria Fuhrmann
5.B. Free/Reduced Facility Requests
5.B.1. Request for Parkrose Youth Football practices & games @ Parkrose High School
Zero fees, feeder program for the H.S., no building access, they must clean up after themselves
5.C. Extended Travel
5.C.1. Request for Tami Christenson to attend Association of School Business Officials Meeting/Expo, September 22-26, 2016 in Phoenix, Arizona
$1,500 scholarship awarded at OASBO rest paid with using General Fund
5.C.2. Request for Christine Blouke to attend Edupoint National Users Conference, November 2-4, 2016 in Anaheim, California
Using Title IIA Funds
5.D. Board Minutes
5.E. Business/Finance
5.E.1. Disposal of Surplus Property
5.E.2. Financial Report
6. Non-Agenda Item Citizen Comments (3 minutes each)
If you wish to make a comment before the Board please fill out a comment card.
7. District Business
7.A. Superintendent Reports (30 minutes)
7.A.1. First Reading Board Policy
This is a First Reading of board policy, sample policies from OSBA. You had an Introduction of these policies at the Board Retreat. The additions are highlighted in grey, deletions are stricken through. Please review and email your questions or concerns to the Superintendent before the 2nd Reading of Policy/Adoption at the next Business Meeting.
7.A.1.a. Summary of Changes
7.A.1.b. EFAA-AR - Reimbursable School Meals and Milk Programs
7.A.1.c. GBM - Staff Complaints
7.A.1.d. GBMA - Whistleblower
7.A.1.e. GCDA/GDDA - Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting
7.A.1.e.1. GCDA/GDDA-AR - Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting
7.A.1.f. IGBBA - Identification - Talented and Gifted Students
7.A.1.f.1. IGBBA - AR - Appeal Procedure for TAG
7.A.1.g. IGDF - Student Fund-Raising Activities
7.A.1.g.1. IGDF-AR - Student Fund-Raising Activity Request and Verification
7.A.1.h. IKF - Graduation Requirements
7.A.1.i. JED - Student Absences and Excuses
7.A.1.j. JFC - Student Conduct
7.A.1.k. JG - Student Discipline
7.A.1.l. JHCDA - Prescription Medication
7.A.1.l.1. JHCD/JHCDA-AR - Prescription/Nonprescription Medication
7.A.2. Board & Superintendent Retreat
7.A.2.a. Appreciative Inquiry Update
7.A.2.b. Board & Superintendent Goals (Draft presented at September Business Meeting)
7.A.2.c. First Reading Board and Superintendent Working Agreement 2016-2017
7.A.3. Education Equity
7.A.4. Opening Day
7.B. School Improvement - Assistant Superintendent Michael Lopes (10 minutes)
7.B.1. AVID Summer Institute Travel Report
7.B.2. Administrator In-service Week Report
7.C. Technology, Student Information & Assessment - Christine Blouke (5 minutes)
7.C.1. Technology 2016-2017 Kick Off Plans
7.D. Human Resources - Mary King (5 minutes)
7.D.1. Staffing Report
7.E. Student Services - Kathy Keim-Robinson (10 minutes)
7.E.1. Annual Oregon English Language Learner Report
7.E.2. Summer Programs Update
7.F. Business & Operations - Sharie Lewis (10 minutes)
7.F.1. Oregon Association of School Business Officials (OASBO) Conference Travel Report
7.F.2. Prescott Playground Update
7.F.3. Summer Projects Update (including testing)
8. OSEA Monthly Report - Richard Doyle (5 minutes)
9. PFA Monthly Report - Angie King (5 minutes)
10. Agenda Item Citizen Comments (3 minutes each)
If you wish to make a comment before the Board please fill out a comment card.
11. Action Items (15 minutes)
11.A. Initiatives Endorsement Decision
11.B. Accept/Reject Resolution to Approve Russell Boiler Change Order #2 Summer 2016
11.C. Designate Board Member(s) Liaison to the District Appreciative Inquiry Steering Committee
11.D. Designate Board Member Liaison to the District Certified Bargaining Committee
11.E. Designate Board Member Liaison to the District Classified Bargaining Committee
11.F. Designate Board Member Liaison to District Communication Committee 2016-2017
11.G. Designate Board Member Liaison to District Equity Committee 2016-2017
11.H. Designate Board Member Liaison to District School Improvement Committee 2016-2017
11.I. Designate Board Member Liaison to District Wellness Committee 2016-2017
11.J. Designate Board Member Liaison to Parkrose Educational Foundation 2016-2017
11.K. Designate Board Member Legislative Assignments
11.L. Designate Board Member Assignments for the first week of school
September 6th, 7th & 12th
11.M. Accept/Reject Resolution to Approve Contract with EMS SubDesk
12. Board of Education (15 minutes)
12.A. OSBA Fall Regional Dinner Meeting
Monday, October 3rd, 2016, Embassy Suites Portland Airport
12.B. District Committee Liaison Reports
12.B.1. Appreciative Inquiry
12.B.2. Bargaining
12.B.3. Communications Committee
12.B.4. Equity Team
12.B.5. Parkrose Educational Foundation Liaison
12.B.6. School Improvement
12.B.7. Wellness
12.C. Legislative Update
12.C.1. Superintendent Report
13. Discussion/Future Agenda Items (8 minutes)
14. Correspondence/Announcements (2 minutes)
14.A. Upcoming Meetings
14.A.1. Board Working Session, Monday, September 12, 2016 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
14.A.2. Board Business Meeting, Monday, September 26, 2016 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
14.B. Upcoming Events
14.B.1. New Teacher Orientation, Friday, August 26, 2016 & Monday, August 29, 2016, Parkrose Middle School
14.B.2. Parkrose Staff Bus Tour, Friday, August 26, 2016, approximately 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m., locations to be assigned.
*School Board Members are invited to welcome new staff at schools
14.B.3. Opening Day, Tuesday, August 30, 2016, Parkrose Middle School Commons, 7:30 a.m.- 10:30 a.m.*
*School Board Members are invited to attend
14.B.4. Staff Benefits Fair, Tuesday, August 30, 2016, Parkrose Middle School GYM, 2:00-5:00 p.m.*
*Different time this year to accommodate Restorative Justice trainings and relocated to the Middle School Gym
14.B.5. Board Member Bus Tour, Thursday, September 1, 2016, 3-5pm
14.B.6. First Day of School for 1st-5th, 6th & 9th Grades, Tuesday, September 6, 2016
14.B.7. School for Grades 1st-12th, Wednesday, September 7, 2016
14.B.8. Middle School Back-To-School Night, Thursday, September 8, 2016, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
14.B.9. First Day for Kindergarten, Monday, September 12, 2016
14.B.10. High School Back-To-School Night, Monday, September 19, 2016, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
14.B.11. Elementary School Back-To-School Night, Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Prescott & Russell 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Sacramento & Shaver 6:00-7:30 p.m. |
15. Adjournment