August 21, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Flag Salute: Public - 6:30 p.m.
2. Visitors: The Fern Ridge School Board encourages public input. Comments on non-agenda items may be presented at this time. Individuals are asked to limit their comments to three (3) minutes. While speakers may during public meetings offer objective criticism of school operations and programs, the Board will not hear personal complaints concerning district personnel nor against any person connected with the school system. Please state your name and address. If speaking for an organization, state the name of the organization. The Board reserves the right to refer the matter to the administration.
3. Monthly Items:
3.A. Approval of Minutes - Board Action
4. Business Manager - Quanah Bennett
4.A. Financial Report
4.B. Supplemental budget #1 - Resolution #17-18/01 - Board Action
5. Reports:
5.A. Superintendent's Report - Gary Carpenter, Superintendent
5.B. 2016-17 WLTLC Site Review - Gary Carpenter, Superintendent
Gary Carpenter
5.C. ART, INC Report - Vicki Sourdy and Marti Byers
Vicki Sourdry
6. Individuals may address the Board on agenda items. Please let the Board Chair know which item you wish to address. You are limited to no more than three (3) minutes. You may address the Board on a topic on the agenda as long as it does not pertain to a complaint against a staff member. Please state your name and address. If speaking for an organization, state the name of the organization. The Board reserves the right to refer the matter to the administration.
7. Action Items:
8. Discussion Items:
8.A. FRSD Administrative Rules - Information
8.A.1. EFA - AR Local Wellness Policy AR
8.A.2. IGBC-AR Title IA/Parental and Family Involvement AR
8.A.3. KAB-AR Parental Rights AR
8.B. FRSD Policies - First Reading
8.B.1. EEA - Student Transportation Services
8.B.2. IGBAC - Special Education - Personnel
8.B.3. IGBAK - Special Education - Public Availability of State Application
8.B.4. IGBC - Title IA/Parental and Family Involvement
8.B.5. JECC - Assignment of Students to Schools
8.B.6. JFC - Student Conduct
8.B.7. KAB - Parental Rights
9. Personnel Issues:
9.A. Licensed Employees Resignations/New Hires/Transfers/Other - Board Action (Revised)
9.A.1. Resignation of Peter Barsotti effective July 21, 2017
Michelle Cook
9.A.2. Hiring of Sarah Lafferty. 1.0 FTE English Language Arts/Social Studies at FRMS
9.A.3. Transferring of Lisa Leatham - From Elementary Teacher to Elementary Principal - Beginning with the 2017-2018 School Year.
9.A.4. Transferring of Mari Jones - From Elementary Teacher to Title 1A Teacher
9.B. Other Personnel Issues
10. Late Items/Closing Comments
11. Adjournment