March 22, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Additional Agenda Items
5. Leadership Report-Cheri Heinz, Director of Special Education
Janelle Schultz, Speech & Language, Diana Long, Occupational Therapist and Shelly Garrett, Social Worker |
6. Communication and Recognition of Visitors - Citizen's Forum:Questions & Communication Opportunity
7. Superintendent's Report
7.1. FOIA
7.2. Promotion Ceremony
7.3. Summer Maintenance Project
7.4. Evergreen School Lease Agreement
7.5. Insurance Rates
7.6. FY-23 Budget Amendment
7.7. Consolidated District Plan
7.8. Summer School Update
7.9. Jump Start Update
7.10. Personnel Report
8. Board Discussion
9. Consent Agenda Items-Consider a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items following any Board discussion.
9.1. Minutes of the February 23, 2023 Regular and Executive Session
9.2. February, 2023 Treasurer's Report, March, 2023 Accounts Payable and April, 2023 payroll
9.3. Summer Maintenance Project
9.4. Evergreen School Lease Agreement
9.5. Insurance Rate 7/1/23 - 6/30/24
9.6. Place FY-23 amended budget on public display beginning March 23, 2023
9.7. Set Amended Budget Hearing for April 26, 2023 at 6:55 p.m.
9.8. Consolidated District Plan
9.9. Personnel Report
10. Consider a motion to enter into closed session for the appointment, employment, resignation, compensation, discipline, negotiations, and performance of staff and litigation.
11. Consider a motion to return to Open Session
12. Consider a Motion to approve action from Executive Session.
12.1. Principal Contract
13. Consider a motion to adjourn