March 27, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION - Roll Call) The consent agenda consists of non-controversial items that the Board adopts routinely without debate. Any single member may remove an item from the consent agenda by requesting removal at the time the consent agenda is moved for adoption. The full text of items approved by consent may be found at the conclusion of the agenda.
(7:05-7:10) |
I.A. Approval of Agenda
I.B. Approval of Minutes (Meetings of February 27 and March 12, 2014)
I.C. Approval of Monthly Treasurer's Report for February, 2014
I.D. Approval of Payment of Bills and Other Financial Transactions in the grand total amount of $3,173,079.30
I.E. Acceptance of Monthly Financial Report
I.F. Approval of Personnel Staff Changes
I.G. Acceptance of Grant Awards/Donations
I.H. Bid Award - Tech High School Ceiling Replacement Project
II.A. Teaching and Learning Update
Diane Moeller, Assistant Superintendent, will introduce Shawn Hoffman-Bram, Director of Community Education, and Scott Wallner, Assistant Director of Community Education, who will present information on the Community Education and Adult Basic Education Programs in the District.
II.B. Summary of March Work Session
The topic of the Board Work Session held on March 12, 2014, was Early Childhood Goals and Measures. Diane Moeller, Assistant Superintendent, will provide a recap of the Work Session, including key messages and next steps.
Assistant Superintendent Moeller will also provide information on the topic scheduled for the April 9th Board Work Session, which is Strategic Visioning and World Cafe Followup/Core Planning. |
II.C. District Top Ten Student Recognition
The Board of Education will host a reception honoring the "Top Ten" students of Apollo and Tech High Schools. It will be held on Thursday, May 29, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. The event will be televised live on Cable Channel 6.
II.D. Award Diplomas - Tech and Apollo High Schools (Appointments by Board Chair)
Tech and Apollo High Schools will hold their respecitive commencement exercises on Monday, June 2, and Tuesday, June 3, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. at the River's Edge Convention Center. Two Board Members per school are to be appointed to award diplomas to the graduates. All Board Members are encouraged to attend commencement exercises, and stage seating will be provided.
II.E. Report of Selection of Roof Bid Contractor
Kevin Januszewski, Executive Director of Business Services, will present an explanation of the selection process of a Roof Bid Contractor which was approved at the March 12, 2014, Board meeting.
III.A. Resolution Discontinuing Positions (ACTION - Roll Call)
Tracy Flynn Bowe, Executive Director of Human Resources, will present information regarding recommmendations for adjustments in programs and positions based on changes in staffing, enrollments and budgets. A copy of the resolution will be distributed at the meeting.
The Administration recommends approval of the Resolution Discontinuing Positions. |
III.B. Proposed Revised Board Policy 213.2 (DISCUSSION - First Reading)
Jerry Von Korff, Chair of the Board Development Committee will present a proposed revised Board Policy 213.2, School Board/School Liaison Procedure. This is on the agenda for a first reading. A copy of the proposed revised Board Policy is attached.
III.C. Building Additions and HVAC Improvements (ACTION)
Kevin Januszewski will present information regarding proposed building additions and HVAC improvements. This information has been presented to the Board Finance and Audit Committee, and the Committee recommends going forward with beginning the process of the additions and improvement projects. Information is attached.
The Administration recommends approval of beginning the process to put additions on Clearview Elementary School, North Junior High School, and Kennedy Community School, Kitchen Addition at Apollo and conversion of current HVAC systems at nine schools.
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Willie Jett may present information on current activities in District 742.
IV.B. Board of Education Standing Committee Reports
Standing Committee Reports will be presented as follows:
Board Development Committee (Jerry Von Korff, Chair) Community Linkages Committee (Jerry Von Korff, Dennis Whipple, Cindy Harner) Finance and Audit Committee (Cindy Harner, Chair) Integration and Equity Committee (Al Dahlgren, Chair) Legislative Committee (Peter Hamerlinck, Chair) Personnel & Negotiations Committee (Dennis Whipple, Chair) |
Board of Education members may suggest items/topics for future Board Meeting agendas. Items brought forth should have been previously discussed with the Board Chair or Vice Chair, Board Standing Committee, or at a prior Board Work Session/Meeting.
April Work Session Topic: Strategic Visioning and World Cafe Followup/Core Planning Future Work Session Topics: High School Graduation Rates Communications |
VI. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (Detail Information)
VI.A. Approval of Agenda.
