May 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledges
4. Special Presentation to Sarah Richmond for her years of service to Pittsburg ISD
5. Public Forum
6. Oath of Office to elected board member
7. Items for Action: Discussion and Consideration
7.1. Reorganization of board officers
8. Presentations
8.1. High School Students
8.2. Pirate Gold Award
8.3. Special Thanks to Pilgrim Bank
9. Communication to and from Board
9.1. May 21, 2021 Graduation Information
9.2. Letter of Support for City of Pittsburg Grant
10. Information Items
10.1. Enrollment
10.2. 2020-2023 ESSER III Program and Budget Planning for Federal Grant
11. Consent Agenda
11.1. Minutes
11.2. Financial Report
12. Items for Action: Discussion and Consideration
12.1. Approve or deny request from Benny Ramey to waive penalties and interest for 2019
12.2. Approve Board of Trustees Operating Procedures for 2021
12.3. Approve signatures for new board officers for accounts at Pilgrim
12.4. Discussion, review and approval of the policy of mandatory mask requirements for the end of current school year
12.5. Discussion, review, and approval of back to school plan (six month)
12.6. Approve Resolution of the Board Regarding ESSER III and Policy CB (LOCAL), State and Federal Revenue Sources
13. Closed Meeting- to be convened according to Government Code,Chapter 551.074- Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of individual public officers or employees and Govt' Code 551.071 Attorney Consultation
13.1. Personnel
13.1.1. Approve possible new positions
14. Items for Action: Discussion and Consideration
14.1. Approve new postiions
15. Adjournment