May 27, 2014 at 5:30 PM - Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Retiree Social & Recognition with the School Board - 5:30 p.m.
2. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. ASB Report - Tina Vuong
5. Presentations/Recognitions
5.A. Presentations
5.A.1. Equity Team Presentation
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Personnel
6.A.1. New Hires
6.A.1.a. Robin Schwindt, 1.0 FTE, Probationary Math Teachers, Parkrose Middle School
6.A.1.b. Mary Hagood, 1.0 FTE, Probationary 2nd Grade Teacher, Shaver
6.A.1.c. Meredith Curtiss, .50 FTE, Probationary Primary Teacher, Russell
6.A.1.d. Chris McMurray, 1.0 FTE, Student Achievement Specialist, Parkrose School District
6.A.1.e. Jolin Milberg, 1.0 FTE, K/1 Probationary Teacher, Russell
6.A.1.f. Jody Folkedahl, 1.0 FTE, Probationary Special Education Teacher, Prescott & Shaver
6.A.1.g. Jacquelyn Anderson, 1.0 FTE, Temporary Language Arts Teacher, High School
6.A.1.h. Jennifer Newton, 1.0 FTE, Probationary Language Arts Teacher, High School
6.A.2. Retirements
6.A.2.a. Donna Newcomb, 1.0 FTE, 2/3 Grade Teacher, Russell
6.A.3. Resignations
6.A.3.a. Zahari Soto-Dairy, 1.0 FTE, ELL Teacher, Shaver
6.A.3.b. Damon Jansen, 1.0 FTE, Math Teacher, Parkrose High School
6.A.3.c. Kelli Brill, 1.0 FTE, 3rd Grade Teacher, Shaver
6.B. Extended Travel
6.B.1. Extended Travel Request for Karen Gray to attend AVID Summer Institute in San Diego,
California, August 3-6, 2014
6.B.2. Extended Travel Request for Heather Bailey, Chris McMurray and one other person TBD to attend the
Dynamic Measurement Group for DIBELS training in Las Vegas, July 7th-10th, 2014
6.C. Free/Reduced Facility Requests
6.C.1. Free/Reduced Facility Application for Jazz Express Big Band rehearsal space @ Parkrose High School
6.C.2. Free/Reduced Facility Application for Water Polo rummage sale @ Parkrose High School
6.D. Board Minutes
6.E. Business/Finance
6.E.1. Disposal of Surplus Property
6.F. Second Reading of Board Policies
6.F.1. JECB_Admission of Nonresident Students
7. District Business
7.A. Superintendent Reports
7.A.1. Equity/Data Team
7.A.2. First Reading Policy
7.A.2.a. AA_Racial Equity Policy: A Roadmap for Closing the Gap
7.A.2.b. EFA-AR - Parkrose District Wellness Policy
7.A.3. College Possible
7.A.4. Data Summit Date
7.A.5. Interdistrict Transfers
7.B. Student Services - Kathy Keim-Robinson
7.B.1. Summer Programs
7.B.2. PBIS Data
7.C. Business & Operations - Mary Larson
7.C.1. Bond Project Update
7.C.2. Financial Report
7.C.2.a. Student Body Funds
8. PFA Monthly Report - Jennifer Handsaker
9. OSEA Monthly Report - Richard Doyle
10. Citizen Comments
If you wish to make a comment before the Board, please fill out a comment card and give it to the secretary.
11. Action Items
11.A. Accept/Reject Raising the total number of Interdistrict Transfers coming into Parkrose School District to 100
12. Board of Education
12.A. Committee Reports
12.A.1. Bond Oversight Committee
12.A.2. Parkrose Educational Foundation
12.A.3. School Improvement
12.A.4. Wellness Committee
12.A.5. Communication Committee
12.B. Superintendent Evaluation - Ed Grassel
13. Discussion Items
14. Correspondence/Announcements/Requests
14.A. Upcoming Meetings
14.A.1. Board Work Session, Tuesday, June 17, 2014 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
Please note this meeting replaces the June 2nd meeting that had to be rescheduled
14.A.2. Board Regular Session & Budget Hearing, Monday, June 23, 2014 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
14.B. Upcoming Bond Meetings
14.B.1. Bond Oversight Committee Meeting, Monday, June 2, 2014 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
14.B.2. Bond Executive Team meets every other Friday afternoon at 1:00 p.m.
14.C. Upcoming Events
14.C.1. LEAP Graduation, Wednesday, May 28, 2014, MHCC Maywood Park Campus, 5:00 p.m.
14.C.2. AVID Graduation, Wednesday, May 28, 2014, St. Rita's
potluck starts at 6:00 p.m., ceremony begins 7:30 p.m.
14.C.3. P.A.C.E. Graduation Ceremony, Thursday, May 29, 2014, High School Library, 12:30 p.m.
14.C.4. Parkrose High School Graduation, Thursday, May 29, 2014, High School Gym, 6:30 p.m.
14.C.5. Public Tour of the New Parkrose Middle School Construction Project, Saturday, May 31, 2014, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
This will be the last public tour of the project until the big opening in September.
Tour participants must arrive by the 9:00am start time wearing
close toe shoes and long pants for site safety (boots are recommended).
RSVP at 503-408-2135 or email
14.C.6. ACE Academy Graduation, Monday, June 2, 2014, 6:30 p.m.
14.C.7. Last day for Parkrose students K-11th grade, Tuesday, June 3, 2014
15. Adjournment