May 24, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION - Roll Call) The consent agenda consists of non-controversial items that the Board adopts routinely without debate. Any single member may remove an item from the consent agenda by requesting removal at the time the consent agenda is moved for adoption. The full text of items approved by consent may be found at the conclusion of the agenda.
(7:00-7:05) |
I.A. Approval of Agenda
I.B. Approval of Minutes (Meetings of April 26 and May 9, 2012)
I.C. Approval of Monthly Treasurer's Report for April, 2012
I.D. Approval of Payment of Bills and Other Financial Transactions in the grand total amount of $3,228,925.09.
I.E. Acceptance of Monthly Financial Report
I.F. Approval of Personnel Staff Changes
I.G. Acceptance of Grant Awards/Donations
I.H. Approval for Submission of Grant Applications
I.I. Approval of List of Graduates - Apollo and Technical High Schools - 2012
I.J. Approval of Application for Dissolution of Cooperative Sponsorship
II.A. School Report
Dr. Paula Henry, Principal, along with staff and parents, will present information about Madison Elementary School, including general school demographics, academic performance, student activities, strengths and challenges.
II.B. Teaching and Learning Update
Dr. Julia Espe, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching, Learning, and Development, will introduce the following presentations:
II.B.1. Access and Opportunity Program
Dr. Robert Johnson, St. Cloud State University, and Phil Schroeder, St. Cloud Technical & Community College, will present an update of current happenings with the Access and Opportunity Program.
II.B.2. Social Studies Report
Minnesota Social Studies Standards are being updated and changed for the 2013-2014 school year. Stacie Vos, Administrator in charge of the Social Studies Vertical Team, along with Teachers Andrea Swanberg and Kelli Westling, will present an overview of the plan for implementation. Information is attached.
II.C. Madison Addition/Middle School Renovations Update
Superintendent Bruce Watkins and Kevin Januszewski, Executive Director of Business Services, will present an update at the meeting.
Kevin Januszewski will review the cost estimates for an addition of eight classrooms and bathrooms at Madison Elementary School. Detailed information is available in the Business Services Office upon request. |
III.A. Approval of 2011-12 Revised Budget (ACTION)
Kevin Januszewski will review the revised 2011-12 budget. Information is attached.
The Administration recommends approval of the revised 2011-12 budget as shown below. REVENUE EXPENDITURE General $ 95,345,789 $93,610,563 Transportation 6,204,857 6,424,917 Operating Capital 2,725,199 3,288,394 Health & Safety 1,100,028 730,427 TOTAL GENERAL $105,375,873 $104,054,301 Food Service 4,558,115 4,550,906 Community Services 4,710,487 4,674,930 Building Construction 1,158,227 1,153,227 GO Debt Service 4.465,675 4,409,138 OPEB Debt Service 2,250,244 2,123,565 Trust 60,000 88,209 Internal Service - OPEB Trust 1,032,135 2,199,000 Internal Service - Dental Insurance 1,080,000 960,000 GRAND TOTAL $124,690,756 $124,213,276
III.B. Approval of 2012-13 Budget (ACTION)
Kevin Januszewski will review the proposed 2012-13 budget.
The Administration recommends approval of the 2012-13 budget as shown below. REVENUE EXPENDITURE General $ 92,519,416 $93,153,876 Transportation 6,258,460 6,292,852 Operating Capital 2,781,520 2,847,074 Health & Safety 1,308,150 634,582 TOTAL GENERAL $102,867,546 $ 102,928,384 Food Service 4,540,750 4,527,717 Community Services 4,733,838 4,752,269 Building Construction 4,003,000 4,000,000 GO Debt Service 2,490,785 2,623,263 OPEB Debt Service 2,243,338 2,131,750 Trust 65,000 65,000 Internal Service - OPEB Trust 923,471 2,331,690 Internal Service - Dental Insurance 1,212,000 1,065,000 GRAND TOTAL $123,079,728 $124,425,073 |
III.C. School Lunch Prices - 2012-13 School Year (ACTION)
Kevin Januszewski will present information relative to the proposed increase in student and adult school lunch prices for the 2012-13 school year. The Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 requires school districts to charge a minimum weighted average price for paid lunches. The 2012-13 minimum weighted average price is $2.51 and school districts who do not meet this minimum price are required to annually increase lunch prices by ten cents per lunch until the minimum weighted average price is reached. Information is attached.
The Administration recommends approval of an increase in student and adult lunch prices by 10¢ for the 2012-2013 school year.
III.D. Proposed Board Policy 807 - Health and Safety Policy (First Reading)
Kevin Januszewski, Executive Director of Business Services, will review proposed Board Policy 807 relating to a Health and Safety Policy. This is a new requirement by State Statute. A copy is attached. This proposed policy is on the agenda for a first reading.
