July 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to order / Establish Quorum / Prayer
II. Pledges of Allegiance
III. Recognitions - none
IV. Open Forum
V. Campus Reports
V.A. Financial Report
V.B. Superintendents Report
VI. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on June 21. 2021.
VII. Deliberation and possible action on accepting Resolution with Region VII and the Regional Purchasing Cooperative.
VIII. Deliberation and possible action on setting the date for the Budget Workshop as August 9th, 2021 and rescheduling the regular scheduled meeting from August 17th to August 23rd, 2021 as well as moving the September regular scheduled meeting from September 20th to September 13th 2021.
IX. CLOSED SESSION - Pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code with reference to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.; 551.071(attorney consultation), 551.074(personnel), and 551.076(school security).
X. Reconvene To Open Session
X.A. Action, if any, on items discussed in closed session.
XI. Adjourn - Prayer
XII. Dinner