February 27, 2025 at 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order
1.A. Adoption of the Agenda - For Possible Action (public comment will be taken prior to any action).
The Board reserves the right to (1) take items in a different order, (2) combine two or more Agenda items for consideration, and (3) to remove an item from the Agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the Agenda at any time, in or to accomplish the business on the Agenda in the most efficient manner.
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comment (For Discussion Only)
Comments will be accepted in person, or through virtual participation via email; suptoffice@dcsd.k12.nv.us no later than 12:30 p.m. the day of the meeting. Email for public comment must include the submitting party’s full name. Email for public comment will be posted as a supplemental document and copies will be provided to the board members. The names of those who have provided virtual public comment will be read during public comment and the emails will be included in the record, but the virtual public comment will not be read during the meeting. Comments may be made by members of the public on any matter within the authority of this Board. Please note that public comment will be taken on items marked "for possible action" before action is taken on such items, and members of the public are encouraged to comment on such items at the time they are being considered. Although members of the Board may respond to questions and discuss issues raised during public comment, no action may be taken on such a matter until the matter is placed on an agenda for action at a meeting of the Board. In making public comment, speakers are asked to come to the table or podium, sign in, speak into the microphone, and identify themselves for the record. Commenters are instructed to limit their comments to no more than three (3) minutes, and not simply repeat comments made by others.
3. Closed Session (Discussion Only)
The Board will recess to closed session in order to discuss matters with its management representatives pursuant to NRS 288.220(4).
4. Consent Items SG-G (For Possible Action)
Information concerning the following consent items has been forwarded to each Board Member for study prior to this meeting. Unless a Trustee or individual organization interested in one or more consent items has any questions concerning a particular item, the items are approved at one time by the Board of Trustees. The Board President may defer action on such a particular matter or matters at his or her discretion, and may choose to place the same at the end of the regular agenda for separate consideration.
4.A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of January 14, 2025
Attached are Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of January 14, 2025 for review and approval.
4.B. Accounts Payable Special and Regular Run Vouchers
A complete list of payments contained in Accounts Payable Special Vouchers numbers 2563, 2564, 2565, 2566 ,2567, 2568, 2569, 2570, 2571 and Regular Run Voucher Number 2572 and 2573 are attached. Vouchers have been prepared in accordance to state law and copies of the Vouchers are available for review by the public at the Superintendent's office prior to the meeting.
4.C. Personnel Report No. 25-02
Listed on the Personnel Report No. 25-02 are personnel actions presented for consideration by the Board of Trustees. Salaries for individuals employed will be determined in accordance with salary regulations of the District.
4.D. Budget Voucher Adjustments
A complete list of budget adjustments made by the Director of Business Services during the recent course of business is provided for review and approval by the Board of Trustees as required by NRS 354.598005.
4.E. Approval of the District Wide Carpet Maintenance Project 2025
The Board will discuss and take action on the Carpet Maintenance Project 2025 proposal from BT Mancini for the amount of $29,400.00. The District sets an annual budget of $100,000 for carpet maintenance District Wide, and it is requested that the Board of Trustees allow Facilities to increase the carpet maintenance budget to the full budget amount not to exceed $100,000 as recommended by Scott McCullough, Douglas County Project Manager, and Phil Demus, DCSD Director of Facilities.
4.F. Report of Aversive Intervention
There has been 1 (one) report of restraint/aversive intervention for the month of February. A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) has been developed and submitted to the Department of Education under NRS 388.5315. |
4.G. Application for Grant Funding - (Administrative Report)
The District requests authorization to apply for funding for the programs including, but not limited to the list provided.
5. DCSD Shoutouts SG-C (Information Only)
This time is devoted to shoutouts that have been input through the district website to recognize teachers, administrators and students that deserve recognition for being exceptional.
6. Approval of Contract for Board Training on Governance - SG-G (For Discussion and For Possible Action)
Discussion and possible action to approve, approve with conditions, or deny a contract for Training on Governance with:
Dr. Phillip Gore, in an amount not to exceed $20,500.00 (2024-25 SY), and if approved, to authorize to execute the same in a form acceptable to District Counsel.
7. Approval of Contract for Board Training on Balanced Governance - SG-G (For Discussion and For Possible Action)
Discussion and possible action to approve, approve with conditions, or deny a contract for Training on Balanced Governance with:
Thomas L. Alsbury, founder and president of Balanced Governance Solutions, in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 (2024-25 SY) and not to exceed $27,500.00 (2025-26 SY), and if approved, to authorize to execute the same in a form acceptable to District Counsel.
8. Leadership Presentation SG-C (For Discussion Only)
Pamela Hill-Gilmartin, Principal and Veronica Griffith, Vice Principal of Jacks Valley Elementary School, will give a presentation about Jacks Valley Elementary School.
9. Student Representative Report SG-C (For Discussion Only)
Our Student Board Representative will give a report to the Board of Trustees.
10. Board Reports SG-G, C&R (For Discussion Only)
Brief updates from the Board regarding District committees to which they are assigned.
