June 22, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Invocation
II. Ascertain Quorum/Roll Call
III. Approve Agenda
IV. Review & Approve Minutes
IV.A. May 17, 2023 - School board minutes
V. Superintendent's Report
VI. Community Comments
VII. Committee Reports
VII.A. AFC - John/Leanora
VII.B. CCLC - Natalie/Amy
VII.C. Construction - Jim/Ken
VII.D. Superintendent Transition Committee -Aaron/Leanora/Amy
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Board Agenda - IDEA Part B LEA Assurances
VIII.B. Board Agenda - CREC Budget
IX. New Business
IX.B. Board Agenda - Accounting Manual Revisions for 2023-2024 - Approval
IX.C. Board Agenda - Purchase of 2 Busses for DEC Program - Action
IX.D. Board Agenda - 2023-2024 Proposed LDoE Handbook Policy Revisions - Approval
IX.E. Board Agenda - 2023-2024 LES and LMS Student Handbook Revisions - Approval
IX.F. Board Agenda - Purchase of Science Curriculum for LES and LMS - Approval
IX.G. Board Agenda - NWEA Benchmark Data Review for LES and LMS SY22-23
X. Information
XI. Follow up
XII. Discussion
XIII. Next Board Meeting (Time, Place and Agenda - Discussion)
XIV. Executive Session
XV. Adjournment