September 8, 2020 at 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Approval of a Flexible Agenda (For Possible Action)
The Trustees reserve the right to take items in a different order to accomplish business in the most efficient manner.
2. Consent Items SG-G (For Possible Action)
Information concerning the following consent items has been forwarded to each Board Member for study prior to this meeting. Unless a Trustee or member of the audience has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the consent list, the items are approved at one time by the Board of Trustees.
Note: If one of the following items is removed for discussion, it will be heard at the end of the consent items. |
2.A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of August 11, 2020.
Attached are Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of August 11, 2020 for review and approval.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of August 11, 2020.
2.B. Minutes of the Employee Recognition Sub-Committee Meeting of August 26, 2020.
Attached are Minutes of the Employee Recognition Sub-Committee Meeting of August 26, 2020 for review and approval.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Minutes of the Employee Recognition Sub-Committee Meeting of August 26, 2020 for review and approval.
2.C. Minutes of the Trustee Evaluations Sub-Committee Meeting of August 26, 2020.
Attached are Minutes of the Trustee Evaluation Sub-Committee Meeting of August 26, 2020 for review and approval.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Minutes of the Trustee Evaluation Sub-Committee Meeting of August 26, 2020 for review and approval.
2.D. Accounts Payable Special and Regular Run Vouchers
A complete list of payments contained in Accounts Payable Special Vouchers numbers 9960, 9959, 9958, 9957, 9956, 9955, 9954, 2109, 2110, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2115, 2116, and Regular Run Voucher Number 2117 and 2118 are attached. Vouchers have been prepared in accordance to state law and copies of the Vouchers are available for review by the public at the Superintendent's office prior to the meeting.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Special Run Vouchers numbers 9960, 9959, 9958, 9957, 9956, 9955, 9954, 2109, 2110, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2115, 2116, and Regular Run Voucher Number 2117 and 2118.
2.E. Personnel Report No. 20-09
Listed on the Personnel Report No. 20-09 are personnel actions presented for consideration by the Board of Trustees. Salaries for individuals employed will be determined in accordance with salary regulations of the District.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve personnel actions in Personnel Report No. 20-09.
2.F. Budget Voucher Adjustments
A complete list of budget adjustments made by the Director of Business Services during the recent course of business is provided for review and approval by the Board of Trustees as required by NRS 354.598005.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Budget Voucher Adjustments as submitted.
2.G. Summer School Report (Information Only)
2020 Douglas County School DIstrict Summer School data has been compiled.
2.H. Appointment of DCSD Director of Facilities
The superintendent brings before the Board a recommendation to hire Phil Demus as the Director of Facilities. Mr. Demus is a licensed contractor, and comes to the District from Heavenly Ski Resort where he has spent the past 25 in facility maintenance. During his time with Heavenly Ski Resort, Phil has served as the Director of Facilities and the Facilities Department Manager. Mr. Demus comes to DCSD with outstanding references and we are excited to have him join our team.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the recommendation of the superintendent on the hiring of Phil Demus as the Director of Facilities. |
2.I. Monthly Update of Enrollment Counts (Information Only)
Monthly update on enrollment numbers for each school site is provided to the Board.
2.J. Appointment of Douglas High School Vice-Principal
The superintendent brings before the Board a recommendation to hire Eian Gilbert as Vice-Principal at Douglas High School. Eian has served as the Dean of Students at Swope Middle School in the Washoe County School District for the past three years. Prior to that, he has served as a Student-Learning Objective Specialist, an Implementation Specialist, and a Social Studies Teacher in WCSD. He is a 2003 graduate of Grand Valley State University (Michigan) and he earned his Master's in Education Leadership from Western Governors University in 2018. Mr. Gilbert will be a great addition to Douglas High School and DCSD.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the superintendent's recommendation to hire Eian Gilbert as the vice-princiapl at Douglas High School. |
3. Introduction and Special Recognition - SG-C&R (Special Recognition)
4. Nevada Association of School Boards (NASB) Report - SG-G (Information and Discussion)
Karen Chessell, NASB Director, will present details of NASB accomplishments, current issues, and goals.
5. Board Reports - SG-G, C&R (Information and Discussion)
Brief updates from the Board regarding District activities.
6. Correspondence
7. Superintendent Report SG-G (Administrative Report)
Superintendent, Mr. Lewis, will report to the Board regarding activities of the past month and upcoming District events that may be of interest to them.
