October 27, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Executive Session - 6:00 p.m.
Recess into Executive Session under ORS
192.660(2)(d) labor and ORS
192.660(2)(e) property
2. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. ASB Report - Tina Vuong (5 minutes)
5. Presentations/Recognitions
5.A. Presentations
5.A.1. Northwest Evaluation Association & University of Portland Parkrose Partnership Report (20 minutes)
5.A.2. Representative Jessica Vega Pederson (5 minutes)
6. Consent Agenda (5 minutes)
6.A. Personnel
6.A.1. New Hires
Penelope Wynns, 1.0 FTE, Probationary Special Education Teacher, High School
6.A.2. Resignations
6.A.2.a. Tiffany Hedger, 1.0 FTE, Spanish Teacher, High School
6.A.2.b. Kristen Pilgrim, 1.0 FTE, Kindergarten Teacher, Shaver
6.B. Free/Reduced Facility Requests
6.B.1. Application for Maritime Commerce Club Annual Charity Event @ Parkrose High School
6.B.2. Application for City of Portland Fix-it-Fair @ Parkrose High School
6.C. Extended Travel
6.C.1. Request for Mary Larson to attend Association of School Business Officials Leadership Conference, February 19-21, 2015 in San Diego, California
6.D. Board Minutes
6.E. Business/Finance
6.E.1. Disposal of Surplus Property
7. District Business
7.A. Superintendent Reports (30 minutes)
7.A.1. Equity Team Update
7.A.1.a. Equity Tool Summary
7.A.1.b. Next Steps
7.A.2. Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) Off-The-Record Report
7.A.3. Parkrose District Data Comparison
7.A.4. East County Factoids
7.A.5. Middle School Grand Opening Review
7.A.5.a. Video by Josh Gray
7.B. School Improvement - Michael Lopes (10 minutes)
7.B.1. Professional Development Update
7.C. Human Resources - Mary King (5 minutes)
7.C.1. Project on Community Recruiting as an Equity Strategy
7.D. Student Services - Kathy Keim-Robinson (10 minutes)
7.D.1. After School Programming Report
7.E. Business & Operations - Mary Larson (10 minutes)
7.E.1. Announce Budget Committee Vacancies (Required by policy DBEA)
7.E.2. Proposed Budget Calendar for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 (Required by policy DBC)
7.E.3. Bond Project Update
7.E.3.a. Priority Projects
7.E.4. Financial Report
7.E.4.a. Student Body Audit Report
8. PFA Monthly Report - Beau Iwersen (5 minutes)
9. OSEA Monthly Report - Richard Doyle (5 minutes)
10. Citizen Comments (3 minutes each)
If you wish to make a comment before the Board, please fill out a comment card and give it to the secretary.
11. Action Items (5 minutes)
11.A. Accept/Reject Intergovernmental Agreement - Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement for Emergency Assistance
11.B. Accept/Reject Budget Committee Vacancies
11.C. Accept/Reject Proposed Budget Calendar for Fiscal Year 2015-2016
12. Board of Education (10 minutes)
12.A. Committee Reports
12.A.1. Bond Oversight Committee
12.A.2. Parkrose Educational Foundation
12.A.3. School Improvement
12.A.4. Wellness Committee
12.A.5. Communication Committee
13. Discussion Items (8 minutes)
14. Correspondence/Announcements/Requests (2 minutes)
14.A. Correspondence
14.A.1. Letter from Dale & Kathie Siepp
14.A.2. Letter from Senator Ron Wyden
14.A.3. Letter from Senator Jeff Merkley
14.B. Upcoming Meetings
14.B.1. Board Working Session, Monday, November 10, 2014 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
14.B.2. Board Business Meeting, Monday, November 24, 2014 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
14.C. Upcoming Bond Meetings
14.C.1. Bond Executive Team meets monthly.
14.C.2. Bond Oversight Committee Meeting, Monday, November 3, 2014 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
14.D. Upcoming Events
14.D.1. Superintendent Gray Receives Spirit of Portland Award, November 6, 2014, Legacy Emanuel Hospital, 6:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
14.D.2. AVID Open House, November 13, 2014, Sacramento Elementary, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
14.D.3. OSBA 68th Annual Convention, November 13-16th, 2014, Downtown Portland Marriott
14.D.4. AVID Open House, November 20, 2014, Parkrose Middle School, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
(must RSVP to the M.S. by October 30th)
14.D.5. Date to be determined: Project on Community Recruiting as an Equity Strategy
15. Adjournment