April 25, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Parkrose Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Executive Session - 5:00 p.m., Superintendent's Office
Recess into Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(a) employment, ORS 192.660(2)(b) discipline/dismissal, ORS 192.660(2)(h) legal counsel, and ORS 192.660(2)(i) performance evaluations of public employees or officers.
2. Call to Order - Regular Business Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m.
3. Presentations/Recognitions
3.A. Recognitions
3.A.1. Tooth Taxi Appreciation - Mary Larson
3.A.2. 2011 Career Information System Board Award for Meg Kilmer - Cheryl Buhl
3.B. Presentations
3.B.1. Kim Nguyen - ASB Report
3.B.2. Vision and Values Presentation - Ana Gonzalez and Molly Davies
4. PFA Monthly Report - Jerry Landreth
5. OSEA Monthly Report - Rebecca Smillie
6. Board of Education
6.A. Board Reports
6.A.1. Teacher Appreciation Week - May 2 - 6, 2011 - Ed Grassel
6.A.2. NSBA Report - Ed Grassel, Karen Gray and Yuki Monteith
6.A.3. Superintendent Evaluation - Guy Crawford
6.A.4. Budget Committee Member Application Update - Alesia Reese
6.A.5. Parkrose Education Foundation Update - Adair Fernee
6.B. Committee Reports
6.B.1. Bond Coordinating Council - Alesia Reese
6.B.2. School Improvement - Ed Grassel
6.B.3. Legislative Activity - James Woods
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Personnel
7.A.1. New Hires
7.A.1.a. Michael Hyder: Shaver Elementary School, 1.0 FTE, Principal
7.A.2. Retirements
7.A.2.a. Jenny Hill: Learning Support Coordinator, Prescott Elementary
7.A.2.b. Janet Johnstone: Teacher, Russell Academy
7.A.2.c. Shelby Newman: Teacher, Parkrose Middle School
7.A.3. Resignations
7.A.3.a. Jennifer Chen: Russell Academy
7.A.3.b. Trista Crase: District Office
7.A.3.c. Matt McCaw: Parkrose High School
7.B. Board Minutes
7.B.1. March 14, 2011, Regular Session Minutes
7.B.2. April 12, 2011, Work Session Minutes
7.C. Business/Finance
7.C.1. Resolution to Approve and Appropriate fund 56 Advance Placement Incentive Program Grant
7.C.2. Resolution to Approve and Appropriate Donations received into Capitol Equipment Fund
7.C.3. Resolution to Approve and Appropriate a Grant Awarded to Parkrose School District by Nike Employee Grant Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
7.C.4. Resolution to Approve and Appropriate a Grant Awarded to Parkrose School District by Oregon University System
7.D. Extended Travel
7.D.1. Travel Request for Pam Brown to attend the National Kindergarten Conference in Las Vegas, NV, July 11 - 14, 2011
8. Citizen Comments
If you wish to make a comment before the Board, please fill out a comment card and give it to the secretary.
9. District Business
9.A. Superintendent Reports
9.A.1. New Principal Selection
9.A.2. Board Endorsement of ESD Shared Services Model
9.A.3. Soccer Field Update
9.A.4. Policy First Reading and Review
9.A.4.a. Policy DI - Fiscal Accounting Reporting
9.A.4.b. Policy DI-AR - Fund Balance Designation
9.A.4.c. Policy GDA - Educational Assistants
9.A.4.d. Policy IKF - Graduation Requirements
9.A.4.e. Policy IKF-AR - Graduation Requirements
9.B. Department Reports
9.B.1. Student Services - Kathy Keim-Robinson
9.B.1.a. Special Education Report Card
9.B.2. Business & Operations - Mary Larson
9.B.2.a. Long Term Lease Agreement - Thompson
9.B.2.b. Financial Report
9.B.3. School Improvement - Yuki Monteith
9.B.3.a. 2011-2012 Milestones
9.B.3.b. PLC DuFours Conference
9.B.4. Human Resources
10. Action Items
10.A. Accept/Reject Leave Request for Cheryl Wagner
10.B. Accept/Reject JAL Ministries Free/Reduced Facility Use Application for JAL Ministries Church Services
10.C. Accept/Reject Parkrose SUN School Free/Reduced Facility Use Application for Adult Ultimate Frisbee League Games
10.D. Accept/Reject Adoption of Shared Services Cooperative Resolution for 2011-2012
10.E. Accept/Reject Budget Committee Application and Appointment
10.F. Accept/Reject Budget Committee Application and Appointment
10.G. Accept/Reject Budget Committee Application and Appointment
11. Discussion Items
12. Correspondence/Announcements/Requests
12.A. Upcoming Meetings
12.A.1. Budget Committee Meeting, April 27, 2011, District Office Boardroom, 7:00 p.m.
12.A.2. Bond Coordinating Council Meeting , May 3, 2011, Argay Square, 5:30 p.m.
12.A.3. Budget Committee Meeting, May 4, 2011, District Office Boardroom, 7:00 p.m.
12.A.4. Board Work Session, May 9, 2011, District Office Boardroom, 5:00 p.m.
12.A.5. Budget Committee Meeting, May 11, 2011, District Office Boardroom, 7:00 p.m.
12.A.6. Board Regular Session, May 23, 2011, District Office Boardroom, 6:30 p.m.
13. Adjournment
14. Public Hearing
The Board will open a Public Hearing to consider a recommendation from the Superintendent for the dismissal of an employee.
14.A. Call Public Hearing to Order
14.B. Employee Dismissal Hearing
14.C. Board Deliberation
14.D. Adjourn Public Hearing
15. Call to Order
15.A. Action Items
15.A.1. Accept/Reject Superintendent Recommendation for Dismissal of Employee
16. Adjournment