October 27, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION - Roll Call) The consent agenda consists of non-controversial items that the Board adopts routinely without debate. Any single member may remove an item from the consent agenda by requesting removal at the time the consent agenda is moved for adoption. The full text of items approved by consent may be found at the conclusion of the agenda.
(7:00-7:05) |
I.A. Approval of Agenda
I.B. Approval of Minutes (Meetings of September 22 and October 5, 2011)
I.C. Approval of Monthly Treasurer's Report for August, 2011
I.D. Approval of Payment of Bills and Other Financial Transactions in the grand total amount of $4,169,525.58.
I.E. Acceptance of Monthly Financial Report
I.F. Approval of Personnel Staff Changes
I.G. Acceptance of Grant Awards/Donations
I.H. Quarterly Expenditures for Board Members
I.I. Change Orders - Madison Classroom Addition/Remodel Project
I.J. Bid Award Rescind - Partitions - Discovery, Oak Hill, Talahi, North and South - Rescind Project No. 1
I.K. Award of Energy Efficiency Project Provider Contract
II.A. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Update
(7:05-7:25) |
II.A.1. Standards Based Grading
Standards Based Grading has been in place in the elementary level and is proceeding into the middle level. Teaching and Learning Team Member Sue Doering will overview the process and progress this year.
Teachers Brianne Zauhar, Katie Hagen, and Patti Clymer will present rubrics being developed to guide instruction and assessment. Information is attached.
II.A.2. Parent Climate Survey 2010-2011
Dr. Julia Espe, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching, Learning and Development, will review the Parent Climate Survey results from last year. Information is attached.
II.B. South Junior High School Pool Repairs
Shawn Hoffman-Bram, Director of Community Education, will present information on current usage of the South Junior High School pool. Kevin Januszewski, Executive Director of Business Services, will present information related to the cost of needed repairs and the annual operating costs of the pool.
II.C. Negotiations Process for 2011-2013
Tracy Flynn Bowe, Executive Director of Human Resources, will provide an overview of the negotiations process and information regarding updates for the public.
III.A. Agreement with Apollo Scoreboard Project (ACTION)
Kevin Januszewski, Executive Director of Business Services, will review the proposed agreement. A copy of the agreement is attached.
The Administration recommends approval of an agreement with Apollo Scoreboard Project, LLC, for the right to sell advertising on scoreboard displays and interior kiosks in exchange for the use of scoreboards and interior kiosks.
III.B. Approval of Proposed OCR Document (ACTION)
Superintendent Bruce Watkins and Tracy Flynn Bowe will review the proposed agreement. A copy is attached.
The Administration recommends approval of the agreement with the OCR.
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Bruce Watkins may present information on current activities in District 742.
IV.B. Board of Education Standing Committee Reports
Standing Committee Reports will be presented as follows:
Board Development Committee (Cindy Harner, Chair) Community Linkages Committee (Bruce Mohs, Chair) Finance and Audit Committee (Jerry Von Korff, Chair) Integration and Equity Committee (Les Green, Chair) Legislative Committee (Bruce Hentges, Chair) Personnel & Negotiations Committee (Jerry Von Korff, Chair) |
Board of Education members may suggest items/topics for future Board Meeting agendas. Items brought forth should have been previously discussed with the Board Chair or Vice Chair, Board Standing Committee, or at a prior Board Work Session/Meeting.
Work Sessions are not scheduled for the months of November and December, 2011. |
VI. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (Detail Information)
VI.A. Approval of Agenda.
VI.C. Approval of Monthly Treasurer's Report
The Administration recommends approval of the Monthly Treasurer's Report for August, 2011.
VI.D. Approval of Payment of Bills
The Administration recommends approval of the payment of bills and other financial transactions in the amount of $3,868,272.18 (Check Numbers 196705-197550 and ACH 111200079-111200307) and P Card Totals of $301,253.40 for a grand total of $4,169,525.58.
VI.E. Monthly Financial Report
The Administration recommends acceptance of the Monthly Financial Report for August, 2011.
VI.F. Personnel Staff Changes
The Administration recommends approval of the following personnel changes pursuant to relevant laws and appropriate provisions of negotiated agreements between the Board of Education and exclusive representatives. For new hires, the indicated rates are consistent with current negotiated agreements and Board approved rates of pay. All rates/salaries listed do not include fringe benefits.
