June 7, 2024 at 1:00 PM - Board Policy Committee meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. BBF-Board Member Standards of Conduct (Highly Recommended)
The Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) reports the purpose of Senate Bill 231 (2023) was to align state law with the agency’s current process for receiving child abuse reporting, through a centralized child abuse reporting system established by DHS. These changes do not change how reports are made and must still be submitted to DHS as directed or to a law enforcement agency.
3. CB-Superintendent (Highly Recommended)
With the passage of Senate Bill 283 (2023), there are new provisions in law to consider when issuing a superintendent’s contract and when education service district boards are making decisions related to operation of the ESD. These changes mirror those made in 2022 related to contracting with a school district superintendent.
4. EBBA-Student Health Services (Highly Recommended)
The State Board of Education adopted revisions to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-022-2220 on health services. The changes result in a requirement to develop “a written prevention-oriented health services plan for all students” (OAR 581-022-2220(1)). The plan requirements include a variety of topics, including but not limited to, plan for health care space, communicable disease prevention, communication strategies, health screenings, and hearing, vision and dental screenings. As a result of these changes there is a list of policies and administrative regulations (AR’s), included herein, which have been revised. Recommendations may include to delete or rescind policy or AR, recoding, and reassigning some policy content to a new section or policy of the policy manual. The entire rule can be accessed here: OAR 581-022-2220. Reach out to the Oregon Department of Education with additional questions regarding plan requirements and/or implementation. ODE resources and School Health Services include tools to support some requirements.
5. GBEB-Communicable Diseases in Schools (Highly Recommended)
The State Board of Education adopted revisions to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-022-2220 on health services. The changes result in a requirement to develop “a written prevention-oriented health services plan for all students” (OAR 581-022-2220(1)). The plan requirements include a variety of topics, including but not limited to, plan for health care space, communicable disease prevention, communication strategies, health screenings, and hearing, vision and dental screenings. As a result of these changes there is a list of policies and administrative regulations (AR’s), included herein, which have been revised. Recommendations may include to delete or rescind policy or AR, recoding, and reassigning some policy content to a new section or policy of the policy manual. The entire rule can be accessed here: OAR 581-022-2220. Reach out to the Oregon Department of Education with additional questions regarding plan requirements and/or implementation. ODE resources and School Health Services include tools to support some requirements.
6. IGBAF-Individualized Education Program (Required)
The legal references to IGBAF – Special Education – Individualized Education Program (IEP)** were updated to add references to the new laws.
7. KGBB-Weapons Prohibited
The Committee took a first look at this policy recommended to the Board at the May Policy Committee meeting. The Committee wanted more time to review before taking it to the Full Board for approval in July.
8. Policies to be deleted
EBBA-old version GBEBA-Information is contained in GBEB JHC-Delete in lieu of new EBBA JHCC-Delete in lieu of new EBBA JHCCA-Delete in lieu of new EBBA |