May 23, 2016 at 5:30 PM - Retiree Recognition & Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Retiree Social & Recognition with the School Board - 5:30 p.m.
2. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. ASB Report - Parris Le (5 minutes)
4.A. Introduction of Next Years ASB Officers
ASB President: Kylie Storm, ASB Vice-President: Olivia Emmons, Senior Class President: Hannah McKee, Junior (co) Class Presidents: Kayly Le and Kylie Sepich
5. Presentations/Recognitions (5 minutes)
5.A. Recognitions
5.A.1. Parris Le
5.A.2. Londa & Vern Sundin, Ruby & Paul Falbo and Mary Lu Baetkey
5.A.3. Principal Annette Sweeney
6. Consent Agenda (5 minutes)
6.A. Personnel
6.A.1. New Hires
6.A.1.a. Grace Cappleman, 1.0 FTE, Probationary 4/5th Grade Teacher, Shaver
6.A.1.b. Kate Franken, .50 FTE, Probationary Special Education Teacher, Sacramento
6.A.1.c. Lonnie Gillilan, 1.0 FTE, Probationary 4th Grade Teacher, Prescott
6.A.1.d. Bridgette Macke, .50 FTE, Probationary ESOL Teacher, Russell
6.A.1.e. Sheng Saechao, 1.0 FTE, Probationary 5th Grade Teacher, Russell
6.A.1.f. Sara Schneider, 1.0 FTE, Probationary 5th Grade Teacher, Sacramento
6.A.2. Resignations
6.A.2.a. Scotti Erickson, 1.0 FTE, Accountant, District
6.A.2.b. Chandra Padilla, 1.0 FTE, Social Studies Teacher, High School
6.A.2.c. Greg Nakashima, 1.0 FTE, 2nd Grade Teacher, Shaver
6.B. Extended Travel
6.B.1. Request for Sharie Lewis to attend and present at ASBO International Expo, September 22-26, 2016 in Phoenix, Arizona
Using Administrative Professional Development Funds. Sharie will present on new ESSA Federal Law.
6.C. Board Minutes
6.D. Business/Finance
6.D.1. Financial Report
6.E. Second Reading Board Policy
This is the Second and Final Reading of Policy on Consent. Upon Board Approval these will become Official District Policy.
6.E.1. IL - Assessment Program
7. Non-Agenda Item Citizen Comments (3 minutes each)
If you wish to make a comment before the Board please fill out a comment card.
8. District Business
8.A. Superintendent Reports (20 minutes)
8.A.1. First Reading Board Policy
This is a First Reading of a board policy revision. The additions
are highlighted in grey, deletions are stricken through. Please review and email
your questions or concerns to the Superintendent before the 2nd Reading of Policy/Adoption at the next Business Meeting.
8.A.1.a. AA - Racial Equity Policy: A Roadmap for Closing the Gap
8.A.2. Equity Team Update
8.A.3. Wellness Policy Review
8.A.4. Daycare Resources
8.A.5. Board Retreat
Suggested date Saturday, August 20, 2016
8.B. School Improvement - Michael Lopes (10 minutes)
8.B.1. Report on K-12 Math
8.B.2. AVID Summer Institute Plans
8.B.3. Title I, II & X Desk Audit Results
8.C. Technology, Student Information & Assessment - Christine Blouke (10 minutes)
8.C.1. New Website Demo
8.D. Human Resources - Mary King (5 minutes)
8.D.1. Staffing Update
8.E. Student Services - Kathy Keim-Robinson (15 minutes)
8.E.1. Summer Programs
8.E.2. Special Education Report Card
8.E.3. Attendance Plan K-12
8.E.4. Title III Desk Audit
8.F. Business & Operations - Sharie Lewis (10 minutes)
8.F.1. Student Body Fund Reports
8.F.2. Playground Protocol
9. PFA Monthly Report - Lisa Robison (5 minutes)
10. OSEA Monthly Report - Richard Doyle (5 minutes)
11. Agenda Item Citizen Comments (3 minutes each)
If you wish to make a comment before the Board please fill out a comment card.
12. Action Items (5 minutes)
12.A. Accept/Reject 2016-2019 Superintendent Contract Term
13. Board of Education (20 minutes)
13.A. Committee Reports
13.A.1. Parkrose Educational Foundation Liaison
13.A.2. School Improvement
13.A.3. Ad Hoc Communications Committee
13.B. Legislative Update
13.C. June 13 Board Forum on Initiatives
13.D. Graduation Speaker
13.D.1. Graduation Speech to Chair & Superintendent by June 3rd
13.E. Summer Board Conference Discussion
14. Discussion/Future Agenda Items (8 minutes)
15. Correspondence/Announcements (2 minutes)
15.A. Correspondence
15.A.1. Shaver & HB2680
15.B. Upcoming Meetings
15.B.1. Board Special Session, Board Forum, Monday, June 13, 2016 District Office Boardroom, 5:00 p.m.
15.B.2. Board Working Session/Gallery Walk, Monday, June 13, 2016 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
15.B.3. Board Regular Session & Budget Hearing, Monday, June 27, 2016 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
15.C. Upcoming Events
15.C.1. Senior Award Night, Monday, June 6, 2016, PHS Theater, 6:30 p.m.
15.C.2. ACE Academy Graduation, Monday, June 6, 2016, ACE Academy 4222 NE 158th Avenue, Portland, 6:30 p.m.
15.C.3. Baccalaureate, Monday, June 13, 2016, The Grotto 8840 NE Skidmore Street, Portland, 7:00 p.m.
15.C.4. AVID Graduation, Tuesday, June 14, 2016, St. Rita's 10029 NE Prescott Street Portland, 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. Potluck, 7:00 p.m. Ceremony
15.C.5. Parkrose High School Graduation, Thursday, June 16, 2016, PHS Auditorium, 7:00 p.m.
Board Members please arrive early (by 6:15pm)
16. Adjournment