August 31, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation
4. Recognition of Visitors
5. Public Hearing on Proposed Budget and Tax Rate for the 2020-2021 School Year
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting
6.B. Principals Report
6.B.1. Campus Activities Update
Dale Jones
6.B.2. Technology Update
Dave Hanes
6.B.3. Agriculture Science Update
Leo Sellers
6.C. Business Manager Report
Keeli Hines
6.C.1. Financial Information
6.C.2. Budget and Revenue Realized
6.C.3. Tax Report
6.C.4. Utility Report
6.C.5. Monthly Expenditures
6.C.6. Budget Amendments
6.D. Superintendents Report
Brian Patterson
6.D.1. School Facilities Update
6.D.2. COVID Update
7. New Items
7.A. Adopt 2020-2021 Maintenance and Operation Tax Rate
7.B. Adopt 2020-2021 Interest & Sinking Tax Rate
7.C. Adopt 2020-2021 Budget
7.D. Consideration and Action to Approve the 2020-2021 Educational Contracts with ESC 14
7.E. Discussion and possible action to: accept the Application of Canyon Wind Farm, LLC for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property; authorize the Superintendent to review the Application for completeness and submit to the Comptroller; and authorize the Superintendent to enter into any agreement to extend the deadline for Board action beyond 150 days subject to Board ratification.
7.F. Discussion and possible action to retain consultants to assist the District in processing of Application from Canyon Wind Farm, LLC
8. Executive Session