February 12, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening Items
1.A. Call to Order
1.B. Announcement by the President that a Quorum is present and that the notice has been posted in the time and manner required by law.
2. Action Items - All items on the Regular Agenda will be considered in Open Meeting. The Regular Agenda includes reports and action items that may require discussion by the Board of Trustees.
2.A. Consider and take possible action regarding parent Level III grievance appeal
3. Executive Session
3.A. Hear and deliberate regarding parent Level III grievance appeal. Tex. Gov’t Code Sections 551.074, 551.082, and 551.0821
3.B. Consult with legal counsel regarding parent Level III grievance appeal. Tex. Gov’t Code Section 551.071
4. Adjournment