June 26, 2017 at 8:30 AM - Board Retreat / Special Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order (Chairperson) [8:30 a.m.]
II. Certification of Posting Notice of Board Retreat / Special Meeting (Shelton) [8:30 a.m.]
III. Discuss Final Evaluation of Strategic Plan: New Horizons 2012-2017 (Shelton/Vice Presidents) [8:30 a.m.]
IV. Marketing and Branding (Shelton/John Manlove) [9:00 a.m.]
Break [10:00 a.m.] |
V. Legislative Update and Review (Shelton) [10:15 a.m.]
VI. Curriculum (Shelton/Matthews) [10:45 a.m.]
VI.1. Developmental Education
VI.2. Baccalaureate Degrees
VII. Discuss Proposed Strategic Plan 2017-2022 (Shelton) [11:00 a.m.]
VII.1. Institutional Mission, Purposes, and Values
VII.2. Institutional Goals 2017-2022
VII.2.A. Student Access and Enrollment
VII.2.B. Student Success
VII.2.C. Employee Development
VII.2.D. Institutional Resources
Lunch (Blake's Bistro - 3rd Floor) [12:30 p.m.] Afternoon Session
VIII. Finance (Shelton) [1:45 p.m.]
VIII.1. Budget Changes and Projections for 2017-2018
VIII.2. Discuss Tax Exemptions for 2017 Tax Year
IX. Development - Universal Access Program and Fund Raising for Universal Access, Other Scholarships, and Facility Projects (Shelton/Tripovich) [2:15 p.m.]
X. Discuss Community College Association of Texas Trustees (CCATT) Strategic Plan and CCATT Membership (Lewis) [2:45 p.m.]
XI. Review and Discuss Board Self-Evaluation (Board)
XII. Adjournment to Closed/Executive Session in the Elissa Room: The Board of Regents, as authorized by the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, reserves the right to enter into a closed/executive session under the following provision of the Act: Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters, to deliberate the College President's evaluation and employment contract.
XIII. Reconvene Board Retreat / Special Meeting (Open Meeting) in the Elissa Room
XIV. Action Items (Board)
XIV.1. Discuss and Consider Acceptance of Texas Workforce Commission Grant for Building Construction Trades Training Demonstration Project
XIV.2. Consider Adoption of Resolution Granting Residence Homestead Local Option Tax Exemptions for the 2017 Tax Year
XIV.3. Consider Possible Action Regarding College President's Employment Contract
XIV.4. Discuss and Consider Adoption of Board Goals for Fiscal Year 2018
XV. Adjournment (Chairperson)