VI.C. Approval of Monthly Treasurer's Report
The Administration recommends approval of the Monthly Treasurer's Report for February, 2014.
VI.D. Approval of Payment of Bills
The Administration recommends approval of the payment of bills and other financial transactions in the amount of $2,996,861.42 (Check Numbers 211782-212214 and ACH Numbers 131401762-131402053) and Pcard total of $176,217.88 for a grand total of $3,173,079.30.
VI.E. Monthly Financial Report
The Administration recommends acceptance of the Monthly Financial Report for February, 2014.
VI.F. Personnel Staff Changes
The Administration recommends approval of the following personnel changes pursuant to relevant laws and appropriate provisions of negotiated agreements between the Board of Education and exclusive representatives. For new hires, the indicated rates are consistent with current negotiated agreements and Board approved rates of pay. All rates/salaries listed do not include fringe benefits.
VI.F.1. Licensed Staff
Alternative Leave
Janie Rundall, Speech Language Pathologist, Madison Elementary School, effective September 2, 2014 through October 10, 2014. New Hire Nick Ferguson, Language Art Teacher (Long Call Substitute), North Junior and Apollo High Schools, effective February 24, 2014 through June 6, 2014, Lane BA, Pay Level 2 (53% of a full time contract for 71 days). Mr. Ferguson’s salary for this assignment will be $6,819.04. Brittany Stoermann, Intervention Teacher, Discovery Community School, effective March 10, 2014, Lane BA, Pay Level 2 (full time contract for 68 days). Ms. Stoermann’s salary for this assignment will be $12,322.47. Rehire Joan Beaumont, Music Instructional Leader, District Wide, effective January 15, 2014 through June 5, 2014, Lane MA+60, Pay Level 2 (5% of a full time contract for 99 days). Ms. Beaumont’s salary for this assignment will be $1,230.00. Diane Moeller, Assistant Superintendent, District Administration Office, effective for the 2014-2015 school year, annual salary of $127,750.00. (A copy of the contract is attached.) Jacqueline Klaphake, Sixth Grade Teacher (Long Call Substitute), Kennedy Community School, effective February 3, 2014 until further notice, Lane MA+45, Pay Level 2. Resignation Jennifer Heydt-Nelson, Art Teacher, Technical High School, last day of service March 12, 2014. Ms. Heydt-Nelson is currently on leave. Jeanne Kilian, Special Education Teacher, Technical High School, last day of service June 10, 2014. Lisa Letofsky, German Teacher, Apollo and Technical High Schools, last day of service will be the end of the 2013-2014 school year. Kathleen McClellan (Welle), Second Grade Teacher, Talahi Community School, last day of service March 11, 2014. Ms. McClellan (Welle) is currently on leave. Laura Vincent, Music Teacher, Madison Elementary and Discovery Community Schools, last day of service June 10, 2014. Ms. Vincent is currently on leave of absence.
VI.F.2. Non-Licensed Staff
Leave of Absence
Erin Fleischhacker, Behavior Support Specialist, Oak Hill Community School, effective April 14, 2014 through May 12, 2014. New Hire Adam Ahmed, Cultural Navigator, Lincoln Elementary School, effective March 13, 2014 at an hourly rate of $12.00per hour. Belinda Nicol, Special Education Paraprofessional, Riverwoods, effective March 17, 2014 at an hourly rate of $12.00 per hour. This is a replacement position. Rhonda Plantenberg, Student Support Paraprofessional, Apollo High School, effective March 13, 2014 at an hourly rate of $10.75 per hour. Ariel Weismann, Kitchen Helper, Talahi Community School, effective March 21, 2014 at an hourly rate of $10.56 per hour. Rehire Ken Karna, Behavior Support Specialist (Long Call Substitute), Apollo High School, effective March 10, 2014 through the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year at an hourly rate of $12.56 per hour. Dotoo Nebi, Special Education Paraprofessional, Lincoln Elementary School, effective March 11, 2014 at an hourly rate of $12.00 per hour. This is a replacement position. Heidi Patrias, Special Education Paraprofessional, Madison Elementary School, effective March 12, 2014 at an hourly rate of $12.00 per hour. This is a replacement position. Resignation Joseph Cavello, Special Education Paraprofessional, Apollo High School, last day of service February 27, 2014. Haylee Neuhaus, Special Education Paraprofessional, Madison Elementary School, last day of service January 13, 2014. Ms. Neuhaus is currently on leave of absence. Jolene Schill, Custodian, Oak Hill Community School, last day of service March 24, 2014. Retirement Karen Amy Johnson, Special Education Paraprofessional, SCSU (Co2 Program), last day of service June 6, 2014, after 13 years of service in District 742 schools. Termination Breanna Hubbard, Special Education Paraprofessional, Technical High School, last day of service February 26, 2014. |
