June 28, 2018 at 8:30 AM - Board Retreat / Special Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order (Chairperson) [8:30 a.m.]
II. Certification of Posting Notice of Board Retreat / Special Meeting (Shelton) [8:30 a.m.]
III. Administer Oath of Office (Biggers) [8:35 a.m.]
IV. Marketing and Branding (John Manlove) [8:45 a.m.]
Break [9:30 a.m.] |
V. Student Success: Monitoring What Matters (Shelton/Matthews) [9:45 a.m.]
VI. Discuss Strategic Plan 2017-2022 (Shelton/Matthews/Crumedy) [10:30 a.m.]
VI.1. Mission, Purposes, and Values
VI.2. Goals Status/Annual Review
VII. Discuss Salary Schedule Proposal / Salary Schedules for 2018-19 (Shelton) [11:15 p.m.]
VIII. Discuss Budgetary Changes and Projections for 2018-19 (Shelton) [11:45 a.m.]
Lunch (Blake's Bistro - 3rd Floor) [12:15 p.m.] Afternoon Session
IX. Development Update and Projects (Shelton/Tripovich) [1:30 p.m.]
X. Update from Community College Association of Texas Trustees (CCATT) / Texas Association of Community Colleges (TACC) - Legislative Agenda for 2019 (Lewis/Shelton) [1:50 p.m.]
XI. Review and Discuss Board Self-Evaluation (Board) [2:10 p.m.]
XII. Adjournment to Closed/Executive Session in the Squarerigger Room: The Board of Regents, as authorized by the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, reserves the right to enter into a closed/executive session under the following provision of the Act: Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters, to deliberate the College President's evaluation and employment contract.
XIII. Reconvene Board Retreat / Special Meeting (Open Meeting) in the Squarerigger Room
XIV. Action Items (Board)
XIV.1. Discuss and Consider Proposals for New Construction of the Abe & Annie Seibel Hall (Student Housing)
XIV.2. Discuss and Consider Adoption of Revised Mission Statement
XIV.3. Consider Approval of Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Basic Peace Officer Training Between Galveston College and the City of Galveston
XIV.4. Consider Approval of New Salary Schedules, Adjunct and Overload Pay, and Part-time Compensation Schedule to be Effective Fall 2018
XIV.5. Consider Possible Action Regarding College President's Employment Contract
XIV.6. Discuss and Consider Adoption of Board Goals for Fiscal Year 2019
XIV.7. Consider Nominating Committee Recommendation Regarding the Nomination of Board Officers for 2018-2020 Term and Election of Board Officers
XV. Adjournment (Chairperson)