August 10, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Reception of Visitors
III. Recognitions and Celebrations
III.A. TEAM 66 Education Foundation Classroom Grant Awards
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. Monthly Update on the 2014-19 Strategic Plan - Professional Environment
In an effort to provide continuous monitoring of the 2014-19 Strategic Plan, the Superintendent will provide a monthly update to the Board on one the goals from the Strategic Plan. This month's update will include the Professional Environment goal. The Board will receive an update on the 2015-16 PLC model, as well as the 2015-16 Professional Development and Assessment Calendars. Next month's Strategic Plan report will be on the Learning Environment.
IV.B. Parent Technology Presentation
As promised last spring, this fall we will be requiring all parents to participate in an informational session on Learning Never Stops prior to their students receiving mobile devices.
This year, parents will receive the presentation in individual classrooms with teachers, as opposed to a large gym setting. We believe the classroom environment will create a more interactive and meaningful experience for our parents. The presentation may be previewed at |
IV.C. PTO Officers
Center Cass School District 66 is very fortunate to have an active and dedicated PTO that helps to support the schools. The leadership teams of the various groups for the 2015-16 school year are listed below.
Elizabeth Ide School President - Colleen Melie Vice-President - Nicki Woolsey Secretary - Beth Bukey Treasurer - Liz Chlopek Prairieview School President - Jeanne Rerucha Vice President - Kristy McGinley Secretary - Cheryl Maas Treasurer - Paige Norkus Lakeview JHS President - Michelle Brown Vice-President - Pam Topp Secretary - Michelle Huang Treasurer - Maureen Gibbons |
IV.D. New Staff for 2015-16
A list of new staff and internal transfers is attached for the Board's information. We are currently in full hiring mode, which is typical for this time of year.
IV.E. Opening Institute Agenda
IV.F. Superintendent Performance Goals 2015-16
As a result of the Superintendent's 2014-15 evaluation, the Board of Education has establish four performance goal areas. The proposed goals and proposed action plan is attached for the Board's review.
IV.G. Monthly FY16 Budget Update
The attached monthly FY16 budget update is provided for the Board's information. The detailed version shows adjustments to the FY16 budget since the July BOE meeting. Since this is designed to be a working document, it should be viewed as an estimate and noted that the actual FY16 budget will vary slightly.
IV.H. SASED Talking Points
None this month.
IV.I. FOIA Requests
The Superintendent will update the Board on all FOIA requests received since the previous Board of Education meeting.
The most recent FOIA requests are as follows: (None this month) |
V. Scheduled Public Comment
Individuals wishing to address the Board are requested to notify the Superintendent in advance of the meeting. Time allotted for comments is limited to five (5) minutes for each individual requesting to address the Board. |
VI. Consent Agenda Items (5)
Items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. At the request of a Board Member, any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately as an Action item. |
VI.A. Approval of Minutes
VI.B. Financial Affairs
Attached are the Financial Reports for your review.
VI.C. Personnel Report
Kendall Sims - Paraprofessional - Lakeview JHS Retirement None Transfers None New Hires Melissa Holtrup - 2nd Grade - Elizabeth Ide School Jonathan Catigano - Help Desk Assistant FMLA Jennifer Finn - leave beginning 8/24/15, expected return 11/18/15 - long-term substitute - Jennifer Metherd Sub Erin Olsen - leave to begin 9/21/15, expected to return August, 2016 - Heather Lopez Sub Melissa Mandru - leave to begin ?, expected to return ? - long-term substitute TBD Kristy Mixon - leave to begin 8/24/15, expected return after 60-teacher attendance days - long-term substitute Tiffany Ampulski Sub Mia Cruz - leave to begin 8/24/15, expected return after 60-teacher attendance days - long-term substitute - Amy Burrows Sub Jennifer Maass - leave to begin 10/1/2015 Re-Employment None Positions Open: Speech Pathologist - Ide Paraprofessional - IMC at Ide Paraprofessional - Lakeview Lunchroom Aide - Ide Bus Drivers Substitute Teachers
VI.D. Destruction of Closed Session Recordings
As per Policy 2:220, after 18-months have passed since being made, the audio recording of a closed meeting is destroyed with Board approval.
January 14, 2014 |
VI.E. Acceptance of TEAM 66 Education Foundation Classroom Grant Awards
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the Board accept the TEAM 66 Education Foundation Classroom Grant Awards as presented.
VII. Discussion Items without Action (20)
VII.A. Committee Reports
This is an opportunity for Committee Chairs and individual Board members to update the entire Board on any pertinent committee activities.
VII.B. Committee Membership for 2015-16
As a follow up to previous discussions, the Board of Education is invited to review the proposed 2015-16 committee structure for the upcoming school year.
VII.C. Tentative Budget for FY 2016
The tentative budget for FY16 was posted on the District website on Monday, Aug. 3, 2015. The Board is scheduled to review the tentative budget on August 10 and then to approve a final FY16 budget on September 14 during the Annual Public Budget Hearing.
VII.D. Agenda for August 24 Committee of the Whole Meeting
Each month the Board plans topics for discussion at the upcoming Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting. Based on Board conversation at the July 10 meeting, one possible topic for the August 24 COW meeting is the review of the BOE Annual Agenda Calendar.
VIII. Public Comments
Members of the public may address the Board in response to items the Board has taken action on or plans to take action. Time allotted for comments is limited to five (5) minutes for each individual requesting to address the Board. |
IX. Discussion Items with Action (20)
IX.A. SASED Budget FY16
Center Cass School District 66 serves as the administrative agent for our special education cooperative. One of our important functions is to approve the annual SASED Budget. I would suggest the following timeline:
June 11th Approve SASED tentative budget June 12th Place SASED tentative budget on public display June 17th Legal notice posted with media August 11th Approve/Adopt SASED final budget The tentative budget has already been approved by the SASED Board of Control. Recommendation: The administration recommends that the Board of Education approve the tentative SASED Budget for FY16 and direct the Superintendent to place the budget on public display. |
IX.B. Annual Assessment Calendar
The Annual Assessment Calendar is attached for the Board's review and approval. An overview of our balanced approach to assessment is also provided for background information.
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve the Annual Assessment Calendar as presented.
X. New Business
XI. Old Business
XI.A. Board of Education Calendar of Monthly Activities
XI.B. Follow-up from July BOE meeting: Facility Usage Concerns
As a follow up to the concern raised by a neighbor at the July board meeting, I spoke with the leadership of the Downers Grove Rebels softball program in order to address the concerns raised about the early and late games during their recent tournament. They understand our concern and have agreed to limit game times in the future. We will monitor any future tournaments to avoid a repeat of the problem.
I also reported back to the neighbors who raised the concern and thanked them for their patience with the school district as we balance the desire to make our facilities available to the community, while still being a good neighbor to our residents. |
XII. Executive Session
The Board may enter into executive session for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body 5ILCS120/2(c)(1) and collective negotiating matters 5ILCS120/2(c)(2).
XIII. Adjournment