VI.G. Acceptance of Grant Awards/Donations (Requires 2/3 Majority of Governing Board, Minnesota Statute §465.03)
The Administration recommends acceptance of the following grant awards/donations:
1. Donation in the amount of $369.00 to the Apollo High School Girls Basketball Program from the St. Cloud Area Youth Basketball for tournament score clocks. 2. Donation in the amount of $360.00 to the Apollo High School Boys Basketball Program from the St. Cloud Area Youth Basketball for score clock and site supervisors. 3. Donation of two 31-day metro bus passes to the District 742 Homeless Program from Joanna Kudrna to help homeless students in the District. 4. Donation of a Samsung Chromebook from Steve Fines to Madison Elementary School for classroom use. 5. Grant award in the amount of $5,000.00 to the Tech High School Business Department from Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund for Personal Finance Software and Books. 6. Donation in the amount of $150.00 to Lincoln Elementary School from the Sunrise Kiwanis of St. Cloud for school supplies for 4th and 5th grade classrooms. 7. Donation in the amount of $2,500.00 to Lincoln Elementary School from the Lincoln PTA to purchase SmartBoards. 8. Donation in the amount of $4,371.00 to South Junior High School from the South Student Council to purchase math supplies for all students. 9. Donation in the amount of $1,615.00 to the Tech High School Softball Program from the St. Cloud Tech Fastpitch Booster Club for new uniforms. 10. Donation in the amount of $100.00 to Discovery Community School from Cathy and Darren Juilfs for student supplies/field trips, etc. 11. Donation in the amount of $300.00 to Tech High School from Beatty-Humphries Post No. 323 for supplies and equipment for Wrestling Program. 12. Donation in the amount of $50.00 from Andrew & Georgia Fruth to Lincoln Elementary School for field trips, etc. 13. Grant award in the amount of $8,100 from the American Library Association, Association for Library Service to Children (2014 Bookapalooza Program), to Talahi Community School to obtain up to 540 library books for the Talahi Library. 14. Donation in the amount of $100.00 from ABATE Central Chapter to Apollo High School Granite City Gearheads for Robotics Club. 15. Donation in the amount of $100.00 from Philip Konsor and Jennifer Hilgers to Apollo High School for Dan LaFountaine Memorial Scholarship. 16. Cycle II Academic Grants and Activities Grants from the District 742 Local Education & Activities Fund in the total amount of $23,463.00. A listing of the grants is attached.
VI.H. Bid Award - Tech High School Ceiling Replacement Project
The Administration recommends that the Board of Education award the contracts for Tech High School Ceiling Replacement Project as follows based upon low bid received meeting specifications:
Package 1: Demo – Dale Gruber Construction, Inc. Base Bid – 1A $ 25,975 Add Alternate 1: Area B $ 12,400 Add Alternate 2: Area D $ 10,795 Package 2: New Acoustical Ceilings – St. Cloud Acoustics, Inc. Base Bid – 2A $105,000 Base Bid – 2B $ 16,735 Add Alternate 1: Area B $ 8,235 Add Alternate 2: Area D $ 7,200 Package 3: Electrical – Design Electric, Inc. Combined Bid – 3A & 3B $104,700 Add Alternate 1: Area B $ 9,560 Add Alternate 2: Area D $ 10,614 Package 4: HVAC – SCR, Inc. Base Bid – 4 $104,500 Package 5: Fire Sprinklers & Related Work – Breth-Zenzen Fire Protection, Inc. Base Bid – 5 $ 26,350 Add Alternate 1: Area B $ 2,100 Add Alternate 2: Area D $ 2,100 Package 6: Metal Studs, Furring, Gypsum Hang, Tape, Sand – Dale Gruber Construction, Inc. Base Bid – 6 $ 6,531 Package 7: Painting – Virnig Painting Company Base Bid – 7 $ 2,775 Package 8: Metal Fabrication – Northside Welding Base Bid – 8 $ 8,750 This project is being funded with Deferred Maintenance funds. A bid tabulation is attached.