February 25, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m to 9:00 p.m.
2. Presentations/Recognitions
2.A. Presentations
2.A.1. Northwest Regional Education Service District to present on Oregon Virtual Education (ORVED) - Assistant Superintendent Paul Peterson and Dr. Marie Ballance
2.B. Recognitions
2.B.1. Classified Employee Appreciation Week (March 4th-8th)
3. Consent Agenda
3.A. Personnel
3.A.1. New Hires
3.A.1.a. Tamara
Anderson, .50 FTE, Temporary Special Education Teacher, Parkrose Middle School
3.A.1.b. Jolene Willson, .50 FTE, Temporary Health/PE Teacher, Parkrose Middle School
3.A.2. Retirements
3.A.2.a. Hoi Tran, 1.0 FTE, Math Teacher, Parkrose High School
3.B. Extended Travel
3.B.1. Travel Request for Alaina Langdahl to attend AP Literature workshops, June 8th-16th, 2013, in Louisville, Kentucky
3.B.2. Travel Request for Lesley Ann Bossert and PHS Choir students to attend their Annual Singing Tour, May 24th-27th, 2013 in Oahu, Hawaii
3.C. Business/Finance
3.C.1. Disposal of Surplus Property
3.D. Second Reading of Board Policies
3.D.1. CCG-Licensed Evaluation - Administrators
4. District Business
4.A. Superintendent Reports
4.A.1. First Reading
4.A.1.a. GCL-Staff Development - Licensed
4.A.1.b. GCL/GDL Staff Development
4.A.1.c. EFAA-AR - Reimbursable School Meals and Milk Programs
4.A.2. COSA Information
4.A.3. Education Service District (ESD) Task Force Report
4.A.4. Centennial Celebration Committee
4.A.5. Book Study Debrief
4.B. School Improvement - Michelle Markle (30 minutes)
4.B.1. Oregon Association of Central Office Administrators (OACOA) Report
4.B.2. School Improvement Updates
4.B.2.a. Review of School Appraisal Team Reports
4.B.3. Story Time
4.C. Student Services - Kathy Keim-Robinson (10 minutes)
4.C.1. Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) Update
4.D. Business & Operations - Mary Larson (10 minutes)
4.D.1. Bond Project Update
4.D.2. Financial Report
5. PFA Monthly Report - Jennifer Handsaker
6. OSEA Monthly Report - Richard Doyle
7. Citizen Comments
If you wish to make a comment before the Board, please fill out a comment card and give it to the secretary.
8. Discussion Items
8.A. Breakfast in the Classroom Evaluation Process
9. Action Items
9.A. Accept/Reject Resolution to Adopt Multnomah Education Service District Programs and and Services Proposals for 2013-2014
9.B. Accept/Reject Jal Ministries Free/Reduced Facility Use Application for continued weekly use of cafeteria for church services at Parkrose Middle School
9.C. Accept/Reject Parkrose Dance Team Free/Reduced Facility Use Application Amendment for Custodial fees for the 14th Annual Competition and Fundraiser at Parkrose High School
9.D. Accept/Reject Holly Hills HOA Free/Reduced Facility Use Application for their annual meeting at Parkrose High School
9.E. Accept/Reject Parkrose Farmers Market Free/Reduced Facility Use Application for the 6th Annual Parkrose Farmers Market at Parkrose High School
9.F. Accept/Reject Parkrose Middle School Dance Team Free/Reduced Facility Use Application for PMS Dance Clinic and Workshop at Parkrose Middle School
9.G. Accept/Reject Open Enrollment Announcement 2013-2014
Superintendent Gray recommends opening to David Douglas School District for transfers under House Bill 3681
9.H. Accept/Reject Resolution to Approve Emerick Construction for Russell Summer 2013 Multipurpose Room Project
9.I. Accept/Reject Resolution to Approve Emerick Construction for Shaver Summer 2013 Multipurpose Room Project
9.J. Accept/Reject Educational Equity Policy
9.K. Accept/Reject Breakfast in the Classroom Evaluation Process
10. Board of Education
10.A. Committee Reports
10.A.1. Bond Oversight Committee & Wellness Committee - Alesia Reese
10.A.2. School Improvement - Ed Grassel
10.A.3. Parkrose Education Foundation- James Woods
11. Correspondence/Announcements/Requests
11.A. Upcoming Meetings
11.A.1. Special Budget Board Work Session, Monday, March 4, 2013, District Office Boardroom, 5:30 p.m.
11.A.2. Special Book Study Board Work Session, Monday, March 11, 2013, District Office Boardroom, 5:00 p.m.
11.A.3. Board Regular Session, Monday, March 11, 2013 District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
11.A.4. Board Work Session, Monday, April 8, 2013, District Office Boardroom, 5:00 p.m.
11.B. Upcoming Bond Meetings
11.B.1. Bond Oversight Committee Meeting, Monday March 4, 2013 District Office Boardroom, 7:00p.m.
11.B.2. Bond Executive Team meets every Friday afternoon
12. Adjournment