October 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening Items
1.A. Call to Order
1.B. Announcement by the President that a Quorum is present and that the notice has been posted in the time and manner required by law.
1.C. Pledges to the United States Flag and Texas Flag - Veramendi Elementary School
2. Non-Action Item
2.A. NBHS Students of the Month - Claire Nelson & James "Jase" Boyd
2.B. Recognitions
2.C. Open Forum/Public Comment
3. Consent Agenda - All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of the items unless a Board member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as an item on the Regular Agenda.
3.A. Consider Approval of the Minutes to the Regular Board Meeting held on Monday, September 14, 2020, at 7:00 pm at the NBISD Administration Center Boardroom.
3.B. Consider Approval of TEA Class Size Waiver Application
4. Action Items - All items on the Regular Agenda will be considered in Open Meeting. The Regular Agenda includes reports and action items that may require discussion by the Board of Trustees.
4.A. Consider and take possible action to approve creation of a Construction Allowance in connection with the New Middle School Construction Project to be funded by Stantec Architects with reservation of its rights, to address and fund correction of an alleged design and/or construction defect in the Project acceptance of funding, delegation of signatory authority and approving a budget amendment to address any shortfall in funding of the corrective action.
4.B. Consider Approval of the Annual Financial Report (AFR) Due Date Extension Waiver
4.C. Consider Approval of 2020-2021 General Fund Budget Amendment
5. Discussion and Possible Action
5.A. Discuss and Consider the Glass Panel for Teacher of the Year Display Case
6. Reports
6.A. NBISD Bilingual/ESL Program Evaluation/Upgrade Report
6.B. Report on CCMR (College, Career and Military Readiness)
6.C. Report on Schools in "Improvement" or "Targeted" Status
6.D. Report on Potential changes to Quarantine Guidelines for Covid-19 Exposure
7. Informational Items
7.A. Status of 2018 Bond Report
7.B. Announcement of Board Member Continuing Education Credit Report
7.C. Award of Additional Vendors to RFP 20-01 Special Education Service Providers & Consulting
7.D. Award of Additional Vendors to RFP 20-02 General Goods & Services
7.E. Award of Additional Vendors to RFP 20-05 Facility & Maintenance Supplies
7.F. Report on Purchase/Renewal Over $25,000
8. Executive Session
8.A. Personnel— Govt. §551.074
8.B. Discussing the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property — Govt. §551.072
8.C. Safety and Security— Govt. §551.076
8.D. Consultation with attorney regarding legal issues regarding possible defect claims in connection with the New Middle School Construction. — Govt. Code Section 551.071
9. Announcement and Adjournment
9.A. Future Meetings
9.A.1. Regular Board Meeting to be held on Monday, November 9, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the NBISD Administration Center at 1000 N. Walnut Avenue, New Braunfels, Texas 78130.