August 7, 2006 at 6:00 PM - Special
Agenda |
1. Call to Order & Establishment of Quorum
2. Invocation
3. Pledges of Allegiance to United States and Texas Flags
4. Consider Acceptance of Resignations and Retirement, and Approval of Appointments and Leaves of Absence of Employees
5. Consider Approval of Purchase of Athletic Video Equipment
6. Consider Approval of 2006-07 Salary Increase, Salary, Stipend & Hiring Schedules, Incentive Plan for District Employees and Contract Addendum for Professional Employees
7. Executive Session: The Governance Team will convene in executive (closed) session as provided for in the Texas Government Code, §551.074, to hear citizen complaint against staff member; §551.0821, to hear non-disciplinary, student-related matters if personally identifiable information about the student would necessarily be revealed by the deliberation; and §551.071 for private consultation with the Board's attorney.
8. Consider Citizen Complaint Against Staff Member
9. Board Member/Superintendent Comments
10. Adjournment