III.E. Local Literacy Plan (ACTION)
Dr. Julia Espe will review the proposed Local Literacy Plan for St. Cloud Area School District 742 for 2012-2017. The plan is due to the Minnesota Department of Education by June 30, 2012. A copy is attached.
The Administration recommends approval of the Local Literacy Plan for St. Cloud Area School District 742 for 2012-2017.
III.F. Review and Approval of Tentative Contract Agreements (if any)
(9:15-9:25) |
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Bruce Watkins may present information on current activities in District 742.
IV.B. Board of Education Standing Committee Reports
Standing Committee Reports will be presented as follows:
Board Development Committee (Jerry Von Korff, Chair) Community Linkages Committee (Bruce Mohs, Chair) Finance and Audit Committee (Jerry Von Korff, Chair) Integration and Equity Committee (Les Green, Chair) Legislative Committee (Bruce Hentges, Chair) Personnel & Negotiations Committee (Cindy Harner, Chair) |
Board of Education members may suggest items/topics for future Board Meeting agendas. Items brought forth should have been previously discussed with the Board Chair or Vice Chair, Board Standing Committee, or at a prior Board Work Session/Meeting.
June Work Session topics will include: Proposed Board Policy 807 - Health & Safety Policy (Second Reading) Madison Addition/Middle School Architectural Drawings Board Development Topic for Professional Growth (Read 180) |
VI. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (Detail Information)
VI.A. Approval of Agenda.
VI.C. Monthly Treasurer's Report
The Administration recommends approval of the Monthly Treasurer's Report for April, 2012.
VI.D. Approval of Payment of Bills
The Administration recommends approval of the payment of bills and other financial transactions in the amount of $3,014,121.63 (Check Numbers 201164-201702) and P Card totals in the amount of $214,803.46 for a grand total of $3,228,925.00.
VI.E. Monthly Financial Report
The Administration recommends acceptance of the Monthly Financial Report for April, 2012.
VI.F. Personnel Staff Changes
The Administration recommends approval of the following personnel changes pursuant to relevant laws and appropriate provisions of negotiated agreements between the Board of Education and exclusive representatives. For new hires, the indicated rates are consistent with current negotiated agreements and Board approved rates of pay. All rates/salaries listed do not include fringe benefits.
VI.F.1. Licensed Staff
Alternative Leave
Charlene Irvin-Brown, Licensed Interventionist, Discovery Community School, effective for the 2012-2013 school year, 40% leave of a full time contract. Health Leave Andrew Marincic, Special Education Teacher, St. Cloud Group Home, effective May 14, 2012 through June 7, 2012. Reassignment Brenda Blackmore, Junior High Principal Interim, North Junior High School, effective for the 2012-2013 school year, Lane AB, Step 2. Ms. Blackmore’s salary for this assignment will be $89,236.00. Ms. Blackmore was previously an Assistant Junior High Principal. Rehire Harvey Maki, Special Education Teacher (Long Call Substitute), St. Cloud Group Home, effective April 23, 2012 through June 6, 2012, Lane MA+60, Pay Level 2 (full time contract for 34 days). Mr. Maki’s salary for this assignment will be $8,282.06. Resignation Cassie Sandstrom, Occupational Therapist, Apollo High School, last day of service June 7, 2012. Retirement Cheryl Pennington, Special Education Teacher, InnStep, last day of service June 7, 2012. Ms. Pennington was with the District for almost 33 years. |
VI.F.2. Non-Licensed Staff
Child Care Leave
Nicole Stromberg, Special Education Paraprofessional, South Junior High School, effective on or about September 25, 2012 through on or about November 6, 2012. Leave of Absence Lisa Lachmansingh, Special Education Paraprofessional, Lincoln Elementary School, effective May 7, 2012 through June 6, 2012. Carol Nieters, Second Cook, Apollo High School, effective for the 2012-2013 school year. New Hire Ronald Johnson, Custodian, North Junior High School, effective May 21, 2012 at an hourly rate of $11.27 per hour. Christopher Petters, Custodian, Oak Hill Community and Technical High Schools, effective May 8, 2012 at an hourly rate of $11.27 per hour. Reassignment Amity Felton, Behavior/Truancy Interventionist, Apollo High School, effective April 30, 2012 at an hourly rate of $20.97 per hour. Ms. Felton’s previous position was a Truancy Liaison. Rehire Patty Koepp, Kitchen Helper, Oak Hill Community School, effective May 10, 2012 at an hourly rate of $10.27 per hour. Resignation Rachel Kapsner, Class II Clerical, Community Education, last day of service May 25, 2012. Cassie Payonk, Kitchen Helper, Oak Hill Community School, last day of service May 2, 2012. Xinming Ren, Classroom Paraprofessional, Madison Elementary School, last day of service June 6, 2012. Leif Stinson, Bus Driver, District Services Building, last day of service May 18, 2012. Retirement Dale Teachman, Special Education Paraprofessional, North Junior High School, last day of service June 6, 2012, after almost 34 years of service in District 742 schools. Termination Sireena Foley, Special Education Paraprofessional, North Junior High School, last day of service May 10, 2012. |