VI.F.1. Licensed Staff
Additional Assignment
Missy Bradner, Read 180 Teacher, Apollo High School, effective 2011-2012 school year, Lane MA, Pay Level 6 (3% of a full time contract for 188 days). Ms. Brander’s salary for this assignment will be $1,423.62. Ms. Bradner is currently a full time teacher. Dan Holan, Athletic Director, North Junior High School, effective 2011-2012 school year, Lane BA+60, Pay Level 17 (20% of a full time contract for 188 days). Mr. Holan’s salary for this assignment will be $10,704.20. Mr. Holan is currently a full time teacher. Christine Kesler, Read 180 Teacher, North Junior High School, effective 2011-2012 school year, Lane BA, Pay Level 4 (10% of a full time contract for 188 days). Ms. Kesler’s salary for this assignment will be $3,581.60. Ms. Kesler is currently a full time teacher. Carla Olsen, Physical Education Teacher, Oak Hill Community School, effective 2011-2012 school year, Lane BA+30, Pay Level 17 (3% of a full time contract for 185 days). Ms. Olsen’s salary for this assignment will be $1,381.95. Ms. Olsen is currently a full time teacher. Child Care Leave Sara Norman, Kindergarten Teacher, Discovery Community School, effective on or about January 17, 2012 through on or about March 2, 2012. Health Leave Joan Seaquist, Speech Language Pathologist, North Junior High School, effective October 11, 2011 through October 24, 2011. Ernest Watson, Deaf/Hard of Hearing Teacher, Discovery, Clearview, Tech, Roosevelt and South Schools, effective September 9, 2011 through June 1, 2012. New Hire Jennifer Johnson Olsen, Elementary Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, effective September 26, 2011, Lane BA, Pay Level 2 (full time contract for 170 days). Ms. Johnson Olsen’s salary for this assignment will be $30,376.90. Jean Reum, Special Education Teacher (Long Call Substitute), Westwood Elementary School, effective September 26, 2011 through March 12, 2012, Lane BA, Pay Level 2 (full time contract for 107 days). Ms. Reum’s salary for this position will be $19,096.40. This is a replacement position. Part-Time Leave Program (Pursuant §354.66) Lissa Miller, Early Childhood Family Education Teacher, Roosevelt Early Childhood Center, action effective for the 2011-2012 school year, 50% leave of a full time contract. Ms. Miller to pay both employee and employer share of TRA. Salary and benefits to be prorated. This is an amendment to the August 25, 2011 Board action on the consent agenda where this item was listed as a 40% leave of a full time contract. Reassignment Michael Rivard, Social Worker, South Junior High School, reassigned to Special Education Supervisor, City Life, effective October 10, 2011, Lane MA+60, Pay Level 15 (full time contract for 169 days). Mr. Rivard’s salary for this assignment will be $64,514.00. Rehire Kerry Backes, Special Education Teacher (Long Call Substitute), Kennedy Community School, effective October 20, 2011 through December 22, 2011, Lane BA+30, Pay Level 2 (full time contract for 44 days). Ms. Backes’ salary for this assignment will be $8,541.72. This is a replacement position. Andrea Shirey, Special Education Teacher (Long Call Substitute), Discovery Community School, effective August 30, 2011 through October 11, 2011, Lane BA, Pay Level 2 (full time contract for 29 days). Ms. Shirey’s salary for this position will be $5,151.66. This is a replacement position. Retirement Stephanie Lommen, Special Education Teacher, Oak Hill Community School, last day of service December 22, 2011 after 30 ½ years of service in District 742 schools. Charleen Peterson, Special Education Assessment Specialist, last day of service June 9, 2011 after 17 years of service in District 742 schools. |
VI.F.2. Non-Licensed Staff
Child Care Leave
Paul Diaz, Special Education Paraprofessional, Discovery Community School, effective October 24, 2011 through November 11, 2011. Michael Lipinski, Media Technician, District Media Services, effective January 3, 2012 through February 14, 2012. Wendy Lipinski, Media Technician, District Media Services, effective January 3, 2012 through March 27, 2012. Family Medical Leave Act Alisa Kometz, Special Education Paraprofessional, Westwood Elementary School, effective September 29, 2011 through October 24, 2011. Health Leave Carla Long, Special Education Paraprofessional, Discovery Community School, effective October 7, 2011 through October 27, 2011. Leave of Absence Mary Marschel, Title I Paraprofessional, Talahi Community School, effective October 10, 2011 through October 31, 