November 30, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Executive Session - 5:30 p.m.
Recess into Executive Session under ORS
332.061(1) student expulsion and ORS
192.660(2)(a) personnel
2. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. ASB Report - Parris Le (5 minutes)
5. Presentations/Recognitions
5.A. Presentations
5.A.1. Transportation Purchase - Joe Mcliney (5 minutes)
5.A.2. Extended Travel Presentations
5.A.2.a. Association of School Business Officials Conference - Sharie Lewis (5 minutes)
5.A.2.b. RTI Conference - Bailey, Goodman & Maranto (15 minutes total)
5.A.3. MESD Accountability Report 2014-2015 (10 minutes)
6. Consent Agenda (5 minutes)
6.A. Personnel
6.A.1. New Hires
6.A.1.a. Larisa Harvey, 1.0 FTE, Temporary K/1 Teacher, Russell
6.A.1.b. Christopher Jackson, 1.0 FTE, Temporary Support Teacher, .5 MS & .5 HS
6.A.2. Leave Request
6.A.2.a. Doug King, 1.0 FTE, Teacher, Prescott
6.B. Free/Reduced Facility Requests
6.B.1. Maritime Commerce Club, charity event @ HS
Saturday event, only charging half facility fees, waiving custodial & equipment fees.
6.C. Extended Travel
6.C.1. Request for 3 Elementary school psychologists to attend National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, February 9-13, 2016 in New Orleans, Louisiana
Using IDEA Enhancement Grant Funds.
6.D. Board Minutes
6.E. Business/Finance
6.E.1. Disposal of Surplus Property
7. Non-Agenda Item Citizen Comments (3 minutes each)
If you wish to make a comment before the Board please fill out a comment card.
8. OSBA Election Discussion (5 minutes)
9. District Business
9.A. Superintendent Reports (15 minutes)
9.A.1. First Reading Board Policy
This is a First Reading of board policy, sample policies from OSBA.
You had an Introduction of these policies at a Working Session. The
are highlighted in grey, deletions are stricken through. Please review
and email
your questions or concerns to the Superintendent before the 2nd Reading
of Policy/Adoption at the next Business Meeting.
9.A.1.a. Nutrition & Wellness
9.A.1.a.1. EFA - Local Wellness Program
9.A.1.a.2. EFAA-AR - Reimbursable School Meals and Milk Programs
9.A.1.b. FMLA & OFLA
9.A.1.b.1. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(1) - Federal Family & Medical Leave/State Family Medical Leave
9.A.1.b.2. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(2) - Request for Family and Medical Leave
9.A.1.b.3. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(4) - FMLA/OFLA Eligibility Notice to Employee
9.A.1.c. Domestic Violence
9.A.1.c.1. JFCF - Hazing/ Harassment/ Intimidation/ Menacing/ Bullying/ Cyberbullying/ Teen Dating Violence/ Domestic Violence/ - Student
9.A.1.d. School & Student Safety
9.A.1.d.1. EBCB - Emergency Drills & Instruction
9.A.1.e. Complaints
9.A.1.e.1. KL - Public Complaints
9.A.2. Equity Team Update
9.A.3. State Mandated Work & Goals For Equity
9.A.4. OSBA Convention
9.A.5. Core Values & Goals Crosswalk
9.B. School Improvement - Michael Lopes & Technology - Christine Blouke (25 minutes)
9.B.1. AVID Framework For Equity
9.C. Human Resources - Mary King & Business & Operations - Sharie Lewis (5 minutes)
9.C.1. Overview on Sick Leave
9.D. Business & Operations - Sharie Lewis (10 minutes)
9.D.1. Financial Report
9.D.2. Legal Council
10. OSEA Monthly Report - Richard Doyle (5 minutes)
11. PFA Monthly Report - Lisa Robison (5 minutes)
12. Agenda Item Citizen Comments (3 minutes each)
If you wish to make a comment before the Board please fill out a comment card.
13. Action Items (8 minutes)
13.A. Accept/Reject Resolution Approving Installment Purchase Financing
13.B. Accept/Reject Resolution to create Fund 430 Capital Fleet Replacement and Approve and Appropriate QZAB proceeds for fiscal year 2015-2016
13.C. Oregon School Boards Association Board of Directors vote position 17
13.D. Oregon School Boards Association Legislative Policy Committee vote position 17
13.E. Oregon School Boards Association Board of Directors vote position 18
13.F. Oregon School Boards Association Legislative Policy Committee vote position 18
13.G. Oregon School Boards Association Board of Directors vote position 19
13.H. Oregon School Boards Association Legislative Policy Committee vote position 19
14. Board of Education (15 minutes)
14.A. Committee Reports
14.A.1. Parkrose Educational Foundation Liaison
14.A.2. School Improvement
14.A.3. Wellness Committee
14.A.4. Finance Advisory Committee
14.A.5. Ad Hoc Communications Committee
14.B. Legislative Update
14.C. OSBA Convention
15. Discussion/Future Agenda Items (8 minutes)
15.A. Budget Planning Special Session
Proposed: Half Day Session, Saturday, January 16th 9am-1pm at the District Office
16. Correspondence/Announcements (2 minutes)
16.A. Correspondence
16.A.1. Letter Submitted to City of Portland regarding freight increase on Sandy Boulevard
16.B. Upcoming Meetings
16.B.1. Board Business Meeting, Monday, December 14, 2015 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.*
*only one meeting in December due to winter break
16.B.2. Board Working Session, Monday, January 11, 2016 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
16.B.3. Special Session, OSBA Strategic Planning\Appreciative Inquiry Training, Monday, February 29, 2016 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
16.C. Upcoming Events
16.C.1. Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, Salam Noor, Ph.D. visits Parkrose Middle School, December 8, 2015, 10:30am*
*This is a reschedule of the November visit.
16.C.2. 9-12th Grade Schools CLOSED for Winter Break December 21, 2015-January 1, 2016, returning January 4th
16.C.3. K-8th Grade Schools CLOSED for Winter Break December 21, 2015-January 4, 2016, returning January 5th
17. Adjournment