November 13, 2018 at 5:15 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
5:00 PM - Board Member Technology Updates
5:15 PM - Executive Session
ORS 192.660(2)(d)—Labor Negotiator Consultation |
5:45 PM - Work Session
Legislative Priorities Input and Planning
5:45 PM, 15 minutes
Bond Update - 2019 Secondary School Bond Projects
6:00 PM, 30 minutes
Policy Discussion
6:30 PM, 10 minutes
Discussion Time
6:40 PM, 10 minutes
Discuss Board Goals
Discussion Time
Recess Board Meeting
6:50 PM
7:00 PM - Regular Session
Call to Order and Flag Salute
7:00 PM, 5 minutes
Recognition / Student Presentation
Title VI Indian Education Program - Student Performance
7:05 PM, 10 minutes
Recognition: Anthony Cicoria - Substitute of the Month for ESS West - October 2018
7:15 PM, 5 minutes
Approval of Agenda
7:20 PM
Audience Time
7:20 PM, 10 minutes
Reports and Discussion
Hillsboro School District Parent Advisory Committee Report
7:30 PM, 10 minutes
Transportation Department Report: Transit Shuttle System Update
7:40 PM, 20 minutes
Summer School Program Report (see written report)
8:00 PM, 5 minutes
Student Achievement / Assessment Update
8:05 PM, 30 minutes
Financial Report (see written report)
8:35 PM, 5 minutes
Administrative Regulation Updates
Updated administrative regulations that do not require Board action are posted in the Board meeting packet for the information of the Board, staff members, and the public.
8:40 PM, 5 minutes
EBAC-AR: Site Safety Committees
EBC/EBCA-AR: Crisis Management
Communications (deleted)
EBCD-AR: Procedures for School / District
Closure or Delayed Opening
ECAA-AR: Access to Buildings
ECAAA-AR: Employee Identification Badge
System (new AR replaces JHF-AR)
JHF-AR: Student Safety Procedures -
Employee Badge Control (deleted; replaced with ECAAA-AR)
JHFE-AR(2): Abuse of a Child Investigations
Conducted on District Property
KK-AR: Visitors to District Facilities
KN-AR(1): Relations with Law Enforcement
KN-AR(2): Investigations Conducted on
District Premises
Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items are distributed to Board members in advance for study, and enacted with a single motion.
8:45 PM, 5 minutes
Approve Minutes of October 2, 2018, Board Meeting
Approve Routine Personnel Matters
Approve Parent Organization Activities for Liability Insurance Coverage
Approve Policy Revisions (presented for first reading on October 23, 2018)
Policy EHA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Policies Related to Safety and Security
EB: Safety Program
EBAC: Site Safety Committees
EBC/EBCA: Emergency Procedures and Disaster Plans
EBCB: Emergency Drills and Instruction
EBCC: Hazardous Threats (delete)
EBCD: Emergency School Closures
EC: Management and Inspection of Buildings and Grounds (delete)
ECA: Security of Buildings and Grounds (delete)
ECAA: Access to Buildings
ECAAA: Employee Identification Badge System (proposed)
ECAB: Vandalism, Malicious Mischief, or Theft
ECAD: School Resource Officer (delete)
EI: Risk Management (delete)
JFCM: Threats of Violence
JH: Student Welfare
JHF: Student Safety
JHFE: Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
JHFE-AR(1): Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
KK: Visitors to District Facilities (delete current version; adopt proposed new version)
KN: Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies
Action Items
Ratify Agreement with Hillsboro Classified United (HCU)
8:50 PM, 5 minutes
Award Copier Contract to Canon Solutions America, Inc.