2011. Joyce Terwey, Health Paraprofessional, Technical High School, effective October 14, 2011 through October 31, 2011. New Hire Jennifer Alonzo, Classroom Paraprofessional, North Junior High School, effective October 5, 2011 at an hourly rate of $11.35 per hour. Courtney Asher, Clerk Typist II, Apollo High School, effective October 11, 2011 at an hourly rate of $11.51 per hour. Chad Carner, Student Support Paraprofessional, Madison Elementary School, effective October 3, 2011 at an hourly rate of $8.70 per hour. Brittany Howard-Monjeau, Student Support Paraprofessional, Oak Hill Community School, effective October 7, 2011 at an hourly rate of $8.70 per hour. Sarah Masters, Special Education Paraprofessional (Long Call Substitute), Discovery Community School, effective October 11, 2011 through October 31, 2011 at an hourly rate of $10.47 per hour. This is a replacement position. Ali Mohamed, Cultural Navigator, Technical High School, effective October 11, 2011 at an hourly rate of $11.35 per hour. Erin Thueringer, Classroom Paraprofessional, Roosevelt Early Childhood Center, effective October 6, 2011 at an hourly rate of $10.47 per hour. Jenna Weber, Student Support Paraprofessional, Madison Elementary School effective September 6, 2011 at an hourly rate of $8.70 per hour. Rescind Leave Ann Gray, Special Education Paraprofessional, Clearview Elementary School, rescind leave effective October 13, 2011. This is an amendment to the October 5, 2011 Board action on the consent agenda where this item was listed as a leave of absence. Resignation Joshua Ackley, Bus Driver, District Services Building, last day of service October 19, 2011. Michelle Carlson, Special Education Paraprofessional, Riverwoods, last day of service November 4, 2011. Ammy Cameron, Special Education Paraprofessional, Roosevelt Early Childhood Center, last day of service October 31, 2011. Enoch Dix, Behavior Interventionist, Apollo High School, last day of service October 29, 2011. Mr. Dix is currently on leave. Genelle Jackson, Interpreter, Roosevelt Early Childhood Center, last day of service September 30, 2011. Nicole Jendro, Kitchen Helper, Technical High School, last day of service October 5, 2011. Lytonia Smith, Cultural Navigator, Talahi Community School, last day of service October 14, 2011. Ms. Smith was on leave. Retirement Joyce Foster, Title I Paraprofessional, Westwood Elementary School, last day of service October 17, 2011 after 24 years of service in District 742. |
VI.G. Acceptance of Grant Awards/Donations (Requires 2/3 Majority of Governing Board, Minnesota Statute §465.03)
The Administration recommends acceptance of the following grant awards/donations:
1. Donations to the Apollo High School Scholarship Program, as follows: $1,600.00 the Kopp Family Foundation for student scholarships $500.00 from the St. Cloud Morning Optimist Club for 2012 scholarship 2. Donation of household and personal items (estimated value of $550.00) from the Kimball Church of Christian Women's Group to the District 742 Homeless Program. 3. Donation in the amount of $500.00 to the Tech High School Scholarship Program from the St Cloud Optimist Club for a 2012 Tom Pierce -St. Cloud Optimist Scholarship. 4. Target Take Charge of Education donations as follows: $647.09 to South Junior High School $1,533.46 to Kennedy Community School 5. Donations to the District 742 Pen Pal Program as follows: $88.00 from the Central Minnesota Noon Optimist Club $88.00 from the Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 622 $88.00 from the Zonta Club of St. Cloud 6. Donation in the amount of $1,000.00 from the St. Cloud Morning Optimist Club to the Apollo High School Football Program. 7. Donation of supplies (value of $1,001.74) to Lincoln Elementary School from Office Max "A Day Made Better" Event. 8. Donation in the amount of $630.00 from the Kiwanis Downtown Club to Lincoln Elementary School for PAKRAT Program and miscellaneous supplies. 9. Donation in the amount of $500.00 from the Millstream Arts Festival to Kennedy Community School for a Jean Matzke Art Scholarship (for music programs). 10. Donation in the amount of $100.00 from Timberland Properties to Madison Elementary School for school supplies for students. 11. Donation in the amount of $400.00 from the College of St. Benedict to Talahi Community School to purchase supplies as needed for classrooms. 12. Donations from the Kopp Family Foundation for the Random Acts of Kindness Program, as follows: $1,000.00 to Tech High School $1,500.00 to South Junior High School 13. Donation in the amount of $58.50 from the Clear Lake Lions Club to Clearview Elementary School to purchase supplies for students. 