11. Superintendent Report SG-G (Administrative Report, For Discussion Only)
Superintendent, Frankie Alvarado, will report to the Board regarding activities of the past month and upcoming District events that may be of interest to them.
12. Annual Calendar Approval SG-G (For Discussion and for Possible Action)
Discussion and possible action to authorize staff to submit an Application to Operate an Alternative Schedule for each of our 2025-26 school calendars.
13. Family Life Sex Education Advisory Council Members SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
Pursuant to NRS 389.036,discussion and possible action to either approve the current members of or to appoint new members to serve in the Family, Life, Sex, and Education Advisory Council.
Members for FLSE: Jason Carter Jennifer Tyndall Katie Hill Kristen Miller Michelle Brown Rachel Hamer Pam Gilmartin Ann Felte |
14. Administrative Regulation No. 213(a) and (b) "Credit by Exam and Mastery Exam" (First Reading) (Discussion and for Possible Action)
Shannon Brown, Executive Director, will present proposed AR to implement Board Policy 213.
15. Administrative Regulation 707(a) - Facilities Fee Schedule SG-G (For Discussion Only)
Superintendent Alvarado will present the proposed new fee schedule to implement Board Policy 707.
16. Homework Policy (Formerly 214BP) SG-G (For Discussion and For Possible Action)
Discussion and possible action to direct staff in regard to development of a homework policy ensure alignment with educational goals, student well-being, and best practices. This item will explore the effectiveness of policy promoting student learning, engagement, and time management, while considering the impact on students' mental health and overall well-being, as well as all other matters attendant to possible approval of a homework policy.
17. Board Policy 437 - Political Activities (1st Reading) - SG-G - (For Discussion and For Possible Action)
Discussion and possible action to review, discuss, approve, approve with conditions, revise, or deny District's current policy regarding the political activities of staff members to ensure compliance with current legal requirements and best practices for maintaining a professional and impartial atmosphere in the school district.
18. Board Policy 518 - Graduation Requirements (1st Reading) SG-G (For Discussion and For Possible Action)
Leslie Peters, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, and Kira Brown, DHS Graduation Coach, will present proposed revisions to the policy and share the new AR 518 for the College and Career Readiness Diploma.
19. Board Policy 815 - Public Records Request (1st Reading) - SG-G (For Discussion and For Possible Action)
Discussion and possible action to review, discuss, approve, approve with conditions, revise, or deny District's current board policy and administrative regulation regarding Public Records Requests to ensure compliance with current legal requirements and best practices.
20. Board Policy 904 - Complaint Policy (1st Reading) SG-G (For Discussion and For Possible Action)
Discussion and possible action to review the current complaint policy of the school district, and ensure it provides a fair, transparent, and efficient process for addressing concerns raised by students, parents, staff, and community members. The discussion will include a review of: Review of the current Complaint Process: Explanation of the steps individuals should follow when filing a complaint, from initial submission to resolution. Policy Improvements: Discussion on potential updates to enhance clarity, accessibility, and effectiveness, including feedback from stakeholders.
21. Requests for Future Agenda Items
22. Informational Items - (For Discussion Only; No Action will be taken)
22.A. Bullying Report Quarter 2 (Administrative Report)
Shannon Brown, Executive Director, has provided the Board with information regarding incidents of bullying for the Seond quarter of the school year.
22.B. Monthly Update of Enrollment Counts (Information Only)
Monthly update on enrollment numbers for each school site is provided to the Board.
22.C. Summary of Donations
Donations received by school sites over the last month. The District wishes to acknowledge and thank the generosity of all donors on behalf of the students we serve;
Donations: David and Melinda Matus - 1999 Honda Foreman ($1500) and a 1999 Polaris Sportsman ($1500) to the DHS Auto Program. Britt Farrington - 2004 Subaru Forester ($1500) to the DHS Auto Program. Beth Potwojski - Oil ($15) to DHS Auto Program. Dan McDaniel - An engine ($200) to DHS Auto Program. Perma-Cal donated $4,360 to CC Meneley. This was for our 5th grade students to attend the Great Basin Outdoor School at Camp Galilee in Lake Tahoe last month. School Nutrition Angel Account Donations:
Rotary Foundation Grants
23. Adjournment
(*) Times are estimated. Items on the Agenda may be taken out of order. The Board of Trustees may combine two or more agenda items for consideration, and may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time. Generally speaking, the item will be heard no earlier than the time indicated.
If copies of the complete agenda (and supporting materials) are desired in advance, they may be obtained at the District Office on the Friday or Monday preceding a regular Tuesday meeting of the Board. Please contact the District Office at 775-782-5134 or Suptoffice@dcsd.k12.nv.us. Notice to Individuals with Disabilities: Members of the public who require special assistance or accommodations are asked to notify the District Administration at 1638 Mono Avenue, Minden, Nevada, 89423, or by calling 782-5134, so that such notification is received at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the meeting. In conformance with the Open Meeting Law, it is hereby noted that the agenda for the meeting of the Douglas County School Board of Trustees has been posted at the following locations: Douglas County School District, Minden, NV District website: www.dcsd.k12.nv.us State of Nevada website: https://notice.nv.gov |