September 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Reception of Visitors
III. Public Hearing for Fiscal Year 2016 Budget
A public Budget Hearing will be held prior to the Board of Education approving the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2016. Members of the public are invited to comment on the budget prior to approval.
The following timeline has been used and is in compliance with Illinois law: Aug. 3, 2015 Legal notice posted with media Aug. 3, 2015 Tentative FY16 budget available for public display (at least 30 days prior to approval) Aug. 10, 2015 Board of Education approved tentative FY16 budget Sept. 14, 2015 Public Hearing on FY16 Budget Sept. 14, 2015 Board Approval of FY16 Budget |
IV. Recognitions and Celebrations
Erika Myers, STEM Teacher, Lakeview Jr. High School
Joan Cullen, Member of the Board of Education
V. Superintendent's Report
V.A. Monthly Update on the 2014-19 Strategic Plan - Learning Environment
In an effort to provide continuous monitoring of the 2014-19 Strategic Plan, the Superintendent will provide a monthly update to the Board on one the goals from the Strategic Plan. This month's update is on the Learning Environment goal and includes a report from Kim Liles, Director of Student Services. Next month's Strategic Plan report will be on the Finances & Resources goal.
V.B. Superintendent Performance Goals 2015-16
As a result of the Superintendent's 2014-15 evaluation, the Board of Education has establish four performance goal areas. The goals and action plan are attached for the Board's review.
V.C. SASED Talking Points
The August 2015 SASED Talking Points are attached.
V.D. FOIA Requests
The Superintendent will update the Board on all FOIA requests received since the previous Board of Education meeting.
The most recent FOIA requests are as follows: Several FOIA requests were received this past month and will be reported in October. |
V.E. 6-Day Enrollment
The number of students enrolled on the sixth day of school is used to calculate general state aid and other entitlements throughout the year. The information for the 2015-2016 school year, as well as the past three (3) school years are provided.
VI. Scheduled Public Comment
Individuals wishing to address the Board are requested to notify the Superintendent in advance of the meeting. Time allotted for comments is limited to five (5) minutes for each individual requesting to address the Board. |
VII. Consent Agenda Items (5)
Items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. At the request of a Board Member, any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately as an Action item. |
VII.A. Approval of Minutes
VII.B. Financial Affairs
Attached are the Financial Reports for your review.
VII.C. Personnel Report
Debra Principe - Paraprofessional - Ide Jelena Raskovich-Kling - Paraprofessional - Prairieview Retirement None Transfers None New Hires Alison Rolinskas - Speech/Language Pathologist - Elizabeth Ide School Mary Wisdon - IMC Paraprofessional - Elizabeth Ide School Marilyn Riggs - Lunch Room Aide - Elizabeth Ide School Diane Brzozowski - Paraprofessional - Ide School Linda Kasanders - Paraprofessional - Ide School Loraine Bryant - Paraprofessional - Prairieview School Lily Ortega - BACC - Prairieview School Bobby Mueller - Paraprofessional - Lakeview JHS Jenna Pacenka - Paraprofessional - Lakeview JHS Anne Koniecko - Paraprofessional - Lakeview JHS FMLA Jennifer Finn - leave beginning 8/24/15, expected return 11/18/15 - long-term substitute - Breann Wilton Sub Erin Olsen - leave to begin 9/21/15, expected to return August, 2016 - Heather Lopez Sub Melissa Mandru - leave to begin 8/24/2015 - long-term substitute - Jennifer Ikens Sub Kristy Mixon - leave to begin 8/24/15, expected return after 60-teacher attendance days - long-term substitute Tiffany Ampulski Sub Mia Cruz - leave to begin 8/24/15, expected return after 60-teacher attendance days - long-term substitute - Amy Burrows Sub Jennifer Maass - leave to begin 10/1/2015, expected return 1/13/2016 - long-term substitute - Martin Bell Gina Horeni - leave to begin 8/24/15, long-term substitute - Kim Matthews Social Worker Re-Employment None Positions Open: Paraprofessional Bus Driver Substitute Teachers
VII.D. Destruction of Closed Session Recordings
As per Policy 2:220, after 18-months have passed since being made, the audio recording of a closed meeting is destroyed with Board approval.
February 11, 2014 |
VII.E. Annual Recognition of Schools
Districts' and schools' recognition status is based upon compliance with the requirements imposed by law, including but not limited to the recognition standards established by the State Board of Education pursuant to Section 2-3.25 of the School Code.
Each school principal is to submit the application for their school to their district office prior to September 30, 2015. Each district superintendent must submit all applications for the schools in their district to their Regional Office of Education by September 30, 2015. The regional superintendent will submit approved applications to the Illinois State Board of Education by October 15, 2015. All questions asked on the application are referenced from the 23 Illinois Administrative Code, Part 1: Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision. Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve the Annual Recognition of Schools as presented and that the date be recorded in the meeting minutes as required by Illinois School Code.
VII.F. SASED Resolution
The attached resolution was approved by the SASED Board of Control on August 26, 2015. As fiscal agent for SASED, the Center Cass Board of Education also needs to approve the resolution.
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve the SASED resolution as presented.
VIII. Discussion Items without Action (20)
VIII.A. Committee Reports
This is an opportunity for Committee Chairs and individual Board members to update the entire Board on any pertinent committee activities.
VIII.B. Committee of the Whole Meetings for September/October
Each month the Board plans topics for discussion at the upcoming Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting. The next scheduled Committee of the Whole meeting on Sept. 28 conflicts with the scheduled CCEA CBA negotiations meeting. The Superintendent recommends that the Board consider cancelling the Sept. 28 COW meeting and set tentative agenda items for the Oct. 26 COW meeting. Additionally, Michael Volpe, Executive Director of SASED, is available to meet with the Board on Oct. 26 to discuss the fiscal agent status.
VIII.C. Board Representatives for DCIC and DLT
As a follow up to the Aug. 24 COW meeting, the Board would like to discuss DCIC and DLT membership for the upcoming school year.
IX. Public Comments
Members of the public may address the Board in response to items the Board has taken action on or plans to take action. Time allotted for comments is limited to five (5) minutes for each individual requesting to address the Board. |
X. Discussion Items with Action (20)
X.A. Approval of the Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Budget
A Public Budget Hearing was held prior to the Board of Education approving the final Budget for Fiscal Year 2016. Members of the public were invited to comment on the budget during the Public Hearing.
The following timeline has been used and is in compliance with Illinois law: Aug. 3, 2015 Legal notice posted with media Aug. 3, 2015 Tentative FY16 budget available for public display (at least 30 days prior to approval) Aug. 10, 2015 Board of Education approved tentative FY16 budget Sept. 14, 2015 Public Hearing on FY16 Budget Sept. 14, 2015 Board Approval of FY16 Budget Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve the Budget for FY16 as presented.
X.B. Cancellation of Sept. 28 Committee of the Whole Meeting
Each month the Board plans topics for discussion at the upcoming Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting. The next scheduled Committee of the Whole meeting on Sept. 28 conflicts with the scheduled CCEA CBA negotiations meeting. The Superintendent recommends that the Board cancel the Sept. 28 COW meeting and set tentative agenda items for the Oct. 26 COW meeting.
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the Board cancel the Sept. 28 Committee of the Whole meeting due to a conflict with CCEA CBA negotiations. |
XI. New Business
XII. Old Business
XIII. Executive Session
The Board may enter into executive session for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body 5ILCS120/2(c)(1) and collective negotiating matters 5ILCS120/2(c)(2).
XIV. Adjournment