14. Donation in the amount of $200.00 from the College of St. Benedict/St. John's University to Clearview Elementary School for hosting student teachers. 15. Donation in the amount of $198.25 and school supplies/preschool materials from Mom's Club of St. Cloud to Roosevelt Early Childhood Services. 16. Donation to the District 742 Homeless Program & Welcome Center for school supplies, as follows: $500.00 from the Fashion Bug $600.00 from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of St. Cloud $600.00 from the US Post Office $600.00 from the Knights of Columbus, Womens Auxiliary $1,000.00 from the Tech High School National Honor Society 17. Donations of Special Education equipment to the Adapted Physical Education Program as follows: Clearview (estimated value of $500.00) from the Myres Family Clearview (estimated value of $75.00) from the Marquis Family Clearview (estimated value of $100.00) from the Brusso Family Roosevelt (estimated value of $55.00) from the Starren Family 18. Donation in the amount of $100.00 from Dr. Dennis & Mrs. Brenda Woggon, DC to South Junior High School to fund the backpack foodshelf program that feeds hungry students and families on the weekends. 19. Donation of backpacks filled with food (estimated value of $100.00) from Mary Tamm to South Junior High School for the Backpack Foodshelf Program. 20. Donation in the amount of $200.00 to South Junior High School from South's Student Council Club to provide additional reading materials for students to supplement their literacy program. 21. LEAF Cycle I Grant Awards totaling $20,672.00 and Adopt a Classroom Project Grant Awards totaling $11,000. Detailed information is attached.
VI.H. Quarterly Expenditures for Board Members
The total expenses incurred by Board Members from July 1, 2011 through September 30, 2011 was $395.64. A copy of the total detailed expenses is attached.
VI.I. Change Orders - Madison Classroom Addition/Remodel Project
The Administration recommends approval of the following change orders for the above named project. The total amount of the change orders is +$30,421.00.
1. Change Order #1 with Winkelman Building Corp. in the amount of +$23,413 for the following: construction management fee and general conditions of the Deferred Maintenance Cafeteria, and tie out estimate to final contracts for caulking deduct, sod in lieu of budgeted seeding, built up roofing in lieu of budgeted epdm roofing, and caulking. 2. Change Order #1 with Charlie Walker Construction in the amount of +$3,500.00 to assemble and install 65 additional lockers. 3. Change Order #1 with St. Cloud Refrigeration in the amount of -$240.00 due to elimination of 2 fire camper for storage room. 4. Change Order #1 with Central Minnesota Ceilings in the amount of +$375.00 to install new ceiling in small hallway off of cafeteria. 5. Change Order #1 with City Wide Insulation in the amount of +$420.00 to add spray foam to beam bearing pockets at exterior wall. 6. Change Order #1 with East Side Glass Company in the amount of +$475.00 to install metal angle below new classrooms. 7. Change Order #1 with Summit Fire Protection in the amount of -$1,025.00 for leaving heads in same location in Cafeteria. 8. Change Order #1 with CAMCO Construction, Inc. in the amount of +$3,503.00 for supply and installation of fluid applied vapor barrier to block wall and installation of glazed block inside hitchen at HVAC grilles. |
VI.J. Bid Award Rescind - Partitions - Discovery, Oak Hill, Talahi, North and South - Rescind Project No. 1
The Administration recommends that the Board of Education rescind Project No. 1 which includes Discovery, Oak Hill, and Talahi in the amount of $98,970.00. The bid amount was for the cafeteria partitions instead of the gym partitions. The District does not have funding available at this time to do the gym partition projects.
There are no changes to the bid award for Project No. 2 for North and South in the amount of $159,984.00 to W. L. Hall, which is funded with Deferred Maintenance funds. |
VI.K. Award of Energy Efficiency Project Provider Contract
The Administration recommends award of the Energy Efficiency Project Provider Contract to McKinstry. The proposals were reviewed by the Executive Directors and they are recommending McKinstry. A company qualification comparison is attached.
This project is funded with future energy efficiency savings.