July 13, 2009 at 5:00 PM - Parkrose Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Swear In Newly Elected Board members
2.A. Alesia Reese
2.B. Ed Grassel Jr.
2.C. James Woods
3. Board Elections
3.A. Elect - Chair of the Parkrose Board of Education for the 2009-2010 School Year.
3.B. Elect - Vice-Chair of the Parkrose Board of Education for the 2009-2010 School year.
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Personnel
4.A.1. New Hires
4.A.1.a. Christine Blouke - 1.0 FTE Coordinator of Student information, Assessment, and Education Technology
4.A.1.b. Stacey Figgins-1.0 FTE Literacy Coach at Parkrose Middle School
4.A.1.c. Jennifer Knorr - 1.0 FTE Temporary Special Education at Shaver
4.A.2. Resignation
4.A.2.a. Apryl Jump - Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent / Board
4.B. Board Minutes
4.B.1. June 22, 2009 Executive Session / Regular Business Minutes
4.B.2. June 29, 2009 Special Session Minutes
4.C. Business/Finance
4.C.1. Disposal of Surplus Property
4.D. Extended Travel
4.D.2. Stevie Blakely & Claudia Rusek to attend Healthy Schools Forum, New York - August 4-7, 2009
5. Citizen Comments
6. District Business
6.A. Superintendent Reports
6.A.1. Review ACE Contract Changes / Contracted Services Agreement
7. Action Items
7.A. Designate Director of Business Service Mary Larson as the District's Budget Officer for the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year. [ORS 294.331]
7.B. Designate Superintendent/Clerk Dr. Karen Fischer Gray; Director of Business Services Mary Larson/Deputy Clerk and Business Office Accountant Chris Gibb as Custodians of District funds; and; further, to authorize the use of a facsimile signature [check signing machine] by the Superintendent-Clerk, during the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year. [ORS. 332.515, ORS. 328.441 (1), ORS. 328.445] Amount of Fidelity Bond to be issued should be not less than $100,000 per person. [ORS.332.525]
7.C. Designate Myers & Stevens Student Accident Insurance as the Student Insurance Carriers for 2009-2010.
7.D. Designate Allegiance to Provide Banking Services for IRS Section 125.
7.E. Designate US Bank as Depository for District Funds. [ORS.328.441, ORS.294.805 to ORS.294.895]
7.F. Designate The Oregonian as the District Newspaper of Record for 2009-2010. [ORS 294.404-416]
7.G. Designate The Hungerford Law Firm as the District's General Counsel for 2009-2010 Fiscal Year.
7.H. Designate Marsh USA, Inc. as the District's Property and Casualty Insurance Agent-of-Record for the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year.
7.I. Designate Mercer Health and Benefits as the District's Benefit Insurance Agent-of-Record for the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year.
7.J. Designate Pauly, Rogers and Co, P.C as the District's Auditors for the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year. [ORS.297.405, ORS.327.137, ORS.328.465]
7.K. Designate the District Office as the Standard Board Meeting Place for Regularly Scheduled Business Meetings on the 4th Monday of Every Month with 7:00p.m. Designated as the Standard Time to Begin the Meetings and Designate the Administration Office as the Standard Board Meeting Place for Regularly Scheduled Work Sessions on the 2nd Monday of Every Month with 5:00p.m. Designated as the Standard Time to Begin the sessions. (2009-2010 Fiscal Year. (See Published Calendar for Variations)
7.L. Designate Board Member Liaison to Parkrose Educational Foundation.
7.M. Designate Board Member to District Wellness Committee
7.N. Approve - RESOLUTION 1 - Designating State of Oregon Government Investment Pool and Designated Banks as Depositories for Investment of School District Funds for 2009-2010 Fiscal Year. [ORS.328-441, ORS.294.805 to ORS.294.895]
7.O. Approve - RESOLUTION 2 - Establishing Imprest Funds for 2009-2010 Fiscal Year [ORS.294.465]
7.P. Approve - RESOLUTION 3 - Authorizing and Appointing the Superintendent to Apply for Federal, State, Local and Private Funds for the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year. [ORS.294.450]
7.Q. Approve - RESOLUTION 4 - Delegate Contracting and Purchasing Authority for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. [ORS.332.075]
7.R. Approve - RESOLUTION 5 - Authorizing the Lending of General Fund Monies to Federal, State, and other Grant Funded Programs Pending Receipt of Funds from the Donor for the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year. [ORS.294.460]
7.S. Approve and Establish Amounts: Approve Travel Reimbursement Rates (55.0 Cents Per Mile/$49.00 Per Diem) in accordance with Board Policy DLC "Expense Reimbursement."
7.T. Approve Out of District Tuition for 2009-2010 ($8,260/Grades K-8, $9,030/Grades 9-12)
7.U. Reaffirm the Status of the School Board as the Local Public Contract Review Board [ORS.279.055(2)]
8. Discussion Items
9. Correspondence/Announcements/Request
9.A. Board Retreat August 15,2009 at 8:30am Guy Crawford's Residence: 2614 NE 131st Ave Portland, OR. 97230
9.B. Regular Business Meeting August 24, 2009 at 7pm District Office
9.C. Opening Day September 1, 2009 at Parkrose High School
10. Adjournment