July 22, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation
4. Recognition of Visitors
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting
5.B. Principal's Report
5.B.1. Campus Activities Update
Dale Jones
5.B.2. Technology Update
Dave Hanes
5.B.3. Agriculture Science Update
Amanda Anderson
5.C. Business Manager Report
Keeli Hines
5.C.1. Financial Information
5.C.2. Budget and Revenue Realized
5.C.3. Tax Report
5.C.4. Utility Report
5.C.5. Monthly Expenditures
5.C.6. Budget Amendments
5.C.7. Ira 313 Account
5.D. Superintendents Report
Garrett Luft
5.D.1. School Facilities Update
5.D.2. Policy Review
6. New Items
6.A. Take from the Table and Approve TASB Board Policy Update 123
6.B. Approve 2024-2025 Student Handbook and Code of Conduct
6.C. Approve 2024-2025 Employee Handbook
6.D. Approve New 2024-2025 Student Transfer
6.E. Approve 2024-2025 Cafeteria Prices
6.F. Approve Increasing Credit Card Limits for Current Credit Cards
6.G. Approve Addition of Credit Cards for the Following Employees: Keeli Hines and Morgan Moore
6.H. Approve Resolution Regarding Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization - Scurry County
6.I. Approve Resolution Regarding Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization - Mitchell County
6.J. Approve Contract with Scurry County Clerks Office for November Election
6.K. Approve Contract with Mitchell County Clerks Office for November Election
6.L. Approve Issuing a School District Teaching Permit to Cati Patrick to Teach Career and Technical Education Courses in Health Sciences, Certified by the Superintendent
6.M. Approve Issuing a School District Teaching Permit to Heather Strain to Teach Career and Technical Education Courses in Business and Marketing, Certified by the Superintendent
6.N. Deliberation of Option Related to the Removal and/or Demolition of the House Structure(s) on Ira ISD Real Property Located at 11044 Ira School Road, Ira, TX
6.O. Deliberation and Possible Action to Adopt a Board Resolution that Accomplishes the Following: (1) declares the house structure only (no real property) located at 11044 Ira School Road, Ira, Texas, to be surplus personal property of the District; (2) authorizes the disposal of the surplus house structure only (no real property); (3) authorizes the Superintendent to take any and all action necessary to advertise the sale of the surplus house structure only (no real property) to the highest responsible bidder who can remove the surplus house structure from the real property upon which it stands without cost to the District by a date certain as determined by the Superintendent; and (4) address other actions pertaining to its advertising and sale.
7. Executive Session
7.A. Personnel