VI.G. Acceptance of Grant Awards/Donations (Requires 2/3 Majority of Governing Board, Minnesota Statute §465.03)
The Administration recommends acceptance of the following grant awards/donations:
1. Grant award in the amount of $10,000.00 to the District 742 College Bound Program from the CentraCare Foundation for a Health Care Service Academy. 2. Donation in the amount of $400.00 to the Apollo and Tech Scholarship Programs ($200.00/school) from Kermit Eastman. 3. Donations to the Tech High School Scholarship Program as follows: $600.00 - Kiwanis Downtown Club $600.00 - MN Healthcare Occupations Students of America for NLC Scholarships $2,000.00 - Ajay Prakash for 2012 Prakash Family Scholarship 4. Donation in the amount of $44.60 from the Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary #5548 to Lincoln Elementary School for free Friday milk/juice. 5. Donations to the District 742 Homeless Program as follows: $50.00 - Lisa Heinen $50.00 Lloyd Ley 6. Donations to the Apollo High School Scholarship Program as follows: $400.00 - Jostens/Erick Sueker Scholarship for Class of 2011 and Class of 2012 7. Donation in the amount of $100.00 to the Tech High School Football Program from the St. Cloud Police Benefit Association. 8. Donation in the amount of $1,000.00 to the Tech High School Band Program from Dan and Susan Miller. 9. Donation in the amount of $50.00 to Lincoln Elementary School from Andrew and Georgia Fruth for 3rd grade trip to Riverside Park. 10. Donations to the District 742 Partners In Education Program as follows: $100.00 - McDowall Company $100.00 - Preusser Construction, Inc. 11. Donation in the amount of $300.00 to Talahi Community School from the Delta Kappa Gamma Society to purchase supplies for classrooms. 12. Donation of books and paper to support the educational program for students at the St. Cloud Group Home. 13. Donation in the amount of $2,000.00 to the Apollo High School Football Program from D & L Oils Tools, Tulsa, OK. 14. "Box Tops for Education" donation in the amount of $1,003.00 to South Junior High School for educational needs for students. 15. Grant awards from the District 742 Local Education & Activities Foundation to Tech High School as follows: $500.00 - Skills USA Program and Competitions $1,000.00 - 2012 HOSA NLC Trip 16. Donation in the amount of $700.00 to North Junior High School from the Granite Rotary Club to purchase Ipads for a math classroom. 17. Donation in the amount of $100.00 to Tech High School from Northern Star Therapy, Ltd. for the National HOSA Leadership Conference. 18. Donation in the amount of $1,500.00 to the Tech High School Skills USA Program from Minnesota Precision Manufacturing Association for the Engineering Team. |
VI.H. Approval for Submission of Grant Applications
The Administration recommends approval for submission of the following grant applications:
1. Grant application by Roosevelt Early Childhood to the Lois Lenski Covey Foundation, Inc. in the amount of $1,000.00. The purpose of the grant is to expand and enhance Roosevelt library's circulating collection of books for preschool children. 2. Grant application by Talahi Community School to the Lois Lenski Covey Foundation, Inc. in the amount of $3,000.00. The purpose of the grant is to obtain 266 library books for the Talahi Library to help in reading development. 3. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program grant application to the Minnesota Department of Education in the amount of $204,525.00 by Discovery, Lincoln, Madison, Talahi, and Westwood Schools. The federal Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program is for the purpose of providing fresh fruits and vegetables as healthy snack options to elementary school children during the school day. Elementary schools with a free/reduced lunch rate greater than 50% are eligible to apply (Discovery, Lincoln, Madison, Talahi, and Westwood). The funds will be used for the 2012-2013 school year. 4. Grant application by North Junior High School to the Central Minnesota Arts Board in the amount of $2,860.00 toward the purchase of a wireless microphone sound system for the theater at North Junior High. |
VI.I. Graduates - 2012
The Administration recommends approval of the list of graduates for Apollo and Technical High Schools, contingent upon completion of the requirements for graduation as set forth by statutes and the Board of Education of St. Cloud Area School District 742.
VI.J. Approval of Application for Dissolution of Cooperative Sponsorship
The Administration recommends approval of an application to the Minnesota State High School League for dissolution of the cooperative sponsorship between Apollo High School and the St. Cloud Christian School for Boys Soccer for the 2012-2013 school year.