May 15, 2006 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order & Establishment of Quorum
2. Invocation, Memorial Primary Student Matthew Duing
3. Pledge of Allegiance to United States Flag, Memorial Primary Students Celeste Riojas (English) and Eduardo Flores (Spanish)
4. Pledge of Allegiance to Texas Flag, Memorial Primary Students Taylor Fite (English) and Kavi Kana (Spanish)
5. Recognition of 2006 Teachers of the Year
6. Recognition of Outgoing and Introduction of Incoming Student Board Representatives
7. Board of Trustees Proclamations
8. Senior Students of the Month - Shane Fisher & Rachel Mis
9. Outstanding Achievements of Students and Educators
10. Open Forum
11. Consent Agenda - All items on the Consent Action Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as an item on the Regular Agenda.
11.B. Consider Acceptance of Resignations and Retirement, and Approval of Appointments and Leaves of Absence of Employees
11.C. Consider Approval of 2006 Scholarship Recipients
11.D. Consider Approval of March & April 2006 Tax Collection Reports
11.E. Consider Approval of 2006-07 Fundraising Projects
11.F. Consider Approval of Request for Student Transfer into the New Braunfels ISD for the 2006-2007 School Year
11.G. Consider Adoption at Second Reading of Local Policies DHA, EIA, FFA, FJ, FMF and FMH
11.H. Consider Approval of the Extension of the Food Service Management Contract with Aramark for 2006-07
11.I. Consider Approval of Waiver Limiting Number of Foreign Exchange Students at New Braunfels High School
11.J. Consider Approval of Letter of Agreement with Texas Woman’s University
11.K. Consider Approval of Funding for Construction of NBHS Band Tower Base
11.L. Receive Report on Intrastate Overnight Student Trips
11.M. Review of Financial Statements for April 2006
11.N. Review of 1999 Bond Issue Construction and Renovation Payments
11.O. Fifth Six-Week Attendance Report
12. Regular Agenda - All items on the Regular Agenda will be considered in Open Meeting. The Regular Agenda includes reports and action items that may require discussion by the Board of Trustees.
12.A. Discussion of Proposed 2006-07 Budget
12.B. Consider Approval of Budget Amendments
12.C. Consider Approval of Purchase of Buses
12.D. Consider Approval of the Publication of Notice of Public Meeting To Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
13. Board Member/Superintendent Comments - Calendar, June 19, 2006 Board of Trustees Meeting Planning Agenda
14. Adjournment