June 27, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Executive Session - 5:30 p.m.
1.A. Recess into Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(a) employment, ORS 192.660(2)(d) negotiations and ORS 192.660(2)(h) legal counsel.
2. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m.
3. Swear In Newly Elected Board Members
3.A. Adair Fernee, Position #2, Term Ending June 30, 2015
3.B. Guy Crawford, Position #3, Term Ending June 30, 2015
4. Presentations/Recognitions
4.A. Presentations
4.A.1. Metro Presentation - Councilor Shirley Craddick
5. PFA Monthly Report - Jerry Landreth
6. Board of Education
6.A. Board Reports
6.A.1. Graduation Report - Ed Grassel
6.A.2. Individual Board Member Reports
6.B. Committee Reports
6.B.1. School Improvement - Ed Grassel
6.B.2. Bond Coordinating Committee - Alesia Reese
6.B.3. Legislative Activity Update - James Woods
6.B.4. Negotiations - Guy Crawford
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Personnel
7.A.1. New Hires
7.A.1.a. Sujata Soni Wipper: Psychologist, .5 FTE, District
7.A.1.b. Monique Sommerhiser: Speech Pathologist, .8 FTE, District
7.A.1.c. Kerryn Henderson, High School Science, 1.0 FTE
7.A.2. Resignations
7.A.2.a. Jakob Curtis
7.A.2.b. Thomas Hainisch
7.A.2.c. Rebekah Chu
7.B. Board Minutes
7.B.1. April 25, 2011, Regular Meeting Minutes
7.B.2. May 23, 2011, Executive & Regular Meeting Minutes
7.B.3. June 13, 2011 - Work Session Minutes
7.C. Business/Finance
7.C.1. Resolution to Approve and Appropriate a Grant Awarded by Oregon Department of Education for Shaver Elementary Title I in the amount of $101,069.
7.C.2. Resolution to Approve and Appropriate a Transfer between Major Functions within Fund 01 General Fund in the amount of $5,375 for High School General Purchases.
8. Citizen Comments
9. District Business
9.A. Superintendent Reports
9.A.1. 2011 PHS Graduation Report
9.A.2. Bond Passage
9.A.3. PHS Field Upgrades Project - Groundbreaking
9.A.4. Increase Facility Use Fees
9.A.5. Community Center Workgroup Development
9.B. Department Reports
9.B.1. Business and Operations - Mary Larson
9.B.1.a. Bond Project Update
9.B.1.b. Financial Report
9.B.2. Student Services - Kathy Keim-Robinson
9.B.2.a. ELL Report
9.B.2.b. Supplemental Education Services
9.B.3. School Improvement - Yuki Monteith
9.B.3.a. High School Science Textbook Adoption Proposal
9.B.4. Human Resources - David McKay
9.B.4.a. Bargaining Update
10. Action Items
10.A. Accept/Reject High School Science Textbook Adoption
10.B. Accept/Reject Increase to Meal Prices for 2011-2012
10.C. Accept/Reject Canvass of Votes for Parkose School District Bond Measure 26-123
10.D. Accept/Reject Canvass of Votes for Elected Board Members Adair Fernee and Guy Crawford
10.E. Accept/Reject Bond Issuance Resolution in the amount of $63 Million
10.F. Accept/Reject Resolution Authorizing Administrative Staff Quality Zone Academy Bonds Application
10.G. Accept/Reject Resolution Accepting Quality Zone Academy Bonds Requirements
10.H. Accept/Reject Resolution to Authorize Official Intent Quality Zone Academy Bonds
11. Discussion Items
12. Correspondence/Announcements/Requests
12.A. Upcoming Meetings
12.A.1. Board Organizational Meeting, July 18, 2011, District Office, 5:00 p.m.
12.A.2. Board Retreat, August 13, 2011, Karen Gray's House, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
12.A.3. Regular Business Session Meeting, August 22, 2011, District Office, 6:30 p.m.
13. Adjournment