December 11, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Reception of Visitors
III. Recognitions and Celebrations
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. Professional Learning Communities Update
The Superintendent will provide an update on the implementation of the Professional Leaning Communities at the Board meeting. This is directly aligned with the Achievement and Professional Environment Strategic Plan goals.
IV.B. Gifted Task Force Update
Dr. Ninni has been leading our Gifted Task Force and is providing the following report.
In August, we began planning for the development of a GiftedTask Force. Teachers and parents were contacted and asked to join. Additionally, a former teacher in the district was asked to join. Currently, there are 15 members of the task force. The task force began meeting in September. At that time, an overview was provided and tasks were identified. The identified tasks were generated from research in best practices in gifted education, a comprehensive report from an area district, and survey results from parents of identified students. The following tasks are in process or will be accomplished by March of 2015: Develop a definition/philosophy statement (status: in progress) Review longitudinal data of identified gifted students (status: completed) Review/Develop a draft gifted identification process (status: completed) Examine service delivery options (status: in progress; 4 site visits are scheduled) While the larger task force meets monthly, small subcommittees meet weekly to review their task. For example, the gifted identification group pulled research on quality assessments, best practices in identification, and presented this information to the group. Following the meeting, the same group will present a draft gifted identification process for all to agree upon. In order to accomplish these tasks, the group meets weekly to prepare information for the larger group to make informed decisions. With each task, the same process has been used to support the forward motion of a final gifted programming redesign set to be accomplished by March of 2015. |
IV.C. Social Emotional Learning Update
The Superintendent will provide an update on the implementation of the Social/Emotional Leaning Standards at the Board meeting. This is directly aligned with the Achievement, Learning Environment and Professional Environment Strategic Plan goals.
IV.D. Learning Never Stops Initiative Update
The Superintendent will provide an update on the LNS initiative at the Board meeting.This is directly aligned with the Achievement, Learning Environment and Finance/Facilities/Resources Strategic Plan goals.
IV.E. Vision 20/20
Vision 20/20 is the result of a two year effort of state-wide educational organizations to identify the most significant ways that Illinois public schools can guarantee every student, no matter his or her demographic or geographic identity, has equal access to a quality education.
Vision 20/20 shapes a vision for public education in Illinois to guide educators, legislators, labor, businesses, parents, and community members as we work together toward the common goal of fulfilling the promise of public education in Illinois. As public educators, we believe public education works. We reject the premise that education in Illinois has failed but recognize its impact has not been equitably delivered to all student populations and that there are opportunities for continuous improvement. Now is the time to act. Our vision forward is clear. We believe the key to continuous improvement in public education relies on the wisdom and innovation of public educators who work with students every day. Through the Vision 20/20 process, four areas for prioritization emerged: highly effective educators, 21st century learning, shared accountability, and equitable and adequate funding. For additional details on Vision 20/20, please see the attachment or visit the website at
V. Scheduled Public Comment
Individuals wishing to address the Board are requested to notify the Superintendent in advance of the meeting. Tim allotted for comments is limited to five (5) minutes for each individual requesting to address the Board. |
VI. Consent Agenda Items (5)
Items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. At the request of a Board Member, any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately as an Action item. |
VI.A. Approval of Minutes
VI.B. Financial Affairs
Attached are the Financial Reports for your review.
VI.C. Personnel Report
None Retirement None Transfers None New Hires Sabra Barowski - Lunch Room Aide Re-Employment None Positions Open: Teaching Assistant Substitute Teachers |
VI.D. Destruction of Closed Session Recordings
As per Policy 2:220, after 18-months have passed since being made, the audio recording of a closed meeting is destroyed with Board approval. Approval is requested to destroy recordings of May 14, 2013 and May 28, 2013 closed session minutes.
VI.E. Approval of Annual 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip
The proposed date for the 2015 eighth grade Washington, D.C. trip is November 7-9. While we have traditionally traveled on a holiday weekend (Columbus Day or Veterans Day), this weekend presents itself as a period where more of our 8th graders can participate and travel. The Saturday of Columbus Day weekend is when the Cross Country sectionals take place - a qualifying event for the State Competition. Veterans Day does not fall adjacent to a weekend in 2015. After discussion with the administration and teachers involved, we believe November 9 could end up being a day of non-attendance following the parent-teacher conference block. It is also the Monday before Veterans Day. However, if that date does not happen to be a non-attendance day, we agree the educational opportunity presented in the trip to Washington, D.C. merits the day students would miss from school.
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the weekend of November 7-9, 2015 for the 8th grade trip to Washington D.C. |
VI.F. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, D, and E be approved.
