March 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Welcome
B. Silent Meditation
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Roll Call
E. Approval of the Agenda
F. Cavalier Recognition
F.1. Employee of the Month-Brittany Wiggins
G. Consent Agenda
G.1. Approval of accounts and minutes from the February 20, 2023 Board of Education meeting and March 2023 Committee meetings
H. Student Report
I. Communications and Expressions from the Public:
The public is invited to ask questions or offer suggestions. The board does reserve the right to limit the amount of time devoted to a specific topic (usually three minutes per person and thirty minutes total). Please complete and submit the Public Communication Form to the recording secretary prior to speaking. |
J. Financial Report
K. Expenditure Report
L. Curriculum Report
L.1. Curriculum Update
M. Superintendent's Personnel Recommendations
Full Board Action is Needed.
M.1. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Erin Rogers
M.2. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Gina Pickle
M.3. A recommendation to hire Tracy Williams as a Cook III at Corunna Middle School
M.4. A recommendation to hire Donna Holzheuer as a Cook III at Corunna High School
M.5. A recommendation to hire Tina Owens as a Cook III at Corunna High School
M.6. A recommendation to hire Calvin Cody as the summer swim supervisor
M.7. A recommendation to hire a District Maintenance Director
N. Unfinished Business
N.1. Policies for the Second Reading (PO5819 and PO7440.03)
Full Board action will be needed. Possible motion: To approve the policies for a second reading as presented. |
N.2. Guidelines for the Second Reading (AG5350 and AG7440.03)
Full Board action will be needed. Possible motion: To approve the guidelines for a second reading as presented. |
O. New Business
O.1. Policies for the First Reading (PO5330.04 and PO8400)
This is for discussion only.
O.2. Guidelines for the First Reading (AG5330.04)
This is for discussion only.
O.3. 2022-2023 Office Manager PayScale
Full Board action will be needed. Possible motion: To approve the 2022-23 Office Manager Payscale as presented. |
O.4. Superintendent's Contract
Full Board action will be needed.
Possible motion: To renew Superintendent John Fattal’s contract as presented. |
O.5. SRO
Full Board action will be needed. Possible motion: To enter into a memo of understanding with the City of Corunna as required for the three-year state-funded SRO grant as presented. |
O.6. Food Service Management Agreement
Full Board action will be needed. Possible motion: To approve a one-year contract renewal with Chartwells as our Food Service Management Company as presented |
O.7. Social Media Class-Action Lawsuit
Full Board action will be needed.
Possible motion: To approve the resolution and contract as part of the social media class-action lawsuit as presented |
P. Reports from the Staff
P.1. Health Report
Q. Informational Items
Q.1. Bond Update
Q.2. Odyssey of the Mind Pole Barn
Q.3. Nellie Reed Elementary
Q.4. April Committee Meetings
A reminder that we meet next month as a committee of the whole (6 p.m., Wednesday, April 12) so all seven members can hear budget updates at the same meeting. Please let me know if other individual committees would still like to meet (Building and Grounds, Curriculum, and Policy). I will add this as an informational item for Monday’s meeting.
Q.5. Legislative Breakfast
Q.6. Shiawassee Scholars
R. Closed Session
15.268 (b) To consider the dismissal, suspension, or discipline of a student if the public body is part of the school district, intermediate school district, or institution of higher education that the students attending, and if the student or the student's parent or guardian requests a closed hearing. |
S. Adjourn