March 13, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Routine
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Approval of Minutes
I.B.1. Approval of February 13, 2014 Board meeting minutes
I.C. Approval of the Financial Report and pay the February 13, 2014 bills
I.D. Consent Agenda
I.D.1. Approval of extra bills paid February 24, 2014
I.D.2. Approval of March 10, 2014 Policy and Personnel Committee minutes
I.D.3. Approval of March 10, 2014 Finance Committee minutes
I.D.4. Approval of February 22, 2014 Special Meeting minutes
I.D.5. Approval of February 13, 2014 closed session minutes
I.D.6. Approval of Washington 51 Education Association Tornado Relief Fund as an Activity Fund account
I.D.7. Approval for Resolution Recognizing the Accomplishments of the 2013-2014 Seventh Grade Boys Basketball Team
I.E. Public Comments
II. Old Business
II.A. Approval of second reading and adoption for the following district
policies: 2:20-E, 2:250, 3:60, 4:100, 4:110, 4:150, 4:170-AP1,E5 (District Specific); 5:50 (District Specific),
5:90, 5:100, 5:120, 5:120-AP2, 5:120-E, 5:200, 6:20, 6:60, 6:60-AP,
6:60-E, 6:250, 6:250-E, 6:310 (DELETE - HS Only), 7:185, 7:185-E, 7:190-AP1, 7:280-AP,
7:300 (District Specific), 8:30
II.B. Approval of five year review for the following policies 1:20-AP, 2:80-E,
2:170, 2:170-AP, 4:20, 4:55-E, 4:80-AP, 5:190-AP, 6:10, 6:30, 6:120,
6:120-AP1, 6:230, 6:235-E3, 7:15, 7:15-E, 7:30, 7:210, 7:230, 7:250-AP1,
7:280-E1, 7:280-E2, 7:280-E3, 7:300-E2, 7:300-E3, 7:330, 7:330-E, 8:25-AP.
II.C. Approval for second reading of the 2014-2015 public school calendar
III. Administrative Reports
III.A. District Planning Update
III.B. Report from IASB CIV Region Dinner Meeting
III.C. Present K-8 teachers recommended for tenure
Financial planning to address impact of Tornado on EAV's
III.E. Future facilities planning update
III.F. CPS Building Update
III.G. CIS Building Update
IV. New Business
IV.A. Approval of Property Casualty, Workers Compensation Renewal
IV.B. Discussion of proposal to expand Washington Township Schools Student Services
IV.C. Personnel
IV.C.1. Approval of resignation of a certified or non-certified employee
IV.C.2. Approval of retirement notification of a certified employee
IV.C.3. Approval of employment of a certified or non-certified employee
IV.C.4. Approval for first reading of job description of a certified or non-certified employee
IV.C.5. Approval to grant tenure to qualifying certified employees
IV.C.6. Approval to grant unpaid leaves of absence to certified employees
V. Closed Session
V.A. Personnel 105 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1)
VI. Other Business/Information
VI.A. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education is Thursday, April 10, 2014 at Central Primary School
VI.B. Items from the board
VII. Adjournment