September 22, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Organization
As of Wednesday September 16, 2020 all members of the Board of Education will be in attendance. Please contact Dr. Wojcik if you cannot attend.
1.1. The Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. The Rondout Way
Respect, Responsibility, Honesty and Kindness . . .Throughout our day.
1.3. Call to Order
1.4. Roll Call
1.5. Review and Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings*
2. Financial Matters
2.1. Financial Update
2.2. Treasurer's Report
2.3. Approval of Bills and Salaries*
Recommended Action
Motion: Move to approve bills ending September 18, 2020 and the salaries ending August 31, 2020 |
2.4. Grants and Donations*
Recommended Action:
Motion: Move to approve the $120.00 Donation from Abbvie |
2.5. Budget Hearing*
Recommended Action : Motion; Move to open the Budget Hearing to review the FY21 budget.
The budget hearing will convene and there will be an opportunity for the Board and audience to ask questions. The hearing will be adjourned and the regular meeting will resume with the vote on the budget. Recommended Action: Motion; Move to close the budget hearing and return to the regular Board of Education Meeting. |
2.6. Approval of FY21 Budget*
Recommended Motion: Move to Approve the FY21 Budget as presented
2.7. Resolution authorizing and providing for an Installment Purchase Agreement for the purpose of paying the cost of purchasing real or personal property, or both, in and for the District and for the issue of not to exceed $2,035,000 General Obligation Debt Certificates (Limited Tax) of the District for the purpose of altering, repairing and equipping school buildings and facilities of the District and improving sites, and authorizing the proposed sale of said Certificates to the purchaser thereof. *
Recommended motion: Move to approve the Resolution authorizing and providing for an Installment Purchase Agreement for the purpose of paying the cost of purchasing real or personal property, or both, in and for the District and for the issue of not to exceed $2,035,000 General Obligation Debt Certificates (Limited Tax) of the District for the purpose of altering, repairing and equipping school buildings and facilities of the District and improving sites, and authorizing the proposed sale of said Certificates to the purchaser thereof.
3. Superintendent's Report
3.1. Legislative Update
3.2. Staff/Student/Program Updates
3.3. Action Items Update
4. Consideration of Business and Board Affairs
4.1. Upcoming Board Committee Meetings
4.2. FOIA
5. Open Forum-Questions or Comments From the Public
5.1. Board Members
5.2. Citizens who wish to address the Board of Education
6. Adjournment*