8:55 PM, 5 minutes
Elect Member to the OSBA Board of Directors
9:00 PM, 5 minutes
Vote on OSBA Resolutions
9:05 PM, 5 minutes
HCU / HEA Reports
9:10 PM, 5 minutes
Discussion Time
9:15 PM, 20 minutes
Student Representatives' Time
Superintendent's Time
Board of Directors' Time
Executive Session
Adjourn Regular Session
9:35 PM
Next Meetings of the Board of Directors
5:45 PM - Work Session
Legislative Priorities Input and Planning
5:45 PM, 15 minutes
Bond Update - 2019 Secondary School Bond Projects
6:00 PM, 30 minutes
Policy Discussion
6:30 PM, 10 minutes
Discussion Time
6:40 PM, 10 minutes
Discuss Board Goals
Discussion Time
Recess Board Meeting
6:50 PM
7:00 PM - Regular Session
Call to Order and Flag Salute
7:00 PM, 5 minutes
Recognition / Student Presentation
Title VI Indian Education Program - Student Performance
7:05 PM, 10 minutes
Recognition: Anthony Cicoria - Substitute of the Month for ESS West - October 2018
7:15 PM, 5 minutes
Approval of Agenda
7:20 PM
Audience Time
7:20 PM, 10 minutes
Reports and Discussion
Hillsboro School District Parent Advisory Committee Report
7:30 PM, 10 minutes
Transportation Department Report: Transit Shuttle System Update
7:40 PM, 20 minutes
Summer School Program Report (see written report)
8:00 PM, 5 minutes
Student Achievement / Assessment Update
8:05 PM, 30 minutes
Financial Report (see written report)
8:35 PM, 5 minutes
Administrative Regulation Updates
Updated administrative regulations that do not require Board action are posted in the Board meeting packet for the information of the Board, staff members, and the public.
8:40 PM, 5 minutes
EBAC-AR: Site Safety Committees
EBC/EBCA-AR: Crisis Management
Communications (deleted)
EBCD-AR: Procedures for School / District
Closure or Delayed Opening
ECAA-AR: Access to Buildings
ECAAA-AR: Employee Identification Badge
System (new AR replaces JHF-AR)
JHF-AR: Student Safety Procedures -
Employee Badge Control (deleted; replaced with ECAAA-AR)
JHFE-AR(2): Abuse of a Child Investigations
Conducted on District Property
KK-AR: Visitors to District Facilities
KN-AR(1): Relations with Law Enforcement
KN-AR(2): Investigations Conducted on
District Premises
Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items are distributed to Board members in advance for study, and enacted with a single motion.
8:45 PM, 5 minutes
Approve Minutes of October 2, 2018, Board Meeting
Approve Routine Personnel Matters
Approve Parent Organization Activities for Liability Insurance Coverage
Approve Policy Revisions (presented for first reading on October 23, 2018)
Policy EHA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Policies Related to Safety and Security
EB: Safety Program
EBAC: Site Safety Committees
EBC/EBCA: Emergency Procedures and Disaster Plans
EBCB: Emergency Drills and Instruction
EBCC: Hazardous Threats (delete)
EBCD: Emergency School Closures
EC: Management and Inspection of Buildings and Grounds (delete)
ECA: Security of Buildings and Grounds (delete)
ECAA: Access to Buildings
ECAAA: Employee Identification Badge System (proposed)
ECAB: Vandalism, Malicious Mischief, or Theft
ECAD: School Resource Officer (delete)
EI: Risk Management (delete)
JFCM: Threats of Violence
JH: Student Welfare
JHF: Student Safety
JHFE: Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
JHFE-AR(1): Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
KK: Visitors to District Facilities (delete current version; adopt proposed new version)
KN: Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies
Action Items
Ratify Agreement with Hillsboro Classified United (HCU)
8:50 PM, 5 minutes
Award Copier Contract to Canon Solutions America, Inc.
8:55 PM, 5 minutes
Elect Member to the OSBA Board of Directors
9:00 PM, 5 minutes
Vote on OSBA Resolutions
9:05 PM, 5 minutes
HCU / HEA Reports
9:10 PM, 5 minutes
Discussion Time
9:15 PM, 20 minutes
Student Representatives' Time
Superintendent's Time
Board of Directors' Time
Executive Session
Adjourn Regular Session
9:35 PM
Next Meetings of the Board of Directors