September 23, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation
4. Recognition of Visitors
5. Discussion
5.A. Public Discussion Regarding FieldTurf, a Tarkett Sports Company, and Hellas, Inc. Presentations
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting
6.B. Principal's Report
6.B.1. Campus Activities Update
Dale Jones
6.B.2. Technology Update
Dave Hanes
6.B.3. Agriculture Science Update
Amanda Anderson
6.C. Business Manager Report
Keeli Hines
6.C.1. Financial Information
6.C.2. Budget and Revenue Realized
6.C.3. Tax Report
6.C.4. Utility Report
6.C.5. Monthly Expenditures
6.D. Superintendents Report
Garrett Luft
6.D.1. School Facilities Update
Report from Bond Committee meeting held on Tuesday, September 17.
Discuss engaging with architecture firms for Phase 3 of bond proposal. |
6.D.2. School Housing Update
Update on the school house that was placed up for bid closing on September 5.
6.D.3. Safety & Security Update
Report from the Safety & Security Committee Meeting on Thursday, September 19 at lunch; Discuss teacher training on Monday, September 23.
6.D.4. TIA Exploration
Report on involvement in the grant-funded ESC 14 program that walks through the TIA process and helps to develop a TIA plan without requiring that the school participate. TIA would provide incentive payments to teachers who earn it OUTSIDE of already existing Ira ISD revenues.
6.D.5. Discussion of Rock Gym Memorial
7. New Items
7.A. Approve Notification of Intent to Withdrawal from the ABCSSA for the 25-26 School Year
7.B. Approve a Vendor to Design and Build Phase 2 of the Bond Proposal
7.C. Approve Resolution Authorizing Participation in the Equalis Group Purchasing Cooperative
7.D. Action to Approve the Completion of Cyber Security Awareness Training for the Board of Trustees
8. Executive Session
8.A. Personnel