Below is a summary of donations received by school sites over the last month. The District wishes to acknowledge and thank the generosity of all donors on behalf of the students we serve. Douglas County School District *Several donations of home-made masks have been received at the District Office and distributed to the schools. *Linda Johnson - Donated several backpacks and school supplies which were distributed to the schools. *Joe, Tami, Bodie, and Chloe Stein - Raised approximately $1845.75, purchased school supplies and delivered them to schools within the District. *Pipkin Family Foundation - $10,000 to support current distance/remote learning needs, $15,000 for Partners Across the Community Program Douglas High School *Multiple donations to the DHS athletic program in honor of Earl Jarrett (Aproximately $1300) *Reno Club of Reno Sunrise Charitable Foundation - $1500 to the Culinary Arts Program *Lowe's Home Improvement - 1000N95 masks to DHS *Carson Valley Basketball Association - $5000 to the Girls Basketball Program and $1000 to the Boys Basketball Program |
8. School Resource Officer Report - SG-G (Information Only)
The Board will recieve a report from Officer John Meyer on the statistics related to School Resource Officer interaction with students on the campuses of the District.
9. EPIC Learning Presentation- SG-G, C&R, AS (Information and Discussion)
Rommy Cronin-Mack, Education Services Executive Director, Area 3 will present an update on EPIC Learning in DCSD.
10. Implementation of the Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF) SG-G (Information Only)
NRS 391.485 requires the board of trustees of each school district to annually review the manner in which schools in the school district carry out the evaluation of teachers and administrators pursuant to the statewide performance evaluation system.
DCSD Executive Director of Human Resources, Joe Girdner, has provided an informational overview outlining the steps the District takes to ensure the full implementation of the Nevada Educator Performance Framework for all Douglas County School District certified employees. |
11. Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF) Data Report SG-G (Information Only)
DCSD Executive Director of Human Resources, Joe Girdner, has compiled a report on the Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF) outlining teacher and administrator evaluation data for 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20 school years.
12. Format of Future Board Meetings- SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will discuss the logistics of future board meetings, which will include but is not limited to, in-person and/or Zoom meetings, location designations, and use of technology.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board discuss and make a decision that best serves their needs.
13. Board Proposed Item - Discussion Regarding Superintendent Workshop & Board Member Responsibilities SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will discuss the proposed workshop focused on the roles and responsibilities of the superintendent and members of the Board. The discussion will include, but is not limited to, workshop topics, format, date, and location.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the topics discussed, date, and location for the Board Workshop. |
14. Board Proposed Item - Discussion Regarding Sub-Committee Meeting for Employee Recognition SG-G, (Discussion and For Possible Action)
A Board sub-committee met on August 26, 2020 to discuss recognition of district employees. The Board will consider a recommendation from the Board Employee Recognition Sub-Committee to approve a plan to recognize employees.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the employee recognition plan as presented. |
15. Public Comment (5:30 p.m.)
Comments from the public are invited at this time on topics not specifically addressed elsewhere in the agenda. A sign-up sheet is provided and individuals who wish to address the Board are asked to indicate their desire to speak and the topic about which they will speak. Individuals wishing to address the Board at this time will be limited to three minutes. The Board is precluded from acting on items raised during Public Comment that are not already on the agenda.
16. Closed Session (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will recess to closed session in order to discuss matters with its management representatives pursuant to NRS 288.220(4).
17. Prioritizing Agenda-Possible Items for Future Board Meetings - SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will seek requests from its members for items to be placed on future meeting agendas in accordance with its policies. The Board will discuss all agenda items on the list and prioritize those it wishes to come forward at the next Board Meeting.
18. Public Comment
Comments from the public are invited at this time on topics not specifically addressed elsewhere in the agenda. A sign-up sheet is provided and individuals who wish to address the Board are asked to indicate their desire to speak and the topic about which they will speak. Individuals wishing to address the Board at this time will be limited to three minutes. The Board is precluded from acting on items raised during Public Comment that are not already on the agenda.
19. Adjournment
(*) Times are estimated. Items on the Agenda may be taken out of order. The Board of Trustees may combine two or more agenda items for consideration, and may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time. Generally speaking, the item will be heard no earlier than the time indicated.
If copies of the complete agenda (and supporting materials) are desired in advance, they may be obtained at the District Office on the Friday or Monday preceding a regular Tuesday meeting of the Board. Please contact Caryn Harper at 775-782-5134 or Notice to Individuals with Disabilities: Members of the public who require special assistance or accommodations are asked to notify the District Administration at 1638 Mono Avenue, Minden, Nevada, 89423, or by calling 782-5134, so that such notification is received at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the meeting. |