VII. Discussion Items without Action (20)
VII.A. Student Registration Fees for the 2015-16 School Year
As planning for the FY 16 budget and educational initiatives, the administration is seeking direction from the Board of Education on the purpose and use of student fees. Specifically the administration needs to know the Board's position on fees related to technology initiatives. It is understood that student fees are only one part of the entire revenue and expenditure picture, but the administration is seeking a general direction that would provide guidance to bringing back options for the Board's consideration in January or February.
VII.B. Committee Reports
This is an opportunity for Committee Chairs and individual Board members to update the entire Board on any pertinent committee activities. The Finance Committee and Communication Committee have both met since the last Board meeting.
VII.C. Administrator Goals
The Superintendent will provide the Board with goals from the Principals and Directors that are focused on the establishment of a district-wide professional learning community and student engagement.
VII.D. Bus Leases/Bus Ridership Study
This year a bid process was used to solicit the lowest cost possible for the bus leases. Bids were solicited following the November Board meeting. Central States Bus Co. was the only bid submitted by the December 1, 2014, 10:00 a.m. deadline.
The following bus lease information will be brought to the Board as an action item in January, 2015. This year our plan calls for us to lease three (3) new 77-passenger buses at a cost of $13,843 each. We will be replacing bus numbers 1, 8, and 11. Year Bus # Annual Cost 2011 2, 5, 13 $41,541 2012 4 $13,993 2012 14 $7,542 2013 6, 9 $27,687 2014 3, 7, 10 $41,531 2014 12 $13,419 2015 1, 8, 11 $41,529 Related to the bus lease, we are also conducting a Bus Ridership Study. Beginning in November 2014 we are tracking the number of assigned and actual students riding the bus each day of a given week. Early results indicate that there is potential to combine Ide and Prairieview on bus routes, thereby enabling the District to better align the school days for K-5 students and teachers. The Board will receive additional information on this at the January, 2015 Board meeting. |
VII.E. School Calendar 2015-2016
It's time to begin planning for the 2015-2016 school year calendar. We will continue the same process as last year to obtain input from the BOE and then all staff. Although we do not anticipate any significant changes to the overall structure of the annual calendar, Board input is welcomed on the 2015-2016 calendar.
However, there is one recommended change on which the administration needs Board input. In order to align our professional development activities with the Regional Office of Education and surrounding districts, the administration recommends having students in attendance on Election Days. Plans are in place to have members of the public vote in two buildings without interacting with our students and to have a police presence during the school day. |
VIII. Public Comments
Members of the public may address the Board in response to items the Board has taken action on or plans to take action. Time allotted for comments is limited to five (5) minutes for each individual requesting to address the Board. |
IX. Discussion Items with Action (20)
IX.A. Tax Levy Approval
Attached you will find a copy of the tentative Tax Levy. I will review it with the Board of Education at the meeting.
November 6, 2014 Approval of the estimated tax levy December 11, 2014 Adoption of the levy The levy must be filed with the County Clerk by the last Tuesday in December (December 30, 2014). Recommendation: I recommend the Board of Education approve the Tax Levy as presented.
IX.B. Contract for Energy Pricing
Attached please find latest quotes for electricity supply for our schools. The low bidder is Dynegy Energy Services (formerly Ameren Energy). They are offering us a 24 -30 months of electricity supply at 6.5 cents per kWh. This rate compares favorably to the current rate with IEC of 7.5 cents per kWh. Based on our historical usage, the district would save approximately $15,000 per year on its electric bill by switching over.
The timing of an energy purchase is important. The energy markets are volatile and can change very quickly. Over the last 10 days, the market come down due to warmer weather forecasts in our area. The impact of mild temperatures this winter creates less demand and allows for a higher natural gas inventories. Since electricity producers use natural gas to generate power, the lower commodity prices will give them a lower cost to produce. The current environment is a “buyers market” and I would recommend that we lock in a rate as soon as we can. Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education authorize the Superintendent to complete an energy pricing contract of up to 24 months that takes advantage of the current lower rates.
X. Executive Session
The Superintendent recommends that the Board enter into executive session for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body 5ILCS120/2(c)(1).
Superintendent Evaluation/Performance Goals |
XI. New Business
XI.A. Staff Holiday Party
The Board is encouraged to spend time interacting with Center Cass staff at the annual post-holiday reception on January 7, 2015. Please see the attached invitation.
XII. Old Business
XII.A. Follow Up Questions from SASED Facility Presentation at the October Board Meeting
The board is invited to discuss the presentation made by Dr. Michael Volpe and suggest follow up questions.
XII.B. IASB/IASA/IASBO Annual Conference
The Board is encouraged to have a discussion about the sessions they attended at the conference this year.
